Let's set the record straight. Big Mig was dominating in the heyday of unchecked EPO usage. But, that doesn't make him a doper. After all, he was a nice guy, like Millar. Only cold, aloof people like Armstrong dope. Besides, it's a known fact that retro testing samples taken before 1999 is unreliable.
Nor does it make the person who finally toppled him a doper either. Unless he actually was. But, that's okay. It's not like he became the DS of a successful team after he retired. And it's not like some of his top riders were busted for doping after they left the team, like that PED pushing Bruyneel.
A true champion like Ullrich would never have doped. And if he did, he wouldn't have denied it like those scheming US riders.
Being from the US, that makes one a doper. They had to be cheating. After all, most of the other riders were. Therefore, Hincapie has to be a doper. No one from the US can be competitive otherwise. Oh, there was that guy named LeMond, but his name sounds sort of French, and he was riding before they had EPO. He would have used it if it were available, though.
But, I can understand this. After all, if foreigners came in and dominated one of our national sports, like basketball, we'd probably get an attitude and shout doper at them. You see, players like Ming, Azubuke, and Olajuwan are actually Americans. They were just born in another country.
And I'd like to see George win a big one before he retires. Probably won't happen, though.
Thoughtforfood said:
Um, you go by "Indurain" and have the nerve to accuse someone else of doping? George probably did/does dope, but you are completely naive to believe Indurain didn't. Save the righteous indignation for someone else.
I for one hope he has on good P-R left too. Columbia have strong enough riders to put him in position.