MadBarry said:
Saw Michael Rogers with the giant cheque with the would think the organisers would be embarrassed to present it. It was for $21,000. The same weekend an Aussie kid won a golf tournament and the news said he was $1.4m richer. I cannot even begin to fathom why there should be such a disparity in earnings.
Well two things.
First of all, cyclists, as members of a team, get paid a salary, golfers don't. Obviously many golfers have sponsorhip deals that net them far more money than even the richest tournament prize pools do, but that is neither here nor there. Just because corporations see far more benefit in paying a golfer millions, or paying a tournament millions to give (in part) to the players themselves is not the fault of the ToC organizers.
Secondly, given that the Tour of California probably doesn't generate a whole lot of revenue (or at least I don't see how they were able to turn a profit this year after paying off the whole sports media to not write up how ridiculous is it for the ToC to be considered a 4th GT) a $21k bonus for the winner is, in my eyes, pretty decent. Cycling isn't, and has never been, a wealthy sport you know.