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Understanding Omerta

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Aug 19, 2009
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Epicycle said:

Great articles, Epi!

It was interesting to read that Ritolin was a drug of choice for pro cyclists back then. Wow, on top of being asthmatic - most pro cyclists have attention deficits too. They really are a fragile bread. I guess that explains all the crashing!

Nice to see too that the inaccurate test argument was around back then. You'd figure that in 40+ years scientist would be able to pull it together and give the world tests that give accurate results. I guess not!:rolleyes:
Aug 19, 2009
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forty four said:
if you cant do the time dont do the crime and if you get caught dont be a rat nothing worse. im all for attempting to stop doping through testing etc... but i dont care for the kohls and simonis of the peloton. the omerta is not so much only in cycling its just how most are raised dont be a rat.

Is it okay to "rat" if you haven't been caught or if you haven't cheated? Is it the clearing of the conscience that bothers you, or just ratting?
Bag_O_Wallet said:
Is it okay to "rat" if you haven't been caught or if you haven't cheated? Is it the clearing of the conscience that bothers you, or just ratting?

Would you really be bothered whether people named names after they'd been caught or if they were still riding? I'd say that anything that helps bring dopers/doctors/whoever down, it doesn't really matter..


the truth. said:
Rather have the honesty of Kohl than the continued lies of Ricco.

assuming he is honest....

I think it's great that he comes out and says what he says, but he has every incentive in the world to make up half of what he says.

Think about it, he has nothing to gain from actually riding his bike. The only money this guy will ever earn is by being paid for information in interviews, or some kind of 'tell-all' book.

Hypothetically, say the 'truth' is that he took CERA, and that was it.

Who would pay him to tell them that? Who would pay him to write a book about it? No-one, becoz it's boring, and proven knowledge.

So he has an incentive to lie and make up stuff about different PEDs, the blood doping, the doctors etc, becoz without this 'information' that he supposedly provides, he will never make any money for selling his story...

Im not saying he is lying, but i'm just pointing out that when he makes outrageous claims we should not take this as 'fact' as he has an incentive to lie
Mountain Goat said:
assuming he is honest....

I think it's great that he comes out and says what he says, but he has every incentive in the world to make up half of what he says.

Think about it, he has nothing to gain from actually riding his bike. The only money this guy will ever earn is by being paid for information in interviews, or some kind of 'tell-all' book.

Hypothetically, say the 'truth' is that he took CERA, and that was it.

Who would pay him to tell them that? Who would pay him to write a book about it? No-one, becoz it's boring, and proven knowledge.

So he has an incentive to lie and make up stuff about different PEDs, the blood doping, the doctors etc, becoz without this 'information' that he supposedly provides, he will never make any money for selling his story...

Im not saying he is lying, but i'm just pointing out that when he makes outrageous claims we should not take this as 'fact' as he has an incentive to lie

He has an annual salary to gain by riding his bike. Making statements about doping arguably lessens his chances of receiving any further contract offers.


Bronstein said:
He has an annual salary to gain by riding his bike. Making statements about doping arguably lessens his chances of receiving any further contract offers.

He has stated that he will never race his bike again, so in fact, he does not have an annual salary to gain in the future. Making these statements do not lessen his chances of a future contract (to ride) becoz he is not ever going to again, the only money he will make in the cycling world is a tell-all book and interviews, and as such, to make the book/interviews more interesting he can bend the truth a little/lot and make the problem look worse to drive up his price, well at least that is my opinion about his incentives
Mountain Goat said:
He has stated that he will never race his bike again, so in fact, he does not have an annual salary to gain in the future. Making these statements do not lessen his chances of a future contract (to ride) becoz he is not ever going to again, the only money he will make in the cycling world is a tell-all book and interviews, and as such, to make the book/interviews more interesting he can bend the truth a little/lot and make the problem look worse to drive up his price, well at least that is my opinion about his incentives

Maybe so, but then again he's only what 27? still young, he's going to have the itch of riding once his ban finishes I bet on it.
Sep 15, 2009
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Mountain Goat said:
He has stated that he will never race his bike again, so in fact, he does not have an annual salary to gain in the future. Making these statements do not lessen his chances of a future contract (to ride) becoz he is not ever going to again, the only money he will make in the cycling world is a tell-all book and interviews, and as such, to make the book/interviews more interesting he can bend the truth a little/lot and make the problem look worse to drive up his price, well at least that is my opinion about his incentives

Yeah he won't race again just like Vinokourov.