I'm training for a time trial that is taking place in May 2010. I have a pretty good handle on the training part of it, but am unsure how best to warm up on the day of the event.
The course is 21 miles, slight uphill (< 2%) for the first 17 miles, then averaging 6-7% uphill for the final 4 miles. I'm hoping to complete this in 1:10 - 1;15.
How best should I warm up for this on race day? I'm thinking I will set up my indoor trainer next to the car and spin for a while like I see the pros doing at The Tour. Does this make sense? How long should I warm up? At what intensity? How will I know when I'm warmed up? Should I stretch after the warm up, before the start?
John from New Hampshire, USA
I'm training for a time trial that is taking place in May 2010. I have a pretty good handle on the training part of it, but am unsure how best to warm up on the day of the event.
The course is 21 miles, slight uphill (< 2%) for the first 17 miles, then averaging 6-7% uphill for the final 4 miles. I'm hoping to complete this in 1:10 - 1;15.
How best should I warm up for this on race day? I'm thinking I will set up my indoor trainer next to the car and spin for a while like I see the pros doing at The Tour. Does this make sense? How long should I warm up? At what intensity? How will I know when I'm warmed up? Should I stretch after the warm up, before the start?
John from New Hampshire, USA