BroDeal said:
Actually I think that Valverde's blood may have been from an even earlier year than 2006, maybe even 2003 or 2004 when he was racing for Kelme. Is that not one of the reasons that Valverde was initially cleared: That the blood was from a much earlier time?
It wouldn't make any sense to store blood for several years as the shelf life of a SAGM erythrocyte suspension is way lower than that.
In clinical practice in Europe that maximum shelf life of a SAGM is 30-40 days. Storing blood for longer than that introduces 2 problems:
1) increased hemolysis in the stored blood. This reduces the amount of viable RBCs and increases the free haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is potentially nephotoxic and also a nitric oxide scavenger, so infusing 400cc's of free haemoglobin could have severe consequences, especially in a critically ill patient.
2) Decreased RBC life post-transfusion. Quality of the RBCs decrease with storage time. A relatively fresh bag of RBCs would probably have a 24h post transfusion survival of 80-85% whereas the survival of older RBCs could be in the 70'ies.
Although Fuentes blood bank looked dirty and below good clinical standards, and the story from Marzano indicating infusion with contaminated blood, I seriously doubt that he would store and infuse blood years past its' expiration date.