I have asked that question several times in other threads. The key part is to focus on efforts close or above the 30 minute mark. Here is what I have found on this forum.
I have heard the guys from the "Science of the Sport", Ross Tucker and Jonathan Dugas, talk about the 5.8 W/kg mark. Here is their take from their website:
What is physiologically possible?
If this kind of analysis is to be useful, then every single aspect must be factored into the calculation - the wind speed throughout the climb, the mass of rider and bike, the length and gradient of the climb. Then one might be able to make a strong case for the position that what we are seeing is impossible physiologically.
There are people (experts in the sport) who believe that the upper limit of performance should lie around 5.6 to 5.8 W/kg on a longer climb. This is well below what is being calculated for the current Tour, particularly the Verbier. However, if the wind speed is not controlled, then the calculated power output may well fall below that "ceiling". The point is, we just don't know what the wind is doing and so the margins are currently too large. Therefore, you cannot use isolated performances, lacking control over variables, to infer doping.
Andrew Coggan gave me a link of a chart for all out efforts over different periods of time. It even describes the different types of modalities behavior when going from one effort to the other. The absolute max that I can read from this table is 6.4 W/kg for prolonged efforts (well above 30 minutes). Here is the link:
The only problem I have with these tables is that some numbers could have been extrapolated. I haven't had the time to ask Andrew Coggan about that. The second question is who were the riders that were tested in order to build these tables? What was their condition when they were tested. In other words, you will hope that when you assemble this type of information the riders would be completely clean and well fitted. Now, if some of the values were extrapolated then there is no way of knowing if an athlete can get to the top of the charts clean. Maybe if he is reading this he can help us understand better these tables.
Finally, JV pitched in some numbers for Bradley Wiggins well above 6 W/kg for around 20 minutes. The problem with his version is that we can not look at these numbers objectively anyway. Here is his version:
Originally Posted by JV1973
Ok, so answer the 20 min effort vs 40+ minute effort question, I only have limited information from elite athletes, so this isn't a University study....
That said: CVV can produce about 5.9 watts per kg in peak form for 40+ minute climbs, Wiggo is a bit more at 6.1 w/kg for this length of effort.
From the pre-Tour tests both riders have done up Rocacorba (a 33 minute climb) I know that Wiggo was at 6.1w/kg and CVV was 5.7 w/kg (He was off form a bit in June). However, Wiggo did a local 10 mile TT in GB about 2 weeks before the Tour, or 5 days before the Rocacorba test. He posted a time of 18mins flat (and was disqualified for using a 1080 wheel...funny rules over there). Anyhow, his power was 482 watts, so using his Tour weight of 72 kgs, so 6.7 w/kg. So, anecdotally, there's about a 9% decrease in power when going from a 20 min effort to a 40+ min effort. At 6.7 w/kg you certainly can climb at a VAM of 1750, but at 6.1 you wont even hit 1700 (again, anecdotal based on experience).
The last TT in the Tour Wiggo averaged 434 watts, consistent with his previous tests of 40+ minutes and just about 6.1 w/kg. I don’t have any data for Wiggo up climbs in the Tour, as he didnt use a PowerTap..
The only reliable information I can go by are the numbers pre-nineties versus after it. The only reason I say this is because of the big advantages that have been seen from the sophisticated doping programs after the nineties. There have been power numbers showing values well above 6 W/kg after the nineties but no matter how much people plea their case that the riders were clean, you just can never know.
Here is an example of a rider over 6 W/kg after the nineties:
Originally Posted by acoggan
(BTW, the guy who put out the 6.42 W/kg for 1 h was Chris Boardman, who had a VO2max of 90 mL/min/kg.)
Some forists have stated that riders like Eddy Merckx, Greg Lemond, and Bernard Hinault have barely touched the marks of 400 Watts which would put them below the 6 Watts/kg mark (I believe). I have only done the calculations for Herrera in Alpe d'Huez 1984 winner time (370-380 watts) and for Greg Lemond in the 1989 time trial (420 watts) and they were below the 6 W/kg mark. If before the nineties the power numbers show below these power numbers of 6 w/kg, then discussing whether they doped or not is a moot point. So let's no bother with that topic anyway.
Last but not least.
Greg's opinion on the maximum power achievable by a clean rider:
My wattage, relative to VO2 Max...a VO2 Max of 92 or 93 in a fully recovered way...I think I was capable of producing 450 to 460 watts. The truth is, even at the Tour de France, my Tour de France climb times up l'Alpe d'Huez yielded a wattage of around 380 and 390. That was the historic norm for Hinault and myself. You've got times going back many, many years. But what was learned recently, in the last 5 years, was that when you start the Tour de France, you start with a normal hematocrit of, say, 45 percent. By the time you finish, it's probably down 10 or 15 percent. Which means my VO2 Max dropped 10 or 15 percent. So that's why I was never producing the same wattage. And then there a lot of other factors that help performance if you've recovered. My last time trial in '89, I averaged about 420, 430 watts, which would match or be slightly down from what my real VO2 Max was.
Of course, in the '90s drugs came on the scene, so the wattages have gone out. There are some things that are just not explainable, people with VO2 Maxs in the low 80s producing 500 watts. A physiologist friend of my said that for a person to do that, 500 watts, he has to have to have nearly 100 milliliters of Oxygen. There are a lot of questions there for me