Dumb story.... But it goes to show how one incident can affect the way you view something
I was in one of those charity rides riding with a co-worker and a female riding friend and her female friend.
As we were all leaving the start, her friend couldn't clip into her speedplays, she tried a few times and we stopped and the hundreds of other people including my very fit male co-worker who was supposed to do all the pulling rode away and we were shortly alone at the start.
The girl quickly went mental. (Some people just look like a bomb waiting to go off, she had that look.) She starts slamming her foot into the pedal, organizers came over to help and she is in a complete grand mal meltdown. Finally my female friend and I just decided to ride off and like an idiot, I pushed way too hard trying to catch the tail of the hordes who were a mile or two ahead of us by now.
Moral of the story is that a grain of sand or gravel from the parking lot got stuck in the cleat or the pedal preventing clipping in. Either that or the woman was a complete 'tard as I have already implied. But whenever someone mentions speedplay, I worry if I might suffer the same inability to clip in from a grain of sand.
I have hated her ever since that day.