In the spirit of recent posts...
I have to say I have done a lot of miles on my bike and raced some pretty tough races. I have pitted myself against the toughest climbs in both the alps and the pyrenees. But I have never been so sore (my right arm at least) as I was the day after I went bowling the other night. I have to say 3 games and I was done. And if that wasn't enough I dropped the damn ball on my foot - hurt like hell. Easily the hardest sport in my opinion
I have to say I have done a lot of miles on my bike and raced some pretty tough races. I have pitted myself against the toughest climbs in both the alps and the pyrenees. But I have never been so sore (my right arm at least) as I was the day after I went bowling the other night. I have to say 3 games and I was done. And if that wasn't enough I dropped the damn ball on my foot - hurt like hell. Easily the hardest sport in my opinion