well personally, i just wanted to be able to tell the story of my mate ****, who last year was cycling happily along a **** in holland, when his attention was drawn to a group of children happily playing with there balls. as his head turned to watch the balls he failed to notice that three chickens and a large **** had wandered into his path, they where being chased by a large pussy cat that had been hiding in a bush, and had run out into the road

He noticed them at the last moment and swerved, into the path of a large ****el engined tractor... he fell to the floor, banged his head and fell into unconsiousness.. as he lay there groggy, he heard a voice, "****" "****" it said.. "****.. wake up, its fanny, wake up ****"... his eyes slowly adjusted to the light and he saw his girlfreind fanny staring at him.. ****, said fanny, "you made a bit of a boob,.. did you not see the **** being chased by the pussy that was hiding in the bush".. **** half heard her words but was distracted by his son, jack who was climbing on the cupboard, trying to get a closer look at the picture of a donkey, or was it an ***, that was hanging on the wall.. "jack, get down" shouted fanny.. "off, now, Jack.. im not going to tell you one more time.. " growing angry, "jackoff" she screamed.. jack screamed "**** you *****" he screamed at his mum and stormed out of the room..