Mid 90s Fort Langley BC, bit of a forest. My team put on a race that started with a fast descent that had a bump up then an immediate hidden off camber sweeping right hander. If you knew it, it was pretty easy to navigate but if you didn't, could be a bit of a surprise, heh heh.
Knowing this, we told everyone about the hazard and said the race would be neutralized first time down the hill. Well, you know what caffinated dumbass bike racers are like - as soon as we hit the descent guys started passing the lead car. The driver panicked, accelerated down the hill and, well, "race on!"
As soon as we hit the bump I set up for the coming right hander. To my left, many other didn't. Remember that scene in Return of the Jedi, where they're on their speeder bikes in the woods and the Stormtrooper hits that tree: THUD!. It was exactly that! Guy flying into big old school Canadian evergreens. Amazingly no one died! One guy to hospital with a broken collerbone, one guy with a completely chopped in half frame. At the time as scarey as hell, now I p-iss myself everytime I bring up the image of lycra clad guys, eyes and mouths wide open, flying through the trees.