Blakeslee said:
Phil and Paul spend a lot of time talking about Armstrong because Versus is broadcasting to an American audience. They also spend a good amount of time covering the two American teams, Garmin and Columbia. They are simply playing to their audience as many fans tend to follow the riders and teams from their home countries.
I think it goes a little deeper for Phil Paul and Bob Roll. They toiled in relative obscurity forever until Lance made them - again, relatively - famous. They have a personal debt to Lance (and Lance to them for deifying him).
Having said all that, here in America, we had Howard Cosell broadcasting boxing and (american) football for years (and prolly a bunch of other sports that ABC assigned him to). Two sports he had exactly ZERO qualifications to discuss.
Sports fans LOATHED him. LOATHED HIM !! Right up until he went off the air (and later died). Now he is missed. We loved to hate him, but his absence leaves a gaping hole in broadcasting that can't be replaced. He was obnoxious, grating, clueless, ignorant, a bloviating blowhard of the highest order and God how I miss him.
Go search youtube, I am sure there are more numerous examples than I could ever recount.