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2015 Giro Route Rumours

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Looks great, apart from the fact that the Mortirolo stage could've been better and that they totally assraped the Cervinia and Finestre stages.

Moritrolo should've had at least 1 real big climb before it, instead of 3 weaker climbs, Cervinia should've had at least 2 more climbs before it, so has finestre.

TT looks great, some of those hilly stages look good
Stage 7 is 263km !!!

Nov 29, 2010
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fauniera said:
So apart from the fact that all the crucial stages are disappointing it looks great?

The crucial stages are not as "hard" as they could have been but I think the route has strong potential for interesting racing.
Jun 30, 2014
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deValtos said:
The crucial stages are not as "hard" as they could have been but I think the route has strong potential for interesting racing.

Yes, similar to this years Tour, the mountain stages could be harder but the rest of the route looks good.
Eshnar said:
What do you mean? It is a descent finish. At the top of the variant of Alpe Segletta they chose there are a couple of ups and downs, but I don't see the problem

I meant to ask if it's the shortest way from the top of the main climb to the finish.

Yes, there are a couple of ups and downs, but most of the final descent looks to be false flat, also. Not steep at all, at least.
18-Valve. (pithy) said:
I meant to ask if it's the shortest way from the top of the main climb to the finish.

Yes, there are a couple of ups and downs, but the final descent looks to be false flat, also. Not steep at all, at least.
the descent is not the most challenging ever, but it is a proper descent. And the basically the one I expected.

As an overall route, it's excellent. A shame that with just some easy improvements it'd be the best route since 2005.
Aug 16, 2013
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The stage to La Spezia and San Giorgio del Sannio look great on paper. I really like those Di Luca stages.

Mortirolo stage is more then decent. That TT is sick!

Cervinia is boring, just as Campitello.
Very promising first week with solid variation and possibilities for removing some GC contenders along the way.

Second week seems so so, but perhaps it will entice the sprinters to come and stay a bit longer.

Third week is just above average.

Overall a bit too back loaded (particularly with the 2nd week looking softish) with a tad too many MTFs. I would have dropped at least one of them and added a MTT since this race will likely be about climbers anyway.

Like the ITT.

Route gets a 7.
Sure it could've been better, but I really like the course.

Back are the plentiful of hilly stages and the mountain stages really ain't that bad. Cervinia stage could've been a lot harder, but it's still 236km over 3 climbs that come directly after eachother at the end.

We will get lots of good breakaway action as well as they are offered a lot of opportunities.
Also really like the 263km stage, TdF should do those at times as well. Not a pancake flat stage though... ofcourse.
Libertine Seguros said:
Vegni giveth, and Vegni taketh away :(

Seriously, St-Barthélemy is actually a pretty nice climb, but given how easy and how logical Tze Core-Champremier-St-Panthaléon-Cervinia would have been... it's like learning Santa isn't real.

When we are on the suject of italian climbs and mountains; despite of many great climbs in Italy, there aren't really that many places where you can link the top climbs with a really tough MTF. Mortirolo links most common with Aprica, Finestre with Sestriere, Gavia with Bormio 2000 and Stelvio with either Bormio 2000 or Sulda. That's not exactly the toughest MTFs.

And top MTFs like Corones, Zoncolan, Siusi and Merano 2000(??) aren't really connected to any top climbs nearby (unless you use Crostis for Zoncolan). Too bad really. I would have liked e.g. Merano 2000 or Siusi at the end of a 220 km all day mountain stage. The only times I've seen that in the Giro the last years were with the Dolomites stages ending at short and steep climbs like Val di Fassa or Tre Cime Lavaredo.