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Giro d'Italia 2022 Giro d'Italia, Stage 10: Pescara – Jesi 196 km (Tuesday, May 17th)

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Very surprising to have a breakaway consisting of just three riders on a stage like this but here we are. Interesting that it's at Lotto's insistence, you'd think the likes of Alpecin will make the race too hard for Ewan.
Alpecin probably rather tskes MvdP vs Ewan tham MvdP vs everyone else in a 15 man uncontrollable breakaway

It begs the question if stage 8 break didnt only take off cause Van der Poel kicked off and everyone realised they needed to be in the break
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De Marchi training for the breakaway on stage 19. That stage also has a flat start and the first intermediate sprint takes place in his hometown Buja. If Jonathan Milan, who's from the same town, was also riding the Giro we'd have 2 sure candidates for the early breakaway on that stage.
GCN/Eurosport now promoting the Whoop band almost every stage. It's like watching the Lance stage podcast where he spends 10 minutes promoting various brands.
relax, your strain score is getting elevated ;-)

Actually I dont mind this as much, seeing the riders HR for the entire stage
WAAAAY more useful than the stupid power outputs when they show like 1 or 3 second realtime power of two riders for about 10 seconds as if that tells you anything
Dumoulin attacking the jersey in other ways

View: https://twitter.com/Juan_Clavijo_/status/1526524374295236608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1526524374295236608%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wielerflits.nl%2Flive%2Fgiro-2022-liveblog-etappe-10-naar-jesi%2F

Alpecin probably rather tskes MvdP vs Ewan tham MvdP vs everyone else in a 15 man uncontrollable breakaway

It begs the question if stage 8 break didnt only take off cause Van der Poel kicked off and everyone realised they needed to be in the break

Alpecin and Intermarché definitely needed to control this. Way too hard to control a15-20 man breakaway like you said. Bit surprised LTS is chasing tho, I see VdP and Girmay attacking on that last climb and there is simply no time to reel them back in.
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Close-up above shot of the escape trio doing the work..shows who's done core and form work or not. Prolly Naesen and De Marchi already told and agree w/ Druin Harper buddy he still needs to excerise one year more. :rolleyes:
Bais was actually a decent rider in the u23 ranks (2nd in the 2017 version of the Piccolo Giro dell' Emilia behind Vasov), no idea why he ended up being the guy for the TV breakaways after turning pro. Not many wins, but lots of top 10 and podium results in hilly one day races. He also finished top 10 on the gc in Sibiu and Bihor and 2nd in the Giro del Friuli (behind Champoussin, but ahead of Pellaud) before turning pro, no idea why he hasn't progressed at all.
Bais was actually a decent rider in the u23 ranks (2nd in the 2017 version of the Piccolo Giro dell' Emilia behind Vasov), no idea why he ended up being the guy for the TV breakaways after turning pro. Not many wins, but lots of top 10 and podium results in hilly one day races. He also finished top 10 on the gc in Sibiu and Bihor and 2nd in the Giro del Friuli (behind Champoussin, but ahead of Pellaud) before turning pro, no idea why he hasn't progressed at all.
yeah, when I saw him in Tour of Romania 2018 I thought he'd be the next big thing. Tactically absolutely clueless, but super strong, and on the attack every day.
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