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Allen Lim interview

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BikeCentric said:
Folks, please do not feed the Troll. This guy is one of the worst Trolls this forum has seen - please put him on your ignore list and do not respond; that is the only effective way to deal with Trolls like this.

I'm very sorry, it was a moment of weakness, nothing more. I will do better.
But on the subject what about RHitaliano and Logical Cranium-the dumb and dumber of trolldom.
Hugh Januss said:
I'm very sorry, it was a moment of weakness, nothing more. I will do better.
But on the subject what about RHitaliano and Logical Cranium-the dumb and dumber of trolldom.

RHItaliano is "Rational Head," a moderator at the Daily Peloton forums. He thinks it is cute to sign up on other forums and write pidgeon English.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
She's probably lucky Lance didn't chase her down in the NY marathon!

Ok - now this gets my vote for the funniest post of the week - well done Hugh!

As for Lim - well I found the interview real hard work - I think the guy is just eccentric which makes his statements very strange.
Mar 19, 2009
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Digger said:
Thanks for that link. Interesting to read it again.

He is quick to bring up his idea of having Floyd repeatedly pour bottles over his head on stage 17. Lim may be very good at specifically what he does but I think it may not be healthy for someone with an attitude like his to be the main person monitoring rider performance for the flagship Pro Tour team of dope free cycling.
Jun 27, 2009
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It's refreshing to see other cycling fans do not find Garmin's propaganda credible. Now if only there was a solution.

If you consider that if Garmin didn't dope it would be slaughtered in Pro Tour races and probably univited from the Tour, then the constant stream of misinformation from the likes of Vaughters and Lim becomes more understandable.
Lim has zero credibility. It's all just the gluten free, pressure tights, cold packs, and mental prep that does it for you.

For me, any physiologist that works for a team has no credibility when it comes to statements like Lim has said. It's not that the guy may not do a good job ... he might do a great job. But he is a member of the team, so he is biased and an arm of their PR. Didn't he support The Floydis during le Tour?

The Garmin PR Machine just seems to be a bit to over the top. I do think it is BS, like some others have said.

Now I need to go have some rices cakes and elevate my legs in my pressure tights so I can win some races next year ;)
Jun 27, 2009
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Ripper said:
Lim has zero credibility. It's all just the gluten free, pressure tights, cold packs, and mental prep that does it for you.

For me, any physiologist that works for a team has no credibility when it comes to statements like Lim has said. It's not that the guy may not do a good job ... he might do a great job. But he is a member of the team, so he is biased and an arm of their PR. Didn't he support The Floydis during le Tour?

The Garmin PR Machine just seems to be a bit to over the top. I do think it is BS, like some others have said.

Now I need to go have some rices cakes and elevate my legs in my pressure tights so I can win some races next year ;)

I think what makes Garmin extra frustrating is plenty of Garmin fans (including myself) believed in them for some time and nobody wants to be the fool. I still remember all the propaganda pieces that came out in Velonews at the time the team started--not to mention the various cycling commentators who jumped on their bandwagon declaring "CVV is clean!" etc. Ultimately the team image cultivated by Garmin and Columbia succeeded because everyone wanted to believe in it.

I have a hard time recommending this sport to friends when this kind of stuff is going on. It takes a long time to figure out the rationale for (and necessity of) omerta...before that happens it is easy to rationalize that people like Vaughters must be speaking the truth because why would they go through so much trouble to fool people? But eventually it dawns on us that there is simply no other way for these teams to exist than to strenuously deny all association with banned substances.

This ridiculous spectacle (Columbia and Garmin's bs) is part of what drives passionate fans like CFA to despair. But really....we should have known better. It should have been clear enough what a team led by Vaughters, Millar, Lim, and a host of ex CSC/Postal/Cofidis riders was all about.

My objection is not so much that cyclists take PEDs (this seems natural enough to professional sport and particularly to cycling) but to the dishonorable nature of omerta. Part of me wishes they would simply enforce a real code of silence (without lies and denials)--at that point at least I could recommend this sport without feeling like I'm inviting my friends to become disappointed and/or disillusioned. But apparently strict silence is a non-starter in the modern media environment---other sports will soon discover this as well.
blackcat said:
+1 ludwig

wonder if 2010 JV and Garmin will now drop their holier than thou spin.

Are you f***ing kidding me? It's gonna get a whole lot holier now. The next thing will come up with is some sort of visualization tool that will be just plain silly. I can hardly stand hearing their news releases.
May 18, 2009
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unsheath said:
That interview is unbearable. I gave up after the first couple of paragraphs. All fluff and ideology. Lim needs a reality check or even better and couple of backhanders to knock him out of this daze.

Bingo. You and I stopped reading at about the same time. I felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom.

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