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As you boycott CN next month watch TOUR here...

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Mar 10, 2009
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toppermost said:
So.. you like the new format I am guessing?

Yeah boycotts are childish. Unlike ranting and raving, and stamping feet (like I was doing before)?

A boycott is a civilized way for an otherwise powerless group to express a valid opinion.

Question: you seem quite defensive about the website that you are essentially arguing is not a good source. You more or less said you have to go to a Euro/site to get good info, but here you are supporting the defamers.

Or- are you just picking a fight with me because I called you out for being a #$% after I posted the tour website?

Ah yes, that's exactly the definition of a boycott. Comes to mind the EU boycott of hormone beef from the USA, a boycott from USA to travel to/buy products from Cuba the last 50+ years. All powerless groups to express valid opinions...

Toppermost, the selfless crusader, a Martyr in the making, effortlessly he fights against all evil that is affects the 'cycling community'. Do you have problems with your cycling news source, call toppermost! Have you seen suspicious activities that could be linked to doping cases, call toppermost! Do you think Patt McQuaid is harming cycling, toppermost is on your side!

Your opinion is that you don't like the site. You have voiced that opinion, multiple times if I am correct. If you still don't like it, after a couple of weeks, godspeed, and don't look back in anger...

On toppermost of that, your logic reflects the intellectual capacity of a three year old. Remember the "If you are not with us you are against us" cliche? By telling you off for your boycott, I am not necessarily supporting anyone...
Mar 11, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
says the man who wants to organise a boycott...

A childish reaction
Bala Verde said:
Ah yes, that's exactly the definition of a boycott. Comes to mind the EU boycott of hormone beef from the USA, a boycott from USA to travel to/buy products from Cuba the last 50+ years. All powerless groups to express valid opinions...

So boycotts are childish (except the one you mention I presume). But at the same time you were not specifically, not supporting mine...

So you were just attacking my post about the Tour website for the fun? Or to be an a$$?

Or do you feel that all the cyclingnews fans who hate the new site should just suck it up and say: eh, its free we should just be like milk cows and eat our free grass. If this is not the case and you if you did not like site, what would you suggest Piti?
Mar 10, 2009
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toppermost said:
Im not a Lance fan, but he is the most influential cyclist on the planet right now. Sponsors will listen to his opinion before 5000 of ours.

And, ah... the irony strikes again.

toppermost said:
A boycott is a civilized way for an otherwise powerless group to express a valid opinion.

You can't have it both ways, pretending to be the powerless crusader, who needs a boycott to foment change, while on the other hand waving around twitter replys from the 'powerful' who back up your opinions. It's like being Ghandi starting to march, while holding his finger close to the button of a nuclear weapon.

It's a proven (political) tactic to just say about anything, when it can justify the end. You just don't like the site, and you want to have it changed, no matter what.
Mar 11, 2009
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Until we see an end to toppermost's posts, his threat to boycott CN is nothing but hot air. I don't think he has it in him to leave for good.
Mar 11, 2009
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Bala Verde said:
And, ah... the irony strikes again.

You can't have it both ways, pretending to be the powerless crusader, who needs a boycott to foment change, while on the other hand waving around twitter replys from the 'powerful' who back up your opinions. It's like being Ghandi starting to march, while holding his finger close to the button of a nuclear weapon.

It's a proven (political) tactic to just say about anything, when it can justify the end. You just don't like the site, and you want to have it changed, no matter what.

You really are absurd. And its clear 1) you just hate LA, and 2) you're just arguing for the hell of it. The position of HUNDREDS on here is that the new format sucks, and LA happens agrees... I dont like the guy either. But pointing out he agrees with my position, does not diminish my position in the least! (and you say I think like a 3 year old- you are embarrassing). Do you think CN will listen to us if we politely ask them to change it? Or would a better strategy be to point out that us powerless readers are not the only ones that feel that way.

And I repeat myselfL Given that the former CN had a special place in our hearts and we desperately want it back, are you saying that we should just get over it?
Mar 10, 2009
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toppermost said:
You really are absurd.

Thank you.. from you, I take that as a compliment.

And its clear 1) you just hate LA,

I don't hate him.

and 2) you're just arguing for the hell of it.

you are correct.

The position of HUNDREDS on here is that the new format sucks, and LA happens agrees... I dont like the guy either.

Do you hate him? Otherwise we are in complete and full agreement.

But pointing out he agrees with my position, does not diminish my position in the least! (and you say I think like a 3 year old- you are embarrassing).

You could not have missed the point more! (which somehow confirms what I said)

Do you think CN will listen to us if we politely ask them to change it?

Have you tried? Have you given them time to implement any of those requested changes?

Or would a better strategy be to point out that us powerless readers are not the only ones that feel that way.

You can set up a new website that replicates cyclingnews' old website. All the information most people seem to be requesting is available, although dispersed over the internet.

And I repeat myself. Given that the former CN had a special place in our hearts and we desperately want it back, are you saying that we should just get over it?

Personally, I think a boycott is a rather drastic measure that should be reserved for only the most flagrant types of injustice. Trying to muster support for a boycott because your favourite cycling news site has been changed a week ago hardly qualifies.

It's like a union representative (in this case one who merely represents three other 'boycott posters") who threatens with a strike if not all of his demands are satisfied. Or, so as to not leave you with the wrong impression, a CEO who threatens to move a manufacturing plant abroad, if the union doesn't swallow all of his demands. Sometimes it's more sane (less absurd) to sit together and constructivley work towards a compromise, instead of wielding the bomb.

If you don't mind, I need to go shave my legs!

The stage is all yours. Good luck.
Mar 11, 2009
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per your post. Its not my "fight." Ive never boycotted anything in my life. Its a position that I share with 100's on these forums agree with and I have said explicitly that I will wait a one additional week for them to implement the changes that the 100's of people are asking for before I take the "drastic measure" of leaving forever. I am encouraging others to do the same. Not to pucnish CN, but to hopefully persuade them. So, we are not doing much differently you and I. I am also attempting to rally others to do the same.

I hope you avoid insulting people out of hand from here out. Good luck to you too.


wouldnt a one day, visiting strike be a better idea..

nobody is going to promise never to come, ever again.. personally i havnt visited the site in a week.. i have put the news on rss, everything else i can get elsewhere..

But more people may be prepared to take part in one day of action.. things like that are much more acheivable than a something more permenant.. a single day shows unity and wakes them up.. theatening complete non visiting will never work..

im surprised nobody has come up with the idea of listing the contact details for the various advertisers and mass mailing them a letter of complaint..
Jun 16, 2009
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skippy254 said:
All of the changes to the site kind of remind me of the "Hope" and "Change" mantra of our blessed holy trinity redeemer. As I HOPE with my heart that the changes do not last in my country, I also hope that the changes do not last with CN's site.

Change for the sake of change is useless. Go back to the old site....PLEASE!
I cannot find anything easily and I feel like I have to dig to get the info. It looks like I will be going back to Velonews from now on.

Here here! Well said! I can't find anything anymore! :-(
You guys and your boycott are a bunch of douches.

The old site is not coming back. It looks like the previous site was using archaic technology and all the flat HTML was a PITA to work with. It also looks like they went live with the new site before it was ready, and they are now scrambling to add functionality comparable to the old site. Maybe after they get the functionality nailed down, they can address some of the niggling issues that everyone is up in arms about.

People throwing a tantrum, like toppermost, will not help.
Jun 21, 2009
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I was a 1X - 2X daily user of cycling news for 5 years - simple and beautiful site it was. Now it's a f**king hog and though I'll ck. back periodically to see if anything good has happened on the site - see ya - nice to have known ya - thanks for the memories!
Jun 16, 2009
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genbirch said:
I was a 1X - 2X daily user of cycling news for 5 years - simple and beautiful site it was. Now it's a f**king hog and though I'll ck. back periodically to see if anything good has happened on the site - see ya - nice to have known ya - thanks for the memories!

Check it out: http://autobus.cyclingnews.com/
How easy is that to navigate?
How much quicker is it to load?
How nice and simple is it?
Eveything is there at your fingertips, quick and easy!

It was just fine as it was... And I was a 5x or more daily user... When it ain't broke, don't break it!
Mar 11, 2009
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dimspace said:
im surprised nobody has come up with the idea of listing the contact details for the various advertisers and mass mailing them a letter of complaint..

Someone did, but it appears that the editors didn't like it and deleted it:mad:
Mar 11, 2009
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dimspace said:
wouldnt a one day, visiting strike be a better idea..

nobody is going to promise never to come, ever again.. personally i havnt visited the site in a week.. i have put the news on rss, everything else i can get elsewhere..

But more people may be prepared to take part in one day of action.. things like that are much more acheivable than a something more permenant.. a single day shows unity and wakes them up.. theatening complete non visiting will never work..

im surprised nobody has come up with the idea of listing the contact details for the various advertisers and mass mailing them a letter of complaint..

I think a month-long boycott would be way more effective. Especially if that month was July! Also, I suppose what I said in my last post is not totally true. Speaking to what "BroDeal" said (and thanks for the constructive criticism "douchebag"), if they do not change the site then I will not come back, and yes partially to punish them. If they dont change it back, there is really no reason to visit everyday because they will be much more like every single other cycling site out there. I agree with the multitude of posters who have said that the reason I liked cyclingnews before was because they were quite unique.

I dont care if its a "tantrum," but if I can get a significant number of people to leave as well, then maybe, just maybe, they will make some changes. You said it yourself, they are no going to make any changes voluntarily. And if that is the case why should I stay?! If that is silly, than so be it. (and most importantly, what do I have lose?, its just a dumb website- after June 27 I wont think of it again)

One thing I guarantee will NOT lead to any changes is to just keep loggin-on, like a sheep. Even after you have said how much you dont like it, keep logging-on... Never put your actions where your mouth is. Keep logging-on etc.

Boycott. Or stay. The choice is each individual visitor/reader/fan.


titan_90 said:
Someone did, but it appears that the editors didn't like it and deleted it:mad:

somone opened a thread the day the site changed.

is it dumb for me to ask who took it down? lol

has anyone tried again?

i don't like the spoilers either.
Jun 16, 2009
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dimspace said:
im surprised nobody has come up with the idea of listing the contact details for the various advertisers and mass mailing them a letter of complaint..

I tried that, and they deleted the thread. That's okay with me, it probably deserved to be deleted. Anyone who really wants to can get in touch with the advertisers, it's very easy to do.

The thing is, I didn't intend any malice toward cyclingnews. My motivation in commenting here has been to help improve the site and to make them successful, but I guess they don't see it that way.


dimspace said:
im surprised nobody has come up with the idea of listing the contact details for the various advertisers and mass mailing them a letter of complaint..
titan_90 said:
Someone did, but it appears that the editors didn't like it and deleted it:mad:

really.. :eek

as for a boycott.. im already on one.. and for the tour i have me tour guide, i have funny moving pictures with sound on the box in the corner of the room, and i have the official site, and l'equipe to start practising my french.. the only thing i need cycling news for is to find out who is in 172nd place and thats not possible anyway so im told.. :D

i shall just carry on with my own private boycott.. :D
Mar 11, 2009
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dimspace said:
really.. :eek

as for a boycott.. im already on one.. and for the tour i have me tour guide, i have funny moving pictures with sound on the box in the corner of the room, and i have the official site, and l'equipe to start practising my french.. the only thing i need cycling news for is to find out who is in 172nd place and thats not possible anyway so im told.. :D

i shall just carry on with my own private boycott.. :D

How about you boycott the forum as well so we can skip reading your whinging.


Emory Ball said:
How about you boycott the forum as well so we can skip reading your whinging.

how about you put me on ignore if you dont wanna listen to me..

i can give you instructions.. :D