So we're talking reform vs. total destruction?
This is exactly what keeps us stuck where we are in the first place! One extreme to another. The corrupt reformers vs. the corrupt flame throwing revolutionaries.
The arrogance of Man. Thinking we are G--O-D. Masters of the Universe . . . . or whatever you want to call the forces in charge of this world as we know it.
Our poor attempts to do so could fill every library with a written accord of man's failings.
If this is too deep . . . . look up . Cycling is just a mirror of our world. It and it's athletes and support system are special , but no more special than any other athletes, sports , activities . . . or the persons making them go.
Floyd is like you and me ..... like everyone. He's fed up. Frightened. Alone. Not knowing what the F to do. He didn't know what else to do, so he chose to let loose the only way he knew how. Is/was there a better way? I don't know ..... but it's Man's way. Like it or not ..... this is what we have for now.
The only true freedom I know of is detachment. . . . and this is a whole lot easier said than done.