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Can Fabo do it?

Jun 19, 2009
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Okay, first, he wants to win both the TT and the 260-km road race.

Then he wants to look at Liege-Bastogne-Liege, the Tour of Flanders, the Amstel Gold (must need one for the thumb or something).

And for fun, he'll try to clock a new Hour Record.

And here I am, thinking, sure. Why not? Seriously. He could. No, seriously. As in, in all seriousness. Not being sarcastic, just serious. It could be fun watching him do it. Yes?
Sep 19, 2009
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I think it's possible for him to do the double at the worlds. He can give 100% to secure the TT and once he has it in the bag he can go for the RR. I'd love to see an attack like he did in MSR or an attempt to bridge up to an escape group like he did in the Beijing RR, surprise the heck out of a possible group containing Cunego and Valverde and fly right by them on the last 2 kms.
Jun 19, 2009
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Well, he's given 145% in the TT. Killed it. Eviscerated it. How can mere tires take that kind of centripetal acceleration?

They should take his winning margin and give him that as a head start in the road race. Just out of respect. Or fear.

Whichever, when he TT's through all of 2010, he'll be wearing rainbow stripes.

What's Swiss for "chapeau"?
derailleur said:
What's Swiss for "chapeau"?

French is one of the languages spoken in Switzerland and as the term is also common in German, you're understood. In German you could also say "Hut ab!" (hats off), I don't know what to say in Italian or Romansh.

To say something on-topic: Canellara has always been quite ..er.. outspoken on his goals, but I don't think these goals are out of reach.

In 2010 Flanders will be his first priority. He's been wanting this for some years now. Amstel and LBL will be a lot harder for him, he will have to lose more weight and develop his climbing for those, LBL in particular. And he's part of team with several riders who are able to win in the Ardennes.

The hour record - for sure he has the talent. But the hour needs a lot of preparation. I guess he would need to spend half a year of working towards it. And as the record has lost most of its prestige I'm not sure if his team will allow it.
Aug 6, 2009
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screaming fist said:
The hour record - for sure he has the talent. But the hour needs a lot of preparation. I guess he would need to spend half a year of working towards it. And as the record has lost most of its prestige I'm not sure if his team will allow it.

What's the difference between the hour record and a one hour time trial like the one he just aced?
Mar 11, 2009
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Cerberus said:
What's the difference between the hour record and a one hour time trial like the one he just aced?

Well, the fact that it's raced on a track with a fixed gear is the biggest difference. Honestly he could completely shatter the hour record if he put his mind towards it.
Mar 11, 2009
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I think it it would be great if he won the double:cool:

But, can he do it is the question. He put in a hard effort today, does he have enough time to fully recover for the RR?
Jul 10, 2009
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In 2007 Spartacus won the Tour's prologue, then 3 days took out a road stage win. He's got the same time between the two. Granted today's ITT was 10 times as long, but doesn't have to ride until Sunday.

I know that we're talking apples and oranges here, but I'm just saying...
Mar 15, 2009
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titan_90 said:
I think it it would be great if he won the double:cool:

But, can he do it is the question. He put in a hard effort today, does he have enough time to fully recover for the RR?

I don't think he put in a hard effort today, the guy hardly drew a breath. He's a red hot chance to take the double.
Sep 25, 2009
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screaming fist said:
French is one of the languages spoken in Switzerland and as the term is also common in German, you're understood. In German you could also say "Hut ab!" (hats off), I don't know what to say in Italian or Romansh.

To say something on-topic: Canellara has always been quite ..er.. outspoken on his goals, but I don't think these goals are out of reach.

In 2010 Flanders will be his first priority. He's been wanting this for some years now. Amstel and LBL will be a lot harder for him, he will have to lose more weight and develop his climbing for those, LBL in particular. And he's part of team with several riders who are able to win in the Ardennes.

The hour record - for sure he has the talent. But the hour needs a lot of preparation. I guess he would need to spend half a year of working towards it. And as the record has lost most of its prestige I'm not sure if his team will allow it.
If he is serious about the hour record, Riis can't stop him. They often chose end of season or winter. Cancellara's biggest challenge would be lack of track riding experience.
Jun 19, 2009
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Oh well. Fabo came in 5th, just 30 seconds behind the soloing Cadel Evans, who took this one fair and square and without question. Stripes for two of the best guys in the game.

2010 is going to be fun.
May 18, 2009
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derailleur said:
Tour of Flanders - Check.

And epic.

That was an absolute domination.

We'll be talking about this race in the next century.

Really? I personally think Bartoli's win was more exciting.

Now that this thread is back on top, he will have to lose weight to win the other ones. Will he go on a diet this year and try Lombardy, then keep it off for LBL next year?

I thought I heard some talk about him losing weight and going for a GT, which works with his stated classics goals. Does anybody think this whole scenario is possible?
Oct 5, 2009
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ChrisE said:
Really? I personally think Bartoli's win was more exciting.

Now that this thread is back on top, he will have to lose weight to win the other ones. Will he go on a diet this year and try Lombardy, then keep it off for LBL next year?

I thought I heard some talk about him losing weight and going for a GT, which works with his stated classics goals. Does anybody think this whole scenario is possible?

From him? Yes. All of it.
I think he can certainly win all the monuments. The hour record is something he could take too. More skeptical about the GT win, but this guy is the closest we're getting to a total all-rounder à la Merckx & Kelly. Most exciting rider around today (in terms of possibilities, not inc. young guys).
ChrisE said:
Really? I personally think Bartoli's win was more exciting.

Now that this thread is back on top, he will have to lose weight to win the other ones. Will he go on a diet this year and try Lombardy, then keep it off for LBL next year?

I thought I heard some talk about him losing weight and going for a GT, which works with his stated classics goals. Does anybody think this whole scenario is possible?
he looks pretty thin now. not sure if less weight would be good.
he is not a skinny climber body type. maybe one kilo less? he can mature
into a grand tour winner i think. amazing talent.
Jul 11, 2009
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I'm sure he would destroy the Hour with a little track training.

out of interest anyone know what the av. was for the final hour of flanders?
Apr 1, 2009
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luckyboy said:
I think he can certainly win all the monuments. The hour record is something he could take too. More skeptical about the GT win, but this guy is the closest we're getting to a total all-rounder à la Merckx & Kelly. Most exciting rider around today (in terms of possibilities, not inc. young guys).

I don't know about an all rounder, he can climb but he is not a climber and he sure can't sprint a la any one! Not sure about LBL either that would be a tough one for him and so would Lombardi but for sure he could win either of these. The hour record, I think the big problem is the time he would have to dedicate to it and that taking away from his road racing/training and team obligations. Love to see him try.
St. Elia said:
I don't know about an all rounder, he can climb but he is not a climber and he sure can't sprint a la any one! Not sure about LBL either that would be a tough one for him and so would Lombardi but for sure he could win either of these. The hour record, I think the big problem is the time he would have to dedicate to it and that taking away from his road racing/training and team obligations. Love to see him try.

Well, Jens Voigt became second in 2005 after a break with Vino, so I wouldn't exactly call it impossible. Cancellara at his current level is at least on par with Voigt at the time, and the German showed us that willpower and going all out can carry you a lot of the way - I'm sure Cancel will show us it can take him the whole way at some point!:)

The main thing talking against Fabian grabbing the L-B-L is that there's so many focussed riders that ARE better climbers than him. FC is undisputed amongst the best five riders for races like RvV and Paris-Roubaix, but he's not amongst the best ten suited for Liege (I'll just mention Samu, Piti, Evans, Schlecks and Nibali). He has to make up for that in pure power, which is harder to do in a hilly, climby race like La Doyenne. But if anyone can, it's Fabian! What an amazing rider.....

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