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Teams & Riders Chris Froome Discussion Thread.

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Is Froome over the hill?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • No, the GC finished 40 minutes ago but Froomie is still climbing it

    Votes: 58 57.4%
  • No he is totally winning the Vuelta

    Votes: 23 22.8%

  • Total voters
Well he didn’t fall off and is still in one piece. That’s good enough for me. He was never a factor for GC. Maybe a stage win, which is more likely now that he shipped time. Of course he needs to have the legs and that is a big If
Help me understand why his time loss today is a factor in how likely it is that he win a stage? Under what scenario could he possibly win?
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Froome could be in yellow and no one would chase him if he tried breaking away. And no, that it’s not true for all riders. If they aren’t any actual threat, no one will care.

No, teams like to keep hold of the yellow jersey. A break where the highest GC rider is 5 minutes down gets more leeway than one where they are 2 minutes down. That's why who are interested in getting in breakaways in the mountains deliberately lose time. This is basic stuff.
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Froome couldn't wait for the real race to begin...it has begun. Arguing that he's losing time on purpose is wishful thinking at best, delusion certainly, the bottom line is: he's just no good. He took a beating in Mercantour, losing as much time to an 18 year-old as he took on Quintana on PSM, and some said: "he's back". What???

As the #1 Pinot fanboy, I can imagine how much Froome's fans want him to overcome his injuries and hope for a happy ending, I get that. Polka-dot in Paris, take a final bow, that would be nice. I just don't see how he can do it. Winning a stage? No way. He's not good enough.

What bothers me the most is the PR around him, the lies, misrepresentations, ten years of that: and it's still going! Fake news and hopes. I'm tired. Go away Chris Froome, go away.
No, teams like to keep hold of the yellow jersey. A break where the highest GC rider is 5 minutes down gets more leeway than one where they are 2 minutes down. That's why who are interested in getting in breakaways in the mountains deliberately lose time. This is basic stuff.
You’re talking about teams without a GC contender wanting to hold on to the jersey when the OP is talking about GC riders and teams.
Yes, any sprinter or classics rider in the beginning of a grand tour will have no GC contender or team caring about the time gained by the rider. Just like with Froome unless the break gets a lot of leeway. If he got the time Voeckler did in 2011 the GC teams wouldn’t bat an eye.
Because the further you are away from the Yellow Jersey, the more likely you are to be allowed in the break. This is true of all riders
Of course, except it’s not true of all riders, only GC threats or someone likely to take yellow.

I’m trying to figure out how anyone thinks Froome is in a position for this to matter and how he could possibly beat any riders strong enough to go in a break at the Tour. He’s a threat to no one on GC so his time has no bearing on whether he gets into a break. If he could make it into a break, no one would chase him down. He has shown nothing to indicate he can. Powless was a minute or more ahead of him yesterday and got into the break…because he’s strong.

The break is primed to take the stage tomorrow. He should go for it.
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