ThomoUK said:
That there is a higher rate of click throughs from the carousel is obvious - because it's at the top of the page filling half the screen - therefore most of the links it's highlighting are further down the page out of sight... remove the carousel and you will find the normal links will get used. I'd have thought that was obvious?
Daniel Benson said:
As for the carousel and whether it generates traffic - it does. A huge amount in fact, so while it probably isn't the perfect solution it does have a benefit in that it showcases parts of the site that we - the editorial team - want to present to readers.
When you say traffic do you mean traffic in the traditional sense as in people visit the site because of the carousel, or internal page hits, in that the pages featured in the carousel get extra hits.
I would assume the latter, and I would suggest that the carousel has a detrimental effect on pages that arent featured.
For example, visitor goes to the site, visits the links on the carousel, and thats them done. How many people actually scroll to the bottom of the front page? I tend to rely on twitter for my news, but on the occasions I visit CN i rarely scroll down much past the carousel, and the top news items. As a result, I never get as far as the blogs menu, and Ive only just discovered at the foot of the page there is a photo gallery menu, I didnt even know it was there. Id be willing to bet that 70% of site visitors dont scroll down much past about race five/bottom ad panel
The carousel may get people visiting those pages, but I would guess that it actually reduces traffic to other parts of the site.
Replacing the carousel with the idea i had in option 1 still highlights articles, and Id be willing to bet that highlighted articles still got the hits, but it would also encourage browsing of the entire homepage.
For instance, photo galleries, which are buried at the foot of the page where nobody sees them: They are a big draw, people love race photos, ok, i run a site that only gets a few thousand visitors a week, but post a fresh photo gallery and you get hits galore. And this has been true of all sites ive been involved with in the past. And the great thing about photo pages is you can put adverts in them and people dont mind nearly so much as adverts within text articles. Put an advert every tenth photo and people can just skip past it put the click rate can be pretty high.
Secondly, videos, arent featured at all on the front page, Why not? youve just created the youtube account, so feature it with a latest video panel, again, people love videos, and with youtube revenue sharing you have the extra advertising revenue potential, and once again, adverts on videos people dont mind nearly so much as adverts within text articles.
The carousel is like a happy hour in the pub. Offer 5 drinks at £1 a pint and you will sell shed loads of that particular drink, but the rest of the drinks will on the whole just sit on the shelves with nobody buying them.