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Coffee or tea?

Coffee or tea, what do you prefer?

  • Cobras!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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May 6, 2009
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What is preference and if you or the bunch you ride in (if you do ride in one or assuming you ride at all) when the obligatory coffee stop appears. I have to say for me it's a flat white. Latte's are just dire IMO.

Vote away!
I can enjoy a good cup of strong black coffee; but all that shit that you get at a Starbucks with more milk than coffee is just disgusting.

Tea is clearly the best, it comes in so many different tastes and aromas. It's always delicious and soothing. Tea clearly wins. Sadly liking tea, or saying that you enjoy drinking tea, has gotten a very bad name in the Netherlands over the past three months or so. I find myself even feeling a little embarrased whenever I walk towards a cashier with darjeeling or rooibos or whatever in my hands these days :(
Moondance said:
I can enjoy a good cup of strong black coffee; but all that shit that you get at a Starbucks with more milk than coffee is just disgusting.

Tea is clearly the best, it comes in so many different tastes and aromas. It's always delicious and soothing. Tea clearly wins. Sadly liking tea, or saying that you enjoy drinking tea, has gotten a very bad name in the Netherlands over the past three months or so. I find myself even feeling a little embarrased whenever I walk towards a cashier with darjeeling or rooibos or whatever in my hands these days :(
Yes. Very suspect. Although the logo in your avatar saves you. :p

Coffee it is, for me. Unashamed caffeine addict.
Nov 24, 2009
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Moondance said:
Sadly liking tea, or saying that you enjoy drinking tea, has gotten a very bad name in the Netherlands over the past three months or so. I find myself even feeling a little embarrased whenever I walk towards a cashier with darjeeling or rooibos or whatever in my hands these days :(

I don't understand the connection, not being Dutch. Must be something political since Holland recently had an election. My guess anyway.

I voted tea as well, though I'm no fan of Indian teas as they contain milk. I don't like the taste of tea with milk. Tea for me should be without sugar, though if I want a bit of sweetness to go with an herbal tea a touch of honey will do.

It's odd how the palate adapts. At first I thought Green Tea was quite strong and needed some sweetness to soften the taste but now I have no problems drinking it plain.
Aug 4, 2009
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Physicians will tell you that protine equal to a glass of milk will aid recovery from hard race or ride. they now tell you that caffine is good for glycogen recovery.
Then they tell us caffeen will prevent rehydration.
they also tell us that antioxidents in tea is good.

large mug of strong white coffe for me .


4th choice

The patch for me
Mar 10, 2009
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Moondance said:
I can enjoy a good cup of strong black coffee; but all that shit that you get at a Starbucks with more milk than coffee is just disgusting.

Tea is clearly the best, it comes in so many different tastes and aromas. It's always delicious and soothing. Tea clearly wins. Sadly liking tea, or saying that you enjoy drinking tea, has gotten a very bad name in the Netherlands over the past three months or so. I find myself even feeling a little embarrased whenever I walk towards a cashier with darjeeling or rooibos or whatever in my hands these days :(

Coffee drinker, espresso preferred.

Since I don't like milk (or sugar) in my coffee, I can assure you that the star$$$ is disgusting without milk as well... Bitter & Burnt.

You're drinking a brand, or a logo certainly not coffee ;)

PS>congrats with your party's results.
Mar 10, 2009
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0624 Mountain Daylight Time, looking for live video of the Dauphine.

I've got coffee with milk, no sugar. Then there are those days where tea satisfies.

In my house, you have a choice of two coffees and four teas - I would have voted for cobras, but I prefer cougars.
black coffee, no milk. only drink tea when I've had too much coffee and ruined my stomach.. either espresso, from my little bialetti stove top, or old school "kokmalt". which is simply boiling water in a kettle, add coarsly ground coffee, and wait seven minutes.
Mar 11, 2009
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I enjoy coffee by far more than tea but, I do love a pot of Oolong tea every once in awhile.

Coffee wise, black and no sugar and preferably single origin no blends. I also enjoy an espresso or a Cappuccino every once in a while. My favorites are Tanzanian Peaberry, Guatemalan and Columbian. I absolutely love Sumatran but they are not all created equal, my favorite Sumatran is Sumatra Mandheling from Fiddlheads Coffee.
Nov 2, 2009
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Coffee. I love it, and am blessed with a choice of 50 (more?) restaurants and cafes within 1-2 km from home. My preference is for skim milk cafe latte, at least the way it is made in Melbourne. In Bali, I prefer the locally grown coffee, without milk.

Starbucks is horrible.

I go through phases with tea drinking: sometimes Indian teas, sometimes herbal teas. In the past couple of years I have taken to dandelion tea, and have some most days.
May 19, 2010
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Coffee. Black. Two cups. Simple and large, no little sweet milky moccacino, capuccino, al-pacino, or whatever for me. Umm...although i prefer a vodka to shake me up in the morning, but i shall stick to the choices given.