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Colorado town outlaws bikes

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rhubroma said:
America continues to dumbfound us all. The truly remarkable comment, though I'm hardly surprised by it, is the bit about tax payers and who has the right to use the road.

Such Americans are living in a little world all by themselves where real human beings don't exist anymore, only artificial human beings. They are quite happy to live in their artificial world and don't even realize that they are existing in a most unnatural state. And the rest of the world of real society and real human beings, is just as happy that these dreadful Americans stay put in their grotesque existence and artificial environment, and would of course never want to have such gastly creatures leave their bubble and come visit the rest of civilization.

The scary thing is that this opinion ISN'T just isolated to the USA. Here in Australia the same opinion is disturbingly prevalent as well:(
May 9, 2009
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Instead of blaming America and Republicans for this, you should really blame the gambling industry for this bike ban. I hate casinos and think they are one of the most depressing creations ever made by man. They are the antithesis of our healthy outdoor lifestyle, and are filled with people sitting on their a$$ under artificial lighting and complete climate control, losing their money, breathing smoke-filled air, eating bad food, and drinking enough to so that they don't realize that they're losing all their money. Real fun. This bike ban is only to facilitate the buses and tourists coming to this town to do more of this. There may be a hint of jealousness in this too -- i.e., don't let those gamblers see those healthy cyclists ride by, or else the gamblers may feel guilty and change their lifestyle.
trailrunner said:
Instead of blaming America and Republicans for this, you should really blame the gambling industry for this bike ban. I hate casinos and think they are one of the most depressing creations ever made by man. They are the antithesis of our healthy outdoor lifestyle, and are filled with people sitting on their a$$ under artificial lighting and complete climate control, losing their money, breathing smoke-filled air, eating bad food, and drinking enough to so that they don't realize that they're losing all their money. Real fun. This bike ban is only to facilitate the buses and tourists coming to this town to do more of this. There may be a hint of jealousness in this too -- i.e., don't let those gamblers see those healthy cyclists ride by, or else the gamblers may feel guilty and change their lifestyle.

Yes and Monte Carlo has a casino industry too. It is also where many a professional cyclist has his residence.:rolleyes:
42x16ss said:
The scary thing is that this opinion ISN'T just isolated to the USA. Here in Australia the same opinion is disturbingly prevalent as well:(

That's because you Ausies are just as demented as we Yanks. :cool:

Must be a colonial megalomania thing, for which what is quite normal for the rest of the world is to be changed. For we know what's best and are just more civilized. ;)
May 7, 2009
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Funny thing about Black Hawk is that the old (now defunct) Saturn Cycling Classic pro road bike race (about 140 miles from Boulder to Breckenridge) used to pass through the town on the way to Idaho Springs. I believe some of the casinos offered prime prizes/cash. Sort of like the old Coors Classic criterium through Reno....