Wow folks!
Given that it tends to be the market that rates riders, not forum individuals, it always amazes me when some think a rider is overrated, while others think said rider is a star ... that tends to be the biggest flag that the extreme opinions are clouded by personal like or dislike.
For what it's worth, Valverde and Evans are both huge talents. I know Angliru has read my vents about Valv-Piti (

), but the guy is still a huge talent and I would not slam his abilities. Annnnd, until last year, many would have said he was 'overrated' as a GT rider and should focus on one day races. Evans on the other hand, has tended to do better in GTs and until last year, would not have been considered a huge threat for a one day race like Worlds. So they are both talents, but obviously very different.
Evans developed himself on the MTB diet, which means he did not pick up some of the road tactics in the junior ranks. May be he should have picked things up quicker, may be not ... one could question the tactical sense of the team he was with (it seems that other than PG, they are again looking pretty feable, but that is another thread

). But he has been walking a different path over the past year and working with what he has, so good on him. Some riders work on improving their TT skills and get a lot better but still cannot win a TT, and yet they don't seem to get slammed as much.
One last thing - while I don't dislike Tommy D, he certainly seems to fit more within that potential 'overrated' mantra, given his comparatively weaker palmares and yearly hyping by many cycling websites

Even Bro has the Tommy Meter going