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Contador and Valverde

Apr 28, 2009
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Does anyone else feel like the way Contador raced the Dauphine was disgraceful? Sure he's a great rider and he time trialled his way to third. But he didn't try to win, and what's more he was very obviously helping Valverde. I understand they've both been snubbed by the sport in their own way so they have that in common, but they're not on the same team. Cooperation like that between top riders just to prevent another rider from winning (Evans) is not at all in the best interest of the sport.

On top of it, Valverde alludes to returning the favor for Contador in the Tour, against his teammate Lance no less? I absolutely hate Lance, but you have to admire his competitive nature (I'm guessing no one was more disappointed with his 12th place Giro finish than he was). This type of anti-competitive behavior, whether or not money is involved, whether or not it was a spoken agreement or not, quite honestly leaves me feeling just as cheated and POed as dopers do.

Saving yourself for revenge against ASO is one thing, but doing it at another rider's expense, and the fans expense, is frankly ridiculous imho. Doping isn't the only way to cheat. I lost a lot of respect for Contador and Valverde at this Dauphine.

I guess I wanted to know if others felt the same, or if anyone might be able to say something to change my mind. Right now hoping the UCI drop kicks Valverde out of the next years of the sport and karma catches up to Contador :( Let's see a completely level playing field in this year's TdF and a real champion wearing yellow in Paris.
Mar 16, 2009
krebs303 said:

True love ;)

I suppose I can forgive Contador because of the way he has been treeated by Astana. This is just my opinion but I just thing they (JB and LA) are continuing to play a high stakes game with the sport of cycling and the best rider in the sport.

Love him or hate him Lance is all about Lance - it's actually the thing I find easiest to respect about him - it's clear what he is about. And JB is his chief architect / spin doctor. They are trying to work out how get the best out of his return to cycling - I think they are realising that winning the Tour is out of Lance's reach - but I still think they are constantly manouvering and politicking.

My point is simply that none of this is really to the benefit of the sport in the long term IMO but more than this Contador is caught in the middle. So no I am not surprised nor shocked that he is looking for support. He will not be at Astana come 2010 and I think it is likely he will be at Caisse d'Epargne.

Disgraceful not for me. It's just what it is. I think it's a direct result of what is going on at Astana.
Mar 11, 2009
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Well (Australian nationality aside), I think that Evans would definitely have something to complain about, although at least he had some assistance (Lloyd) for a change. Hopefully Lloyd will be on the team for the Tour.


Mar 17, 2009
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jmnikricket said:
Does anyone else feel like the way Contador raced the Dauphine was disgraceful? Sure he's a great rider and he time trialled his way to third. But he didn't try to win, and what's more he was very obviously helping Valverde. I understand they've both been snubbed by the sport in their own way so they have that in common, but they're not on the same team. Cooperation like that between top riders just to prevent another rider from winning (Evans) is not at all in the best interest of the sport.

On top of it, Valverde alludes to returning the favor for Contador in the Tour, against his teammate Lance no less? I absolutely hate Lance, but you have to admire his competitive nature (I'm guessing no one was more disappointed with his 12th place Giro finish than he was). This type of anti-competitive behavior, whether or not money is involved, whether or not it was a spoken agreement or not, quite honestly leaves me feeling just as cheated and POed as dopers do.

Saving yourself for revenge against ASO is one thing, but doing it at another rider's expense, and the fans expense, is frankly ridiculous imho. Doping isn't the only way to cheat. I lost a lot of respect for Contador and Valverde at this Dauphine.

I guess I wanted to know if others felt the same, or if anyone might be able to say something to change my mind. Right now hoping the UCI drop kicks Valverde out of the next years of the sport and karma catches up to Contador :( Let's see a completely level playing field in this year's TdF and a real champion wearing yellow in Paris.

Well Valverde did pat Contador on the back on the final climb yesterday. However won't be much help seeing ValvPiti won't be there to help AC.
Mar 10, 2009
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jmnikricket said:
Does anyone else feel like the way Contador raced the Dauphine was disgraceful? Sure he's a great rider and he time trialled his way to third. But he didn't try to win, and what's more he was very obviously helping Valverde. I understand they've both been snubbed by the sport in their own way so they have that in common, but they're not on the same team. Cooperation like that between top riders just to prevent another rider from winning (Evans) is not at all in the best interest of the sport.

On top of it, Valverde alludes to returning the favor for Contador in the Tour, against his teammate Lance no less? I absolutely hate Lance, but you have to admire his competitive nature (I'm guessing no one was more disappointed with his 12th place Giro finish than he was). This type of anti-competitive behavior, whether or not money is involved, whether or not it was a spoken agreement or not, quite honestly leaves me feeling just as cheated and POed as dopers do.

Saving yourself for revenge against ASO is one thing, but doing it at another rider's expense, and the fans expense, is frankly ridiculous imho. Doping isn't the only way to cheat. I lost a lot of respect for Contador and Valverde at this Dauphine.

I guess I wanted to know if others felt the same, or if anyone might be able to say something to change my mind. Right now hoping the UCI drop kicks Valverde out of the next years of the sport and karma catches up to Contador :( Let's see a completely level playing field in this year's TdF and a real champion wearing yellow in Paris.

Welcome to Bicycle racing :D, the history of bicycle racing is chock full of these stories, this is just the latest. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it though, eventually they'll backstab each other at another race don't you worry ;). These are the stories I'd prefer to read about than the other stores. At least these involve racing and its tactics within the race.
Apr 28, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
True love ;)
My point is simply that none of this is really to the benefit of the sport in the long term IMO but more than this Contador is caught in the middle. So no I am not surprised nor shocked that he is looking for support. He will not be at Astana come 2010 and I think it is likely he will be at Caisse d'Epargne.

I guess if that plays out I can understand. I still don't like it.
You have to ask why would a team leader give over his services to another team leader, with little chance of any reciprocation.
Contador had plenty of opportunity, but no motivation, to exploit the Evans/Valverde dual.
He expended at least the same amount of effort chasing down, as he would have, attacking.
Teams, even Tour preparation teams, ride for reward.

What makes it even more odd, is the way Caisse worked Bertie over, at Paris-Nice.

IMO, what we saw, was a blatent piece of OP solidarity. To me, it was further proof that AC was up to his eyeballs in Dr Fuentes practices, along with Piti and the rest.

Seems now, they have formed their own union.
A present for Don Ale, before his extended holiday.
Mar 18, 2009
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I read the comments by Valverde, and the first thought that popped into my head is the mind games are in full swing.

I couldn't imagine Valverdes team manager allowing him to help Contador, when the focus should be on Valverde and his own team doing their best to win.

When it comes to winning, I don't think Contador would give a damn if Valverde was leading and needed help, he would chew him up and spit him out given the chance to win. It doesn't make either of them bad sportsmen it shows and really it just shows how competitive and patriotic Valverde is.:)
Mar 19, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
True love ;)

Love him or hate him Lance is all about Lance - it's actually the thing I find easiest to respect about him - it's clear what he is about. And JB is his chief architect / spin doctor. They are trying to work out how get the best out of his return to cycling - I think they are realising that winning the Tour is out of Lance's reach - but I still think they are constantly manouvering and politicking.


Disgraceful not for me. It's just what it is. I think it's a direct result of what is going on at Astana.

A Tour without the top favs would easily be won by Lance... Contador/ Basso are the only ones I see holding a fully tuned Lance. It just depends.... It will be fun viewing (especially today or next week when the uci reveals the "list" LOL).

I like Valverde and I'm convinced if everybody was clean and there was no doping he'd STILL be top 5. Lance will probably win the Tour this year due to blood doping. The top 50 guys for the most part are all blood doping with their frozen packed red cells (thawed and re-infused).

If all were clean I dont think Lance would even be top 50. What an A$$!
Jun 15, 2009
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jmnikricket said:
Saving yourself for revenge against ASO is one thing, but doing it at another rider's expense, and the fans expense, is frankly ridiculous imho. Doping isn't the only way to cheat. I lost a lot of respect for Contador and Valverde at this Dauphine.

I believe that it's quite "pestiferous" trying to explain professional sports with pure instincts.


Mar 17, 2009
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BigBoat said:
A Tour without the top favs would easily be won by Lance... Contador/ Basso are the only ones I see holding a fully tuned Lance. It just depends.... It will be fun viewing (especially today or next week when the uci reveals the "list" LOL).

I like Valverde and I'm convinced if everybody was clean and there was no doping he'd STILL be top 5. Lance will probably win the Tour this year due to blood doping. The top 50 guys for the most part are all blood doping with their frozen packed red cells (thawed and re-infused).

If all were clean I dont think Lance would even be top 50. What an A$$!

This was my worst fear….. with Lance the movie, Lance the book all due in the next few months I can see him really amping this up..... with the 3 million he's banked from the TDU and Giro it will more than pay for the top program with transfusions conducted in helicopters from mountain tops like in 2005.... it will be Lance, Lance, Lance all over again..... I think even Lance fans will feel sick... no doubt Phil & Paul will take the payment and being throwing in all the classics quotes as pure whank fodder….
Mar 19, 2009
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whiteboytrash said:
This was my worst fear….. with Lance the movie, Lance the book all due in the next few months I can see him really amping this up..... with the 3 million he's banked from the TDU and Giro it will more than pay for the top program with transfusions conducted in helicopters from mountain tops like in 2005.... it will be Lance, Lance, Lance all over again..... I think even Lance fans will feel sick... no doubt Phil & Paul will take the payment and being throwing in all the classics quotes as pure whank fodder….

Its truly awful how they obsess over one guy... As I said...it would be great TV if somebody would BUST this jacka$$ and we could see him whisked away by the french gendarmes during the Tour. :)


Mar 17, 2009
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BigBoat said:
Its truly awful how they obsess over one guy... As I said...it would be great TV if somebody would BUST this jacka$$ and we could see him whisked away by the french gendarmes during the Tour. :)

Funny enough I fantasise about this sort of stuff.

I’m imagining LeMonde printing an afternoon edition with hidden camera photos of Lance packing some serious cells for him to be torn off his bike by the gendarmes mid race and led away in cuffs. It would make my day.
Mar 11, 2009
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ElChingon said:
Welcome to Bicycle racing :D, the history of bicycle racing is chock full of these stories, this is just the latest. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it though, eventually they'll backstab each other at another race don't you worry ;). These are the stories I'd prefer to read about than the other stores. At least these involve racing and its tactics within the race.

nailed it :)
Mar 11, 2009
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it's all about having friends.

4 man group: contador and valverde, evans and gesink.

evans might have gotten a little help had he not screwed gesink in last years paris-nice.
Jun 13, 2009
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jmnikricket said:
I guess I wanted to know if others felt the same, or if anyone might be able to say something to change my mind. Right now hoping the UCI drop kicks Valverde out of the next years of the sport and karma catches up to Contador :( Let's see a completely level playing field in this year's TdF and a real champion wearing yellow in Paris.

I don't have any problem with the co-operation at all. Maybe Cadel should try and muster up some Australian support at TdF? Like someone else aluded to, this sort of stuff has been going on for years, it won't change, and it doesn't need to.
May 8, 2009
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ak-zaaf said:
nailed it :)

The problem people should have with this is not the fact that 2 riders worked together to beat another rider, but the fact that Contador worked with Valverde, whilst he is under investigation for O.P.

Contador's attitude towards doping is clearly questionable.
Remember that Valverde was not competing at Paris-Nice. Contador made it clear that he was at the Dauphine simply as prep for the Tour not to go for the win. Clear also is that they are good friends and fellow Spanish national team members and in races it is not out of the norm for common nationalities assist one another.
Evans can't even rally the support of his teammates let alone riders on other teams. I'm sure his fellow riders see how he whines about his lack of support and how he's being "triple teamed" (2008 Tour) or battling with 2 Spaniards, how no one was riding to win but him. Waaah! This type of behaviour doesn't exactly encourage anyone to give you any help.

I guess we can thank this union between Valverde and Contador for turning Evans into an attacking rider. His attacks were quite reminiscent of the the attacks that occurred between Rassmussen and Contador in the 2007 Tour. The difference is that there weren't 15 of them and they were exchanges of attacks between Contador and Rassmussen. Not one rider mounting sprint like attacks over and over and over again. One would have thought that a conservative rider like Evans would have been saving some of that fire and energy for the Tour. Has he conceeded victory in July already? For him to have given such a full on effort at the Dauphine is not like Evans.
Apr 16, 2009
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Angliru said:
Evans can't even rally the support of his teammates let alone riders on other teams. I'm sure his fellow riders see how he whines about his lack of support and how he's being "triple teamed" (2008 Tour) or battling with 2 Spaniards, how no one was riding to win but him. Waaah! This type of behavious does exactly encourage anyone to give you any help.

I guess we can thank this union between Valverde and Contador for turning Evans into an attacking rider. His attacks were quite reminiscent of the the attacks that occurred between Rassmussen and Contador in the 2007 Tour. The difference is that there weren't 15 of them and they were exchanges of attacks between Contador and Rassmussen. Not one rider mounting sprint like attacks over and over and over again. One would have thought that a conservative rider like Evans would have been saving some of that fire and energy for the Tour. Has he conceeded victory in July already? For him to have given such a full on effort at the Dauphine is not like Evans.

First CE was seen as a "wheelsucker" now you say he attacks too much. Give the guy a break. He's not a member of the OP cycling club. Big deal.
Mar 18, 2009
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subzro said:
I don't have any problem with the co-operation at all. Maybe Cadel should try and muster up some Australian support at TdF? Like someone else aluded to, this sort of stuff has been going on for years, it won't change, and it doesn't need to.

Nice thought but not likely for Cadel to get support from other aussie riders, as far as I can tell they ride for their teams not for their friends. Didn't see O'Grady offer any support last year, when his team were setting Sastre up for a win.:D