Its simple really, Because there are better alternatives to EPO, in terms of training methods, principles, legal substances etc all within WADA regulations, that have been around since the days of Lemond, Merckx etc... Get with it. Lets stop the BS, going on like EPO/HGH/Blood Transfusions is the God-Damn holy grail to athletic & cycling performances with regards to Tour wins & riding its 1 meat & 2 veg.
Who the hell are you to say Greg Lemond wasn't a doper with his stance against doping, Eddie Merckx etc. Who the hell are you to say Greg "only the sun shines out of my derriere" Lemond didn't consume 10 cups of coffee before the start of each stage. THATS DOPING. Is Lemond gonna admit to doping?, NO, WHY NOT? Cos it was all within regulation back in the day.
Who the hell are you to say Eddie "only the sun shines out of my derriere" Merckx didn't add 2 teaspoons of Bicarbonate of Soda to every water bottle at the start of each refill. THATS DOPING. Is Merckx gonna admit to doping?, NO, WHY NOT? Cos it was all within regulation in the day.
IF that was the case with Merckx. Where does that put him in the "all time list" IF all the other riders in the peleton were on a placebo??? Suddenly, hes goes from being the greatest cyclist of all time to not being a top 100 rider. WHY, because hard training hasn't gotten him them wins but an excessive abuse of a substance.
Why is contador so strong, Armstrong etc. A little substance here, A little substance there BUT BOY they make a difference (ALL WITHIN WADA REGULATION REMEMBER), BUT doping none the less & alot of hard training. Look at the recent positives for DHEA. Zirbel, the third cyclist to test positive for it. All just looking for that extra advantage. But come on fella, an advantage within WADA regulation at least. Lets try to sly it a little instead of going head first into banned, crap, that has hardly no effect on enhancing athletic performance. Jeezz.
Get off EPO's wood, there are better alternatives & both Contador & Armstrong know this. They not that bloody stupid enough to take EPO & get banned when there are better alternative out there. Do not think for 1 minute that Lance is "pure", that he is running on "fumes" & clean as a whistle, he isn't. Its probable he could be taking a secret combination of supplements, only known to him, that works, all within WADA regualtion, BUT, I do not believe for 1 minute hes stupid enough to take EPO, when he knows what I know (and more)... Especially when EPO can get you banned.
Thankyou, lets get with it...
& remember what Riis said when he came out, EPO wasn't all that. Yeah, hes 100% correct about that.
Right from this moment on, Lets start pulling our heads out of our $$'s regarding EPO & looking at the bigger picture.
EPO/HGH/BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS don't keep, or get you to the top of the sport.
So bloody stop going on like it does.
EPO doesn't make you a better rider... Or Riis, Millar, Virenque would have started winning from the get go when they started to consume it, they didn't & when they did reach the top, EPO didn't continue the trend of success.
Proof, EPO makes performances & results fail... History says so...
Don't go on like it does...
EPO & doping in general is so overly exaggerated & overrated, its unbelieveable.
When the sports gets 100% clean, we will still see clean riders producing remarkable performances, times etc without the use of doping.
I want all the upcoming juniors who go on to turn professional to remember, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, you won't come ahead of Cavendish in the sprint, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to beat Cancellara in TT, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to take a clean Contador's crown in the Tour, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to be as great as Armstrong...
Its all people talk about. Sorry, its not the be all, end all... Your wasting your time talking about what such huge influence it has on success in cycling... F all...
Its unfortunate such an evil mixture of chemicals, hormones & vetinary medication wouldn't have worked for any rider in the Kelme team, trying to claim a Tour De France. But there you go. The history of honking dopers states that fact. Maybe you can go ask the Kelme-Costa Blanca team, maybe they will tell you what this crap did for there potentials & performances in the Tours, Classics???.. Suddenly they were beating everyone under the sun. Right?. WRONG. Doping doesn't work.
Live & let die.
Errrrrr. If it didn't work for the Kelme team, then errrrrr.... Whats it gonna do for Armstrong again?...
Thats right...
So what do all the "haters" puts Armstrongs wins down to???... Doping.
Take a walk. Drop the hate.
If EPO is making riders fail, it sure ain't gonna make a Armstrong a winner, lol...
Doping can't win you a Tour De France... Its not the Holy Grail to athletic performance....
Who the hell are you to say Greg Lemond wasn't a doper with his stance against doping, Eddie Merckx etc. Who the hell are you to say Greg "only the sun shines out of my derriere" Lemond didn't consume 10 cups of coffee before the start of each stage. THATS DOPING. Is Lemond gonna admit to doping?, NO, WHY NOT? Cos it was all within regulation back in the day.
Who the hell are you to say Eddie "only the sun shines out of my derriere" Merckx didn't add 2 teaspoons of Bicarbonate of Soda to every water bottle at the start of each refill. THATS DOPING. Is Merckx gonna admit to doping?, NO, WHY NOT? Cos it was all within regulation in the day.
IF that was the case with Merckx. Where does that put him in the "all time list" IF all the other riders in the peleton were on a placebo??? Suddenly, hes goes from being the greatest cyclist of all time to not being a top 100 rider. WHY, because hard training hasn't gotten him them wins but an excessive abuse of a substance.
Why is contador so strong, Armstrong etc. A little substance here, A little substance there BUT BOY they make a difference (ALL WITHIN WADA REGULATION REMEMBER), BUT doping none the less & alot of hard training. Look at the recent positives for DHEA. Zirbel, the third cyclist to test positive for it. All just looking for that extra advantage. But come on fella, an advantage within WADA regulation at least. Lets try to sly it a little instead of going head first into banned, crap, that has hardly no effect on enhancing athletic performance. Jeezz.
Get off EPO's wood, there are better alternatives & both Contador & Armstrong know this. They not that bloody stupid enough to take EPO & get banned when there are better alternative out there. Do not think for 1 minute that Lance is "pure", that he is running on "fumes" & clean as a whistle, he isn't. Its probable he could be taking a secret combination of supplements, only known to him, that works, all within WADA regualtion, BUT, I do not believe for 1 minute hes stupid enough to take EPO, when he knows what I know (and more)... Especially when EPO can get you banned.
Thankyou, lets get with it...
& remember what Riis said when he came out, EPO wasn't all that. Yeah, hes 100% correct about that.
Right from this moment on, Lets start pulling our heads out of our $$'s regarding EPO & looking at the bigger picture.
EPO/HGH/BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS don't keep, or get you to the top of the sport.
So bloody stop going on like it does.
EPO doesn't make you a better rider... Or Riis, Millar, Virenque would have started winning from the get go when they started to consume it, they didn't & when they did reach the top, EPO didn't continue the trend of success.
Proof, EPO makes performances & results fail... History says so...
Don't go on like it does...
EPO & doping in general is so overly exaggerated & overrated, its unbelieveable.
When the sports gets 100% clean, we will still see clean riders producing remarkable performances, times etc without the use of doping.
I want all the upcoming juniors who go on to turn professional to remember, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, you won't come ahead of Cavendish in the sprint, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to beat Cancellara in TT, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to take a clean Contador's crown in the Tour, if your going to start honking EPO/HGH etc, your not going to be as great as Armstrong...
Its all people talk about. Sorry, its not the be all, end all... Your wasting your time talking about what such huge influence it has on success in cycling... F all...
Its unfortunate such an evil mixture of chemicals, hormones & vetinary medication wouldn't have worked for any rider in the Kelme team, trying to claim a Tour De France. But there you go. The history of honking dopers states that fact. Maybe you can go ask the Kelme-Costa Blanca team, maybe they will tell you what this crap did for there potentials & performances in the Tours, Classics???.. Suddenly they were beating everyone under the sun. Right?. WRONG. Doping doesn't work.
Live & let die.
Errrrrr. If it didn't work for the Kelme team, then errrrrr.... Whats it gonna do for Armstrong again?...
Thats right...
So what do all the "haters" puts Armstrongs wins down to???... Doping.
Take a walk. Drop the hate.
If EPO is making riders fail, it sure ain't gonna make a Armstrong a winner, lol...
Doping can't win you a Tour De France... Its not the Holy Grail to athletic performance....