like I posted in the other thread
"I don't contribute much to the clinic, because i don't have any special knowledge or inside information about doping. I'm just a fan, who comes here to learn, since there are some very knowledgeable and well informed people posting here, and the best threads are very informative. however, it's very frustrating when what's looking to be a good thread, is destroyed by some moron posting things he can't possibly believe in himself, over and over again. (Like, for instance, "epo doesn't work", and variations of this.) I strongly encourage the posters here who actually knows something about cycling and doping (you know who you are..) to keep posting, and for the other morons: i sincerely hope you lose your fingers and are forced to type with your nose."
The point being, I sincerely hope you who actually know something keep posting despite these cretins. I am very thankful to you for teaching me much that I did not know.