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Contador's "surprise" attack

So he didn't follow the game plan, according to Armstrong. I watched the race and when Contador attacked it was almost as if he was tired of dragging an old man up the hill and decided to show everyone in the race who is the strongest. Almost 20 seconds in about 2k against the best of the rest. That's impressive.

The only surprise to me was that Contador waited so long before ditching the rest of the group.
I'll take nothing away from Contador's attack and his form. Clearly he is a force in the peloton. But there were riders in that lead group who very possibly could have gone with him, and for strategic reasons did not. And there were riders in that group who should have gone, and could not. I'd be careful about those gross generalizations. Not all were chum in the wake of Alberto... not yet anyway.
Mar 17, 2009
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I agree with you.

I just read some comments posted by some who read the NYT article on today's stage. The first two posters suggest that Lance will ultimately prevail and that Alberto will lose the support of his teamates because of his attack today.

I disagree. I do think, however, that Lance is more effective in manipulating the media than most cyclists and, in particular, Contador.
Jun 18, 2009
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I am pretty sure AC attacked because he was so sick of Versus' terrible commentary. Maybe now they will mention riders other than LA! :rolleyes:
Mar 13, 2009
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Too bad Andy Schleck didn't go with him. He almost got him, but he said on Luxembourg Television that there were too many cars and motorcycles in the way. He said it's not Alberto's fault, but a little unprofessional of the Tour Organization.

Great move from Contador though in his signature climbing style! Hats off.
Jul 9, 2009
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Well apparently his attack would of been easy to follow according to Andy Schleck. If you watch his post race comments he basically says that he could of easily bridge up to him and that because that they were so many cars and moto in front of Contador when he attacked it actually cut the wind and explain why he was abale to gain some time... something which he says should'nt happen on the Tour de France. I don't if it's just me but thats a bit of a cocky comment by him...
Jul 8, 2009
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if you watch the replay the motorcycle is pacing him for a long time (not particulary in the attack moment, but in the moments after, where he established the lead)
Jun 30, 2009
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Looked to me like Contador was waiting for Armstrong to make a move to get the yellow jersey, but when Armstrong sat on without the desire (or the capacity) to challenge for yellow, in the end Contador felt time was running out and finally went for it himself, a few seconds too late as it turned out.
Mar 13, 2009
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NRS_Comp1 said:
I don't if it's just me but thats a bit of a cocky comment by him...

I wouldn't say cocky, I think he was rather p*ssed off, which happens very rarely with Andy. Plus, I really can't see him lying, I think if he couldn't have followed due to a lack of strength he would have admitted it ...


kloftus1044 said:
So he didn't follow the game plan, according to Armstrong. I watched the race and when Contador attacked it was almost as if he was tired of dragging an old man up the hill and decided to show everyone in the race who is the strongest. Almost 20 seconds in about 2k against the best of the rest. That's impressive.

The only surprise to me was that Contador waited so long before ditching the rest of the group.

Not to mention that the grade was not that steep. Very impressive. Imagine if it had been 7-12%. He would have taken another minute at least.
Jul 10, 2009
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DavidT said:
Looked to me like Contador was waiting for Armstrong to make a move to get the yellow jersey, but when Armstrong sat on without the desire (or the capacity) to challenge for yellow, in the end Contador felt time was running out and finally went for it himself, a few seconds too late as it turned out.

You nimrod ... Imagine the media backlash if Armstrong went after AC ... they would have hung him ... Armstrong is playing the 'good teammate' card ... but should keep his mouth closed as clearly there's no need to badmouth his teammate for attacking. Those comments should be within the team.
Jul 3, 2009
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I think if anybody could have went with Contador..they would have...look at the replays, they react and can't get to him. It would have been more intresting if nobody had reacted and see if Astana would have sat up or kept the pace up. Contador is a master of getting a gap quickly and holding it but not always increasing it all the way to the finish. Well done to Wiggo Track and Tour God. Delighted for Nocentini.
Jul 10, 2009
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No gifts from LA

LA couldn't attack, if he could he would have. Think of LA 99-2001, would have attacked. For 2005, LA style was to sit there and wait for an attack, by then the peleton feared him so much that they also sat with him. He is still using that tactic, but the peleton has moved on, certainly AC doesn't fear Mr. LA. Andy surprised me, I expected more. I think one of the contenders is going to attack from the beginning of one of the mountain races, like Landis did when he was 27min behind.
May 12, 2009
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What an interesting finish! Contador apparently ignored team orders to conserve on the climb. Watching the feed, it was clear that when he hit the switchbacks with the headwinds, the motors were being very, very kind to him.

The person who stated that LA could not go after him without being murdered in the press is correct - he had to show class and restraint.

Actually, I don't know if 20 seconds on a climb like that is much of a stamp. The attacks following him were half-hearted. I got the impression that Lance would have loved to tear it up. Here's the thing: let's say Armstrong had chased. Even if he had not been able to close the gap entirely, he could have cut in half, to ten seconds. For AC to go balls out and only get 10 seconds, at best, on LA, I'm not sure there is the great difference in fitness.

The only thing for sure is that we're in for two awesome weeks.
velodromer said:
What an interesting finish! Contador apparently ignored team orders to conserve on the climb. Watching the feed, it was clear that when he hit the switchbacks with the headwinds, the motors were being very, very kind to him.

The person who stated that LA could not go after him without being murdered in the press is correct - he had to show class and restraint.

Actually, I don't know if 20 seconds on a climb like that is much of a stamp. The attacks following him were half-hearted. I got the impression that Lance would have loved to tear it up. Here's the thing: let's say Armstrong had chased. Even if he had not been able to close the gap entirely, he could have cut in half, to ten seconds. For AC to go balls out and only get 10 seconds, at best, on LA, I'm not sure there is the great difference in fitness.

The only thing for sure is that we're in for two awesome weeks.

Baby Schleck is full of crap. When Contador went, he was RIGHT behind him. Contador just blasted past the Silence rider and was up the hill. Baby Schleck couldn't hold his wheel. But I guess he has to tell himself something. The attacks will come tomorrow I'm sure.
May 5, 2009
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kloftus1044 said:
So he didn't follow the game plan, according to Armstrong. I watched the race and when Contador attacked it was almost as if he was tired of dragging an old man up the hill and decided to show everyone in the race who is the strongest. Almost 20 seconds in about 2k against the best of the rest. That's impressive.

The only surprise to me was that Contador waited so long before ditching the rest of the group.

What's funny about this is that if you watched the race, Contador spent most of the climb on Lance's wheel. So, who was dragging who? But, that doesn't fit the "Lance is a horrible teammate" theory that seems so popular around here.

And yes, AC is clearly the strongest.
Jun 9, 2009
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whiteboytrash said:

didn't sound like he was slagging contador to me. Although you could argue that when he says you four need to talk to eachother and the other three slaged ac shows him as the odd out.

In my opinion it was a smart move for the team as they got to see who could respond (Andy, Cadel & Wiggo) and who couldn't. Personally i think they are making to much out of this
Christian said:
I wouldn't say cocky, I think he was rather p*ssed off, which happens very rarely with Andy. Plus, I really can't see him lying, I think if he couldn't have followed due to a lack of strength he would have admitted it ...

That's garbage. I've watched it several times now and he/they just couldn't go with him. Does anyone actually think these guys are just going to give the race favorite another 20 secs if they can help it?