I dunno if any of you guys have a excel sheet of your own where you track your 2011 team as well as having a list of potential riders for 2012 along with there scores.
Anyway I have been using this for the past couple months, and figured I would share it. It is actually very useful and helps greatly with my 2012 team (lol yep pretty much have my team figured out..). As well as allowing you to easily keep track of your current team.
CQ Game Help Sheet
I also provided full instructions so you can easily update your rider and team scores in a matter of seconds each week.
Basically the sheet has 3 pages.
Rider scores - has all the scores, more so needed for the automatic updates etc.
2011 Team Page - My 2011 Team with some statistics (rider percentage gain, overall team statistics etc).
2012 Team Page - Basically just a list of your riders with thier scores automatically updated along with overall team score (ensuring you do not exceed 7500)
PLEASE NOTE: I left my own team in the 2011 team just so you guys get the idea, but just delete and edit as necessary. The actually programming of scores and such shouldn't be affected.
I also put a couple riders in the 2012 team page as an example. Noy my team tho, that is valuable
Maybe the OP can put it on the first post, I honestly think it is helpful, but whatever