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CQ ranking

Page 52 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
kurtinsc said:
I'm not saying it is... but I do thing the lesser races (overall... not just this week) may have more of an impact then the big races overall... especially because many of us picked "value" guys.

Extremely few riders of the top 30 riders from last year were chosen. I don't think there are a ton of top 5 GC at grand tour guys left after that. Maybe a couple... Menchov (33rd... 882 points), perhaps Di Luca or Pellizotti (if he gets a ride). But in general the guys who were picked who we expect to "do well" at GT's are more likely in the 6-10 finishing range then the 1-5 range.

And simply put... I'm not sure those second tier guys at GT's are going to play as big a factor in the game as guys who focus on and do well in .HC and .1 races.

I guess we'll see.

But the vast majority of the .hc and .1 stage races are also still to come. As well as the second tier classics.

kurtinsc said:
At what point in the season do you think the 7500 point mark will be hit?

If it's post-giro... I might think Bicing has a decent shot.

He's got 1300 already, has riders who might have success at the Giro in Di Luca, Pellizotti, Rujano and Anton. He's got Cunego who might make some noise in the Ardennes, Ballan and Haussler for the cobbled classics and some other "lesser" riders who might make some spring points (Gasparotto, Kroon, Stybar, Sagan).

Seems like a good "early start" type of team... and he already hit with Renshaw, Goss and Meyer.

Post Giro probably.

Could be during Giro though. having 1 or 2 riders in top 10 of every monument, + some guys getting stages and top 10s in PN, TA, Pais Vasco and Romandie, could bring in loads of points. Also some top 10s in the other cobbled and ardenne classics. All this could bring in the points.

Then some podiums in the Giro, a leaders jersey for a few days maybe, and 7500 could be broken.
The Hitch said:
I was feeling sorry for myself ;)

Though your right, i shouldnt. Its one of the deadly sins.

Heheh, fair enough, everyone's allowed to do that from time to time, although I guess on a message board you've gotta be prepared to get called on it...

I might drop by the pity party later once the season gets in full swing and my Ricco potential points are going missing... for now I'll take an early season 39th place and relax on a beach with a drink with one of those little umbrellas on it. Ahh...
Nov 23, 2009
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Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
i don't disagree my point was, I'm not willing to discount anybody (not even luckyboy :p), and I can't agree with the notion that the boys are being seperated from the men this early in the game. insane comment (like hitch said, 17 seconds in)

you're right, i'm just excited to be fif5th :):):)
Dec 17, 2009
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Awesome! More points from Oman, I got Bos and Cav, that's a 1,2 for me.

Just wish I hadn't picked Ricco....

or Pellizotti

or Cantwell- I missed changing him after the Pegasus debacle.

Matthews, Meyer and Renshaw have been good for me. They already have more points this year than last. Goss also has made 434 compared to 600 odd last year. Gerrans has also nearly paid off and the season is only 17 secs in.

Davis's 600 could cost me if he doesn't come good later but I think he will be aiming for the classics and the worlds.

Also need Igor Anton, Chicci, Ivanov and Vande Velde to fire if I am to have any chance of staying in the top 10.

I think Cav was a bargain at 1241. He missed much of last year and didn't really fire 'til late.
Dec 27, 2010
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I also have Cav, I wouldn't say he's a bargain and is a big risk but given the Worlds course and his intentions to do Tour & Vuelta again I think he is capable of 1800+ possibly up to 2000+ depending on his program. A few CQ-friendly one day races like Clasica Almeria etc. could boost his score nicely
Kevin Rudd's Hairdryer said:
Awesome! More points from Oman, I got Bos and Cav, that's a 1,2 for me.

Just wish I hadn't picked Ricco....

or Pellizotti

or Cantwell- I missed changing him after the Pegasus debacle.

Matthews, Meyer and Renshaw have been good for me. They already have more points this year than last. Goss also has made 434 compared to 600 odd last year. Gerrans has also nearly paid off and the season is only 17 secs in.

Davis's 600 could cost me if he doesn't come good later but I think he will be aiming for the classics and the worlds.

Also need Igor Anton, Chicci, Ivanov and Vande Velde to fire if I am to have any chance of staying in the top 10.

I think Cav was a bargain at 1241. He missed much of last year and didn't really fire 'til late.

Matthews should be good for a stage win in Portugal this week too!

Ok w/e rub it in I don't have him..!
will10 said:
I also have Cav, I wouldn't say he's a bargain and is a big risk but given the Worlds course and his intentions to do Tour & Vuelta again I think he is capable of 1800+ possibly up to 2000+ depending on his program. A few CQ-friendly one day races like Clasica Almeria etc. could boost his score nicely

Intention to do Tour + Vuelta :confused:

Cav put most of the blame on his failing in Geelong on the fact that he did the Vuelta and said he wont make the same mistake again. It might mean he will simply drop out halfway though.

But also he has expressed intentions for doing the Giro. Is he really going to do all 3 gts?

And i dont think Cav was a bargain. His maximum increase potential is about 60% and thats optimistic. Its possible he gets injured and loses it all. It will take some time for him to make up his score.

Its not the best imo to spend so much on 1 rider because they can only score once per race, whereas if you spread his ammount over 3 or 4 riders at a still rather expensive 400 a piece, they can each score for you in the same race, or in different races in the same week.

If 1 gets injured the other 3 cover.

And Cav is going to have to grind out his 1800 points (being very optimistic) through sprints sprints and sprints.

Meanwhile lesser riders at 400 points always have the chance of getting into that lucky break, having the peloton underestimate them, get into the leaders jersey when no ones paying attention, and increase their points big time.

Cav doesnt have that luxury. If he is to get his points, they will be done the hard way.
Jul 9, 2010
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I agree with hitch that we are only seventeen seconds into this game, but unfortunately for me in my hast to make a team so I could be guarenteed a spot in the game I didn't pick with any calculation at all, I just picked a bunch of riders and entered my team. But at least I think I will break even, with the likes of matthews and meyer already above even. Don't think I was alone with making my team hastly though. But with that said I really like the concept of this game and would be reallly excited for more editions of this game in the years to come.

Next year I might actually think before sending my team in
Jan 18, 2010
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Next year should be competetive, I made several blunders this time because of a lack of thought, and also thinking i was too late to enter etc.. and getting more familiar with the qc site and studying it might be a good idea..

I might have to put more riders that I cant stand in my team next time to have a chance of winning.:p
Jun 22, 2009
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sublimit said:
Next year should be competetive, I made several blunders this time because of a lack of thought, and also thinking i was too late to enter etc.. and getting more familiar with the qc site and studying it might be a good idea..

I might have to put more riders that I cant stand in my team next time to have a chance of winning.:p

also i hope people choose teams with discretion next year :D
Jun 1, 2010
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sublimit said:
Next year should be competetive, I made several blunders this time because of a lack of thought, and also thinking i was too late to enter etc.. and getting more familiar with the qc site and studying it might be a good idea..

I might have to put more riders that I cant stand in my team next time to have a chance of winning.:p

No, just go with riders you like and who you think can improve.
Jan 18, 2010
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microdose said:
No, just go with riders you like and who you think can improve.

Yeah but its how well they can improve, most of mine will improve but probably not enough to do well this time.

Still, position 20 at the moment is ok but miles behind you..:eek:
Sep 15, 2010
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Just had a look at the rankings for the 1st time, amazed to find myself in 26th place. About 60 places higher than I was expecting!!! Still kicking myself for forgetting Boonen though after he was the 1st name I wrote down, but great to see Moncoutie getting a win this week. Can't wait for him to win the KOM at the Tour & Vuelta!

Thanks for all the time & effort Hugo.