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CQ ranking

Page 50 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
Im very upset that a Boonen puncture gave Renshaw so many points :(

If i see anyone wating for someone else after a puncture in any race from now on (unless the puncture victim is on my cq team) i will be furious.

But seeing as the top is still Aussie dominated, early days yet. 5 of the top 10 most picked riders are yet to start a race. (though 1 is unlikely to start)

And it could be worse. I could have had Ricco :)

Edit: Where did Sella get 99 points from? Anyone know? that Argentinian race?
Jun 16, 2009
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I'm dissapointed that I'm so far down! Hopefully things turn for the better. All I want is for my team to at least break even. And be in the top half of the table!
Sep 27, 2009
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Moondance said:
Wow.... I actually gained a place?

Didn't expect that.

I thought I was going to be further down the list as well, but I had a look at what my riders had actually scored and I guess I had quite a good week although no where near Nobilis' excellent score for the week.
May 25, 2010
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Wow, I cracked the top 10. The equivelant of showing my face at the front of the peleton for a few k's in the middle of a race. :D

Now to watch as I slip back in the bunch into obscurity.
Nov 2, 2009
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Tuarts said:
Wow, I cracked the top 10. The equivelant of showing my face at the front of the peleton for a few k's in the middle of a race. :D

Now to watch as I slip back in the bunch into obscurity.

Actually I think the race has only just started. ;) But congrats, most of us won't get to the front of the peloton at all.
Dec 8, 2010
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Thought I'd go up, but I went down :[

Whats the deal with all these people with like a third of last year's points already, before the season's even really started?
auscyclefan94 said:
I'm dissapointed that I'm so far down! Hopefully things turn for the better. All I want is for my team to at least break even. And be in the top half of the table!

Well, keep in mind that by far your biggest points earner hasn't even started his season yet... regardless of if he can improve on last year enough to be a 'good' buy, he'll be rock solid once he starts.

For now, I'm happy to hold down a place in the middle of the pack... it's not even March yet!
Moondance said:
Wow.... I actually gained a place?

Didn't expect that.

Well, that's the Haussler effect. Someone this week put it best on a race thread when they said that he's not going to win you the game since most people have him, but he can lose you the game if you don't have him. I don't think it's a coincidence that Lancaster (6th last time) and Jakob747 (10th last time) fell out of the top 10 and don't have Haussler...

Maybe there should be a 'best team without Haussler' prize.
Nov 17, 2009
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I'm still in the top half at 28th and moved up a big chunk of places.

Anyone know where Talansky got his 61 points? He's almost equalled his cost (72) but I haven't heard a thing about what he might have done.
Nov 17, 2009
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kurtinsc said:
I'm still in the top half at 28th and moved up a big chunk of places.

Anyone know where Talansky got his 61 points? He's almost equalled his cost (72) but I haven't heard a thing about what he might have done.

Nevermind... just saw he got 4th on the Mount Faron climb at the Tour de Med and in the overall. Nice job Andy!
jaylew said:
I think the only guys in the top 10 most picked who haven't started are Pelli and Phinney, though VdV and Gerrans haven't scored yet.

Gerrans has scored in Aussie road race

But consider how many of the top scorers from last year have started.

1. CONTADOR VELASCO Alberto 2092
2. NIBALI Vincenzo 2051
3. RODRIGUEZ OLIVER Joaquin 1976
4. GILBERT Philippe 1810
5. FARRAR Tyler 1746
7. CANCELLARA Fabian 1569
8. EVANS Cadel 1471
9. SANCHEZ GIL Luis Leon 1446
10. GESINK Robert 1363
11. SCARPONI Michele 1353
12. VINOKOUROV Alexandre 1260
13. CAVENDISH Mark 1246
14. HESJEDAL Ryder 1202
15. BOASSON HAGEN Edvald 1200
16. SCHLECK Andy 1190
17. HORNER Chris 1141
18. HUSHOVD Thor 1136
19. SCHLECK Fränk 1107
20. VISCONTI Giovanni

I dont think very many. And those that have have done nothing
sublimit said:
Gerrans has 80

I have Ricco and Pellizotti and thats wasted riders.. probably blown my chance of doing anything.

Pellizotti is hardly a waste... The dude only cost 60 points; less than 1% of your funds. Having less than 1% of your points potentially 'go to waste' in return for possible 1000 points or so. Pellizotti was a must-buy. Even so, the vast majority of people selected him as well, so it's hardly as if you'll lose out big.

Ricco on the other hand.... Yeah, he screwed you. I considered picking him, and for a while I was even regretting not selecting him. Thankfully for my CQ team my earlier sense that his season might get derailed somehow proved correct, although I didn't expect it to happen so soon.
The Hitch said:
Gerrans has scored in Aussie road race

But consider how many of the top scorers from last year have started.

1. CONTADOR VELASCO Alberto 2092
2. NIBALI Vincenzo 2051
3. RODRIGUEZ OLIVER Joaquin 1976
4. GILBERT Philippe 1810
5. FARRAR Tyler 1746
7. CANCELLARA Fabian 1569
8. EVANS Cadel 1471
9. SANCHEZ GIL Luis Leon 1446
10. GESINK Robert 1363
11. SCARPONI Michele 1353
12. VINOKOUROV Alexandre 1260
13. CAVENDISH Mark 1246
14. HESJEDAL Ryder 1202
15. BOASSON HAGEN Edvald 1200
16. SCHLECK Andy 1190
17. HORNER Chris 1141
18. HUSHOVD Thor 1136
19. SCHLECK Fränk 1107
20. VISCONTI Giovanni

I dont think very many. And those that have have done nothing

Well, sure. The rankings don't mean too much just yet. That said, I doubt the riders above have been picked by too many people. Don't know how I missed Gerrans' points - hasn't every Aussie scored already?:p

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