It seems many of the people who are passionate about safety think there is an easy fix and the only reason we haven’t done it is because everyone is stuck in their ways. While there may indeed be some excessive reluctance to any form of change, it’s very short sighted to think anyone can fix safety in this sport with a magic wand.
Some of the suggested solutions are downright unrealistic, such as barricading and cushioning every potentially dangerous part of a route (where do you draw the line? Cycling doesn’t happen on F1 courses that can be padded in their entirety, and there’s nowhere near enough money in the sport to do so), or would completely destroy the quality of the racing (moto paced descents, speed limits, removing key sections of races, which ironically just creates more dangerous congestion). Then you have the calls for airbags and so on… maybe some day but we’re not there yet.
When you wade through it all, there’s very little that can be done to make any major difference at all. Changing rider and DS behavior is maybe the most promising concept. However, it has the same potential effect on reducing the quality of racing, is hard to “enforce,” and human nature shows riders will simply ride hard to follow whoever does decide to take risks, resulting in the current situation.
While many including myself don’t have too big of a problem with the current situation, society doesn’t seem to be in a position to accept that in today’s era, so we probably need to get ahead of this before the social media mob starts to do things like getting races canceled and effectively ruins the sport entirely. Plus, even if you ignore safety, it would still be nice to get more top riders to their key races.
Just spitballing but here is a crazy idea I may get hated for.
I personally don’t care what speed the sport is conducted at as long as everyone has a level playing field. I wouldn’t be opposed to trialing something like a minimum CDA or bike regulations that drop the average speed by 5kph or so. As long as everybody is affected equally, it shouldn’t change the quality or nature of racing in a major way. Riders who want to take risks could still do so, skill and talent could still play a huge role in descents and everywhere else, it would just drop the average speed the sport is conducted at, which seems irrelevant to me.
Obviously not all crashes happen at high speed, but a large portion of the worst ones have at least something to do with speed.
Maybe the physics wouldn’t work out right or it wouldn’t sell enough bikes to make the sport profitable, but I don’t think it would make the sport any less demanding or skill based. With it becoming a reality that some people actually want neutralized descents and worse, this could help avert those issues as well.