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Danish fairytales

Bummed that the Danes aren't getting enough credit for their doping success. Chapeau to Vinnie for out-glowing the great Pog. Pog was generous in his congratulations.
I went fishing yesterday, because I was confident the stage was going to be a bit too much. It didn't disappoint. Either Pog was going to drop a massive watt bomb and make a race of it or Vinnie was going to confirm that he's the strongest. I was most shocked by Wout's performance. Forget about numbers. A classics rider doing that was truly exceptional. Meanwhile MAL (whose career has stagnated) gets caught. Next year, we'll have two established riders contesting the Tour. Some others will fine tune and might get a little closer to the duo. We'll accept it and tune in because we know it's going to be a contest and it's better than the one horse towns we got with Lance and Froome.
As there are Danes on the forum - how would you describe the temperature amongst the Danish cycling and/or general public towards vingo and other performers? Are they being doubted, or just celebrated?

Or is the reality of current public sentiments simply too granulated to ask such general questions?

It's not as though Denmark has been doing badly in cycling before the past couple years, but surely the level has been upped quite a bit lately. Have things changed during this period?
As there are Danes on the forum - how would you describe the temperature amongst the Danish cycling and/or general public towards vingo and other performers? Are they being doubted, or just celebrated?

Or is the reality of current public sentiments simply too granulated to ask such general questions?

It's not as though Denmark has been doing badly in cycling before the past couple years, but surely the level has been upped quite a bit lately. Have things changed during this period?

I mean I don't think there's a Danish doping ring. The surgence makes sense if I read that they have cycling on public tv all the time and that there never was a big backlash to Riis like there was in Germany when it came out Jan wasn't just the nice pure boy.
It's a cycling-affine country with a few idols and huge media coverage while the success in many other popular sports isn't too immense. Also the money and structures for the sport are there. If that has been so for a while, well, it's understandable that there will be results.
So while I could never believe that someone like Vingegaard is clean... I guess they aren't per se much dirtier than others.
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As there are Danes on the forum - how would you describe the temperature amongst the Danish cycling and/or general public towards vingo and other performers? Are they being doubted, or just celebrated?

Or is the reality of current public sentiments simply too granulated to ask such general questions?

It's not as though Denmark has been doing badly in cycling before the past couple years, but surely the level has been upped quite a bit lately. Have things changed during this period?
Danish TV2 usually has one day during the Tour where they'll invite some guests to talk about doping. They'll say that doping is still a thing, but that the peloton probably hasn't been cleaner in a very long time, and that it is the reason why the Danish riders are now able to compete with the best. But they would of course not gain anything from promoting the opposite view,
Danish TV2 usually has one day during the Tour where they'll invite some guests to talk about doping. They'll say that doping is still a thing, but that the peloton probably hasn't been cleaner in a very long time, and that it is the reason why the Danish riders are now able to compete with the best. But they would of course not gain anything from promoting the opposite view,
Like Lance Armstrong benefited from a much cleaner cycling, because he organized the most effective doping structure in sports history? :D
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Skjelmose looks class, an ambitious character no doubt 3 wins already this season. Looking more and more likely that Hart is going to Trek too so they could have a cracked Tour team in the next few years.

Can't begrudge the Danish for filling their boots a bit though now especially after what happened to Ras. Round my ends we all celebrated when Wiggo won it, in the back of our minds most of us at least suspected, but there was a sense of well at least its our guy doing it, as bad as I know it sounds. The Belgians, French, Italians, Spanish, British etc. have had their big epochs, have to enjoy the good times in cycling before it all goes south, someone takes exception and decides enough is enough.

I do wish Vingegaard had a more idiosyncratic riding style though, the most memorable thing about Froome was the absurd looking and comical way he would drop people, Bertie had the dancing style, Vingegaard just sort of rides off a bit faster.