santacruz said:
that's cool, I'd rather know the sport was clean and have a Slovakian on the podium, than to see a doped up American beating everyone.
Not because I disagree with that sentiment, but just to remind you that the doped up American was beating other dopers.
There are reasons why I think Lance is a special case that warrants special attention, and a witch hunt is sometimes justified even if the witch is not alone.
But the one thing that stands out to me is that most riders that are involved are probably "normal" people, and
not cheaters by nature. Folk who would probably prefer to ride clean if they had the option, but found themselves faced with a reality that made that nigh impossible without mayor consequences for what they would get out of the sport.
I think they have a real opportunity to change their own workplace here. I hope some of them are smart enough to take it, and lead the rest.
I think I would prefer a sort of "amnesty" or "truth & reconciliation" option for all
riders. Speak now and in full, and it will be without consequences, if you keep a clean sheet from here on in. Lie or omit, or keep cheating, and if uncovered later, it will be result in a permanent ban from the sport plus other consequences.
It would trigger a change in the entire way pro-cycling is run. It would result in a loss of a certain audience in the short run, but it would also allow cycling to brand itself as a new clean ship, and enough fans would stick with it to get it through the dark days. Maybe even more so. Yes, it would hurt. But soft doctors make for poor cures, and this baby is sick (although already a heck of lot less than it was a few years back, it seems).