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Did Nike pay $500,000 to Verbruggen to cover up Armstrong positive?

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Aug 7, 2010
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In L'Equipe this morning, Nike denies making the Hein V payment, and finished with...." Nike does not condone the use of drugs and illegal PED's" ....its coming.

«En réponse aux allégations inacceptables tenues aujourd'hui (mardi) par le New York Daily News, Nike nie fermement avoir versé une somme de $500 000 à l'ancien président Hein Verbruggen, et ce afin de couvrir un test anti-dopage positif. Nike ne tolère pas l'usage illégal de drogues destinées à améliorer les performances.»
Jun 20, 2009
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Race Radio said:
OLN signed their deal in 1998
maybe...but so much speculation on this site...I suppose we can beleive mrs lemond who is an incredibly impartial witness to events and has absolutley no axe to grind whatsoever...lol...
ther eis so much coinjecture in all fo this 99.9999 % of it negative and hearsay. anybody know what hearsay is? in a court it is considered inadequate proof..it is all Mrs lemoind has offered..
if i had a dollar for every hyena that howls id be rich rich rich...
roadfreak44 said:
maybe...but so much speculation on this site...I suppose we can beleive mrs lemond who is an incredibly impartial witness to events and has absolutley no axe to grind whatsoever...lol...
ther eis so much coinjecture in all fo this 99.9999 % of it negative and hearsay. anybody know what hearsay is? in a court it is considered inadequate proof..it is all Mrs lemoind has offered..
if i had a dollar for every hyena that howls id be rich rich rich...

In an investigation, you often start with weak evidence like this and then question people, look at supporting evidence (bank statements) and such to make a case. Step by step...
Sep 25, 2009
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Let’s see…

a couple of days back, nike rushed to make a statement of support RIGHT AFTER the irrefutable evidence was made public. Now the same evidence is cited as the basis for dumping him.

what has changed in the few days ?

nothing except the Kathy lemond’s allegation i put in the title of the thread.

did the nike board suddenly learn to read english ? or did they discover the briber after a quick internal scramble ?

either way, the announcement is hugely significant. Not only Armstrong will lose the main source of his income, he is now FOR SURE facing at least 3 law suits coming in quick succession. And if america remains true to it’s traditions - nike and the fed are likely to follow with their own suits too.

good times are getting better :D
Aug 27, 2012
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python said:
what has changed in the few days ?

Negotiations behind the scene must have been taking place. The livestrong event tomorrow would have been a major problem for Nike and several speakers unless this announcement. Saving face for Livestrong.
Aapjes said:
In an investigation, you often start with weak evidence like this and then question people, look at supporting evidence (bank statements) and such to make a case. Step by step...

Yes, that worked out great for the Feds, who have authority from the courts to subpoena and access any and all bank records and financial statements of anybody they want.

Yet, nothing.

So can you go over that Step by Step again for us all? Because there seems to be a few flights of stairs missing on the way up to your rooftop.
zigmeister said:
Yes, that worked out great for the Feds, who have authority from the courts to subpoena and access any and all bank records and financial statements of anybody they want.

Yet, nothing.

So can you go over that Step by Step again for us all? Because there seems to be a few flights of stairs missing on the way up to your rooftop.

Still here are you? I thought you would be sitting in a corner in a foetus-position crying you eyes out now that the free fall of your hero is well and truly gaining speed. :D
Aug 7, 2010
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zigmeister said:
Yes, that worked out great for the Feds, who have authority from the courts to subpoena and access any and all bank records and financial statements of anybody they want.

Yet, nothing.

So can you go over that Step by Step again for us all? Because there seems to be a few flights of stairs missing on the way up to your rooftop.

They will....on their timeline. And it won't necessarily be in the public domain just to please the Twitter crowd. Too much, too big, to 'degeulasse'.
Tinman said:
Negotiations behind the scene must have been taking place. The livestrong event tomorrow would have been a major problem for Nike and several speakers unless this announcement. Saving face for Livestrong.

Almost certainly.

But, congrats to everyone here. We helped make a difference.

Nike won't and shouldn't walk away quite so easily, however.

While Nike should have dropped him - or suspended their relationship - immediately upon the USADA decision, this is still a relatively quick decision. Though it lags USADA, it does come ahead of the UCI's decision.

I will be drafting another letter to Nike.

In it, I will acknowledge and commend Nike's actions, while encouraging them to adopt new policies regarding doping cases involving their sponsored athletes.

They should amend their contracts, if they do not already have such provisions, to incorporate 'grounds for immediate contract cancellation' and adopt a policy of immediate suspension upon an AAF with the possibility of a full refund of any payments made under the contract upon an affirmative doping decision.

The same should be true for any organization or sports governing body that receives sponsorship / marketing dollars (the likely nature of the alleged $500k contribution - and easily lost in someone's accounting somewhere). Any complicity in aiding, abetting or tolerating doping (which includes false claims about doping being at the 1% level) should require immediate refund of all amounts paid. Damages would be nice, but repayment should be sufficient.

Nike should be ahead of, and not behind, anti-doping sanctions. Otherwise they are encouraging the use of doping and creating a soft landing for dopers as they undermine the anti-doping process. Nike need to avoid the 'gray' where they reward doping.

Of course, what I would really like Nike to do is to take the Nike Chalkbot and write "Lance Dopé" every ten meters on all Tour routes for the next ten years.

May 6, 2010
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Don't expect Anheuser-Busch to keep paying him for long. Pretty soon he'll be carrying advertisements for online pharmacies and impotence treatments. Watch him show up on the Home Shopping Channel flogging a new kitchen device, possibly a vegetable chopper or the like. "Hi, I'm Lance Armstrong for Chop-Master II! Let me tell you how Chop-Master II can transform your kitchen!"

The reasoned decision is the best thing to happen to cycling since vulcanized rubber tires in the 19th century.

Kudos to Kathy Lemond. Six years after the fact, her testimony made world headlines, and the next day, Nike dropped Armstrong. And kudos to this forum.
Aug 7, 2010
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Love the Scenery said:
Don't expect Anheuser-Busch to keep paying him for long. Pretty soon he'll be carrying advertisements for online pharmacies and impotence treatments. Watch him show up on the Home Shopping Channel flogging a new kitchen device, possibly a vegetable chopper or the like. "Hi, I'm Lance Armstrong for Chop-Master II! Let me tell you how Chop-Master II can transform your kitchen!"

The reasoned decision is the best thing to happen to cycling since vulcanized rubber tires in the 19th century.

Kudos to Kathy Lemond. Six years after the fact, her testimony made world headlines, and the next day, Nike dropped Armstrong. And kudos to this forum.

The new spokesperson for Shticky!!