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Did you ever dope?

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Hugh Januss said:
I'm gonna go with no.

Lol....Hello Floyd (that is what floyd said i believe)

I used to be a competitive swimmer....actually pretty decent and the thought never crossed my mind even though id look at some of my competitors and think 'holy cr#p, how the hell is he that built and muscular'. But again the thought of me doing something never crossed my mind
During the spring I used to take decongestants (prescribed) for allergies and I drink 2-4 caffeinated beverages per day.

On race days, I would take the pills after the race and just a cup or two of coffee. My heart would get so jacked up from adrenaline and the other stuff made it scary. Took me just a few weekday training rides to figure out how much stimulants would let you push yourself too hard. I'd feel skipped heartbeats or flutters on tougher rides and during the night.

I'm amazed at the stories of amphetamine use in races. Based on my experience with pseudoephedrine (pretty sure that's what was in my allergy meds) I suspect I'd be one of the guys dropping dead.
Apr 29, 2010
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I was a subject in 2 different EPO detection research studies. Both studies were double-blinded of course but we found out which group we were in after it was over. The first study had 3 groups: control, EPO with oral iron and EPO with intramuscular iron (I was in the EPO with oral iron), and the 2nd study had: control, large dose EPO and microdose EPO both with intra iron injections (I was in the large dose EPO group in this one).

On both occasions about 2-3 wks into the intervention, my mtb training buddies could see clearly which group I was in.... after they cleared my dust out of their eyes that is ;)
I did salbutamol when it was on the grey list. I was getting over a chest infection (had pneumonia as a kid and it might be connected but I've been extra prone to them ever since) and I was still using it on my first training ride back in the saddle and I got over the hills better than could be expected that day. No tightness in my breathing. I decided I was better, it was wrong and stopped using it. Until the next time I got a chest infection anyway. :)
Mar 25, 2011
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Nope, I have even avoided supplements because of the thought of it.

When I've been ill and not competeing at a level where testing would be happening I've taken whatever I've needed to get over a cold/flu etc. though. As I'll never be a pro sportsman and compete for the fun of it I didn't see a problem with that.
May 11, 2009
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Krebs cycle said:
I was a subject in 2 different EPO detection research studies. Both studies were double-blinded of course but we found out which group we were in after it was over. The first study had 3 groups: control, EPO with oral iron and EPO with intramuscular iron (I was in the EPO with oral iron), and the 2nd study had: control, large dose EPO and microdose EPO both with intra iron injections (I was in the large dose EPO group in this one).

On both occasions about 2-3 wks into the intervention, my mtb training buddies could see clearly which group I was in.... after they cleared my dust out of their eyes that is ;)

Is this study published? I would be interested to see what the results were. What form of consent was involved. Just curious because of the health risks associated with EPO.


May 14, 2010
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It becomes confession thread slowly. Come on guys let s face it:D

Yes, "roids" rocks, taken to beat big Swedish SOB in weight lifting competition, no big deal. It was legal, cheap, and lot of dudes did it, nevertheless Swedish guy was unbeaten. In cyling no.
I do not see why average Joe doing RAAM or 3xIronman would not smoking pot.

Other history of drugs abuse, no way:D
compete_clean said:
Is this study published? I would be interested to see what the results were. What form of consent was involved. Just curious because of the health risks associated with EPO.

A bit of EPO is not a health risk.

Not when you walk out of the front door, into the traffic to go to your work anyway.
Cimacoppi49 said:
They dope for the glory of winning. When you see a 50+ year old man with fresh acne all over his back while changing after a race, you kind of have to wonder. Combine that with extreme aggression on the bike and in the parking lot, and I would suspect doping. Even amateurs want to win at any price--some of them anyway.

Stereotype much?

Maybe the dude has hypogonadism of some sort and has normal levels now after taking testosterone?
Apr 15, 2010
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If i said "no" you wouldn't believe me anyway........

never competed properly (never been tested for PEDs to my knowledge, been tested for recreational drugs though).

there are a couple of rides where if i'd been tested i would probably have failed for corticosteroids. prescribed medication, for a genuine autoimune disease which i never got round to getting a tue for (to be honest never even investigated what i needed to do). in retrospect pretty stupid because i'd have felt pretty stupid if i'd got a ban for it.

basically no, i've never doped, (but haven't lived my life in a manner that would be compatible with top level sport, but i'm not a top level sportsman)
Martin318is said:
I certainly have.

There are many reasons to dope and not all of them are directly based upon being at the top of your form and wanting an extra "edge".

In my case, I knowingly took sudafed prior to an amateur triathlon where I knew testing would not occur, even though I was at the time a licensed racing cyclist who did races where testing WOULD occur. At that time it still contained psuedoephedrine which was on the substances list.

The reason? I had a ridiculously bad head cold with massive sinus pain and rather than abandon a race I had been looking forward to doing with friends, I went to the pharmacy and got the tablets. (this is an over the counter medicine and by no means an unusual thing at a pharmacy)

So that leaves an interesting question I guess - if you know you were never going to win the event anyway, were not even really trying to do particularly well other than have fun, and you know you are not well enough to even do as well as you normally would, yet you would fail a urine test.... what does that make you? A cheater?
If you knew you were one of the strong ones and had a shot at winning the race, would you do it?
Jan 18, 2011
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Never doped
Never cheated.

There are a few guys that I race against who I have heard "things" about. If they were "clean", they'd probably still beat me.
(I once came within a bike length of him)
On the other hand, I have a teammate who I'm pretty sure is clean, who also won the road race at Masters natz last year.

I really don't care if the possible "dirty" guy gets caught. I just do what I can.
Aug 12, 2009
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no, I never doped. But once I went for a ride while I was on quite strong pain killers - really felt no pain at all, had the legs of my life that day :D
I have never "doped" to race , actually I have only entered 1 race . I do openly admit to doing a few cycles on gas dabbled a bit with diuretics but that was a while ago and purely for appearance. I understand its stupid but most people are when there 19.
Sep 5, 2009
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Krebs cycle said:
I was a subject in 2 different EPO detection research studies. Both studies were double-blinded of course but we found out which group we were in after it was over. The first study had 3 groups: control, EPO with oral iron and EPO with intramuscular iron (I was in the EPO with oral iron), and the 2nd study had: control, large dose EPO and microdose EPO both with intra iron injections (I was in the large dose EPO group in this one).

On both occasions about 2-3 wks into the intervention, my mtb training buddies could see clearly which group I was in.... after they cleared my dust out of their eyes that is ;)

If it was the same EPO detection study that I am personally aware of all competing cyclists (who signed an undertaking not to compete during the trial) that were in the blind EPO group, like yourself, became very much aware from their much improved performances. Placebo effects do not work to temporarily trash personal best TT times by huge margins.

In these clinical studies hct was kept at 50% or below for safety as the object was to prove the efficacy and reliability of the EPO detection test not to prove EPO provides ergogenic benefits.

Beats 6 hours on a bike every day when you can be out partying! :)
Cimacoppi49 said:
Does using Librium during small bore rifle competition count? I don't recall any drug prohibitions in the 1960s from the NRA. Of course, just like Virenque noted, everybody was doing it. :D

well, I did take a half of a valium once just before a calculus final...:D

I would never take anything intentionally for an edge...but last winter during my powermax class someone laughed when they heard I took some Chinese herbs for a cold and said they contained dubious substances that would make me fail a doping check..! :)
I found alcohol is quite a performance enhancer. But probably not for alpine descents.

In 2003 I watched Armstrong's "cyclocross" from a bar in Briancon eating pizza and drinking beer (after riding up the Izoard).

Our hotel was in Serre Chevalier a few kilometres up the Lautaret. After watching the stage I set off like a bat out of hell feeling no pain whatsoever. I started with a decent pack behind me, gradually shed them and ended up alone. I was in the hotel pool before anyone else arrived back!
Sep 13, 2010
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I took some Twin Lab "Herba Fuel" a few times in the early 90's. My mom actually bought it for me because it claimed to help with energy. At the time, I trained pretty tired after a day's work in a wood shop. I either didn't want to tell her that it was banned (Ma Huang - ephedrine), or I didn't realize it myself at the time, or found out as I was taking it. I honestly can't recall. Anywho, I didn't notice much difference and didn't even finish off the bottle.

My best results came as a master after a 10-year hiatus from cycling and completely clean. OK, I took some Optygen (legal) a few times, but it gave me hives so I had to quit that too.