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Did you join forum because new site is bad?

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Did the site change make you join forum?

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Jun 18, 2009
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After many years, I am forced to go elsewhere. Clearly, we, the users do not count. Seems no one can leave well alone. Ruined a perfectly good system. no rider list, no included photos per stage, no maps, profiles, live coverages.etc This site has become totally useless for following races,
Jun 18, 2009
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A very sad day for cycling fans indeed

I'm still struck with disbelief and sadness over the devastation of my favourite cycling site. The people responsible for this disaster has clearly no idea of either the nature of this sport or its fans.
Some idiot wise guy with no comprehension of the subject matter probably said something like "Hey, it's called cyclingNEWS dot com!! Let's have NEWS all over the place". And then the analyzers came up with this maze of pages their NEW users can click around in, producing a lot of hits and clicks to satisfy their ever crumbling host of advertisers.
We - the former fans of cyclingnews.com - are expendable. We'll have to elsewhere.
Jun 18, 2009
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new page

only reason i joined is the new cyclingnews page,i try to follow the swiss tour at the moment and it´s not possible,useless,better to change back to old format ,everything was clear there,new is not always the best!!!
Jun 17, 2009
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rogeraider awful new website

I joined the forum purely to voice my opinion about the terrible changes to the site. It took quite a while to make my point concisely and when I came to read it again today I can't find it. It's listed but when I click something else comes up.
I said yesterday good design is all about form and function; the old site had both, it was very clear and very easy to use.
The new site is neither, visually it's very distracting there is no clear focal point when you look at the page, you eyes are pulled all over the place trying to sort it out.
It has no gravitas. My comment yesterday was that the old site was sacher torte to the new sites fairyfloss.
Everything about the type layout is a backward step. Taking two lines to say what was said in one merely dilutes the messageand takes up alot more vertical space, especially when all the info is stuffed down one side of the page leaving the other two thirds empty; and underlining everything defeats the purpose of underlining.
Having to click onto each separate news item is just........WHY??? The old system of regularly updated blocks of news was much more enjoyable.

Really, one could go on ad infinitum about the shortcomings of the new site but in a nutshell; it's simply not user friendly and it doesn't convey the information we want to read anyway near as clearly and concisely as the old site.
Mar 11, 2009
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rogeraider said:
Having to click onto each separate news item is just........WHY??? The old system of regularly updated blocks of news was much more enjoyable.

They have stated that this new feature is an improvement:confused:
The new format is terrible

I really liked visiting cycling news on a daily basis. I go used to it. It had a good look and feel that was easy to navigate results, reports, stage profiles, and pictures. Now I fell like I have been scammed by Microsoft's newest version of Word. Maybe it is good if you sit and figure it out, but what was wrong with the last version. How do you see the stage profiles? Good work guys
Jun 19, 2009
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CN Lite sucks. And then some.

I'll only be repeating what's is being said by just about everybody, but as a long-time CN fan I feel I should post a comment on how bloody awful the new site is. Not sure who's responsible. Dan Benson certainly seems keen to defend it. Even before the site change there had been some sloppy journalism slipping in recently. The magazine favourite of using lists of favourites / classics wins etc. to bulk up the content on the site has crept in. Quick to produce, but in reality it's just fluff. In fact fluff would be a appropriate word for all of the supposed impovements. Intruigingly, the recently introduced podcasts seem to exist as two schools of thought coming together on a weekly basis; Jeff Jones as the old guard providing the in depth and accurate analysis that we became used to and appreciated. And then Dan Benson with his off-the-cuff statistics/results (invariably wrong) and imported BikeRadar 'style'. Painful to listen to. So I don't.

Obviously there's money been spent here, but for whoever is running CN Lite now it would be the most prudent move ever to conceed and revert back to the old site. To not respond to a backlash as fierce as this one would be just arrogance.

Oh, and I only joined the forum to say all that.
Mar 14, 2009
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sack the person who instigated the changes

Someone made marketing decisions here and not really tested to see if we'd like the changes. I am voting by avoiding the site and might just check it out weekly in hope it reverts back.
Jun 19, 2009
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Does the 20/60/20 rule apply?

When going through changes, usually about 20% of people resist the change, 60% sit on the fence and 20% are pro-change. CN: I'd be interested to know how many people have joined the forum to complain, and what percentage of your users that is. And do you see changes (up or down?) in the traffic trends to the site since the change?
Apr 18, 2009
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like many here, i'm long time reader who visited the site multiple times a day. not anymore as i don't like the new site at all. not easy to navigate. this effort wasn't thought out too well. this site makes velonews.com look great.

sorry CN, you're losing another longtime user who actually clicked on those ads. change the site back to the previous format!
Jun 19, 2009
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New site sucks

The new site is terrible compared to old one. I just looked in results for Tour de Suisse and the listing foreach rider takes up two lines and very hard to read. What are the numbers on the left of the rider names about. When they change from 1 to 2 there was no time listed. I like to look for AUS riders, but with the two line listing it's almost impossible to scan the list by eye easily. Fix it or I'm gone as well. I'm definitely going to look at VeloNews as everyone seems to be heading there.:mad:
May 20, 2009
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I feel better knowing I'm not alone. The only problem I ever had with the old site was the "search" which when anything was entered a quagmire of obscurity offered its assistance. Goggle brought me more directly to the articles I sought from CN.

This is simply painful, personally and the fact that it is true that I, as well as many others have stated, need to look for a better alternative.

At the very least listen to the pros! I've alone heard many complaints from the ones who ride the bikes be unhappy. Most, including myself, go to a phone to use/enjoy this site being away from home so often, and the new set-up only makes one want to turn it off. It is like reading underwater. When one does find results it is one name per screen--beyond annoying. I'll wait for word of mouth and ask politely that the old is brought back.
Mar 13, 2009
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Joined the forum a couple months ago but not a big participant. I've been reading CN for 10 years now and have always enjoyed it. I'm sure the content remains the same, but the layout is enough to drive this die-hard user away. (Die-hard as in 4+ site visits a day) I had never even heard of bikeradar.com until I heard all the complaints about the CN redesign. I went over to see it and, holy crap!, nearly identical...

:mad:I'm more than disappointed.:mad:
Jun 19, 2009
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New design is overly complicated.

Also, the complete reports are spoiled by the title (proclaiming the winner). For those of us in later timezones, we often read the complete race report before looking to see who won. Now everything is spoiled by the title.

I agree the look is slick, but the presentation of information is really poor.
Jun 20, 2009
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Can't find anything

Same here. New page is going to send me looking for another site, although I am a 100% cyclingnews.com fan. I thought it was just the usual getting used to the site, but, honestly, site has worsened. I need information about the races, such as stageprofiles, teams, startlists, also easily navigable pages that get me a quick overview of the stages and results. And thats just to begin with. Where the heck is everything:mad: In short, give me back the site pretty much the way it was before.
DITTO, I used to spend my life on this site, and as others have , logged into the forum for the first time today to complain about its new format. This site was something special and stood head and shoulders above its competitors, now it is at best average and has melted into the run of the mill sites that probaly once looked upon it with proffesional envy.

This is the first time I have ever really complained about anything, but I feel so strongly about the changes, If it ain't broken don't fix it, if its totally brilliant then why destroy it??:mad:
Jun 20, 2009
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New layout

I don't really want to post negative comments on the forum, but I couldn't even find an email address on the regular site to provide feedback.

I honestly don't see what is better about this site. The content is the same but just re-arranged. It seems like change only for the sake of change. The old format was much cleaner and easier to read.

In all honesty, my favorite was Bill Mitchell's original site.

Jun 19, 2009
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This site has lost me

This site was so good for a long time. Now I am about to ditch it. I cannot believe such ineptitude. Whoever runs this organisation must have gone on holidays and let the nerds out of their cage.
Jun 21, 2009
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CN be honest with us and tell us that you did it to save money. This web site was clearly designed by someone's teenage kid for the price of a gameboy cartridge. My company did the same thing to our corporate home page. You have to read everything to find anything. Web design 101 says if you cant find what you want after 5 seconds after the page loads, then people will click off and watch utube or something easier. And the server must be on an Atari or something equally blazing. Grass grows faster than this. One thing positive to say, at least after a page loads, all the blinky stuff is really cool... not.
Jun 17, 2009
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Post to the main forum too

mop666 said:
CN be honest with us and tell us that you did it to save money. This web site was clearly designed by someone's teenage kid for the price of a gameboy cartridge. My company did the same thing to our corporate home page. You have to read everything to find anything. Web design 101 says if you cant find what you want after 5 seconds after the page loads, then people will click off and watch utube or something easier. And the server must be on an Atari or something equally blazing. Grass grows faster than this. One thing positive to say, at least after a page loads, all the blinky stuff is really cool... not.

Hi Mop666

Please post to the main forum too. It has 30,000 hits thats proberly all the hits they are getting as no one (well except about three people) can use the new site. I really want to save this site and get it back so it can be used again. I am a little lost too without much cyclingnews here. I did ride with the Jazz Apple girls today they are from Oz and NZ (mainly) I am sure they are wondering where Cyclingnews went!
Jun 21, 2009
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Martin318is said:
I only signed up for a forum account so that I could comment on the new site. Anyone else only sign up because of that? :(

Never joined a forum before, and have done so only to say that the pleasures and thrills from my daily fix(es) at this site are now non-existent . What a drab, dreary, disfunctional disaster! BRING BACK THE GOOD ONE. NEW IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER.