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Did you join forum because new site is bad?

Did the site change make you join forum?

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Jun 17, 2009
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Same here. Too bad it is almost literally an exact copy of bikeradar.com now. I know they are owned by the same people, but some originality would set them apart.
Apr 21, 2009
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New Format is hard to read...

The new format is, you guessed it, hard to read. It seems to confuse my eye...and individual stage results are harder to locate.

I am disappointed.
Jun 17, 2009
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What are they thinking?

Were people complaining about the old format? How is this better. I have been trying to find the live reports to follow the tour de suisse with and every time I see the ddamn headline that spoils the suspense for me. I thinkmaybe the old format was to clear, too direct and easy to navigate. This new format makes you work for it. All these damn headlines make my head hurt. Cycling news haas been the home page of my personal computer for probably 10 years and I am sad to say, this format really sucks. It's as if the Republican National Committee was given the chance to reformat the DNCs site...it's absolutely worthless. I hope that they fix it or I will be searching for a new home page. :eek:
Jun 17, 2009
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Very bad front page

Yes I did exactly that. After years of having cyclingnews as my home page, today I changed to Google (of alll things) I wish that cyclingnews would give the option to retain the old page as the new one is NOT good and very difficult to follow and read:(
Jun 17, 2009
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What ever you paid,you paid too much.

Hi,I am one of the growing number who cant believe the new design changes.What ever the web designers were paid,they were over paid.

I have been an avid reader since Bill Mitchell's days,until today.So much for easy to read,easy to follow,easy to find??

The old web design worked,so why change it?,you could have updated,freshened it up,but you have destroyed it.

I have never ever written in to a forum,until today. Just had lunch with 4 friends,all cycling enthusiasts,and all had same comments,awful,difficult,and will be using other sites for information from today.

I saw someone said be patient with changes??,we all have a busy lifestyle,and Cycling News use to be somewhere you could go for a quick update during lunch to find out all cycling latest results,news and information,now its like a maze.

have spoken to 2 advertisers,who are already considering there options,as as the negative response they have had gives them concerns.

Thanks but no thanks.
Jun 17, 2009
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First time ever posting

After years of going to this site,I had to join to say how bad this new site is. NO NEXT BUTTON!!!! It takes to long now and I dont like it. It was easy before. Also it was easy to view race results without headlines ruining it for you. NOT NOW!! You IDIOTS!!!! Come on. I"M Blown away that you are so stupid to change what was an easy navigatable site. I told all my friends about how great your site was for quick news and race results.Now I will tell them how you ruined it,and will look for something else.Thanks for all the great years of viewing,but unless you give an option for the old site,Im headed elsewhere.:mad:What fool made this decision????
Jun 17, 2009
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Site Design not Bad, but limiting...

I know my comment here will be greeted with applause and commendation; would it be possible to include an aggregate page in the previous format? Some of us (two that I know of for sure, but a multitude of others I suspect), like the easily printable format for perusal in private quarters.

The new format has not only affected my knowledge of the daily goings on of the cycling world, it may actually have affected my bowels.

Don't chuck out the changes, just include an all-in-one page so I can poo again.
Jun 17, 2009
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The Great Wait

Yes, I too joined a forum for the first time in my life - to express my frustration with what used to be my favourite website.

In the old cyclingnews I could instantly move from page to page and spend my time reading the articles and looking at the photos. Now, I spend the majority of my time waiting for each page to load and each click to take me to the next page. Only a fraction of my time is now spent reading. Too frustrating to deal with.

For the time being, my new homepage is velonews. I will continue to visit cyclingnews because it still has the best content, but only when I have a couple of hours of spare time, which is not often.

Hope you guys fix your teething problems and can keep the dedicated audience you used to have. Good luck!
Jun 17, 2009
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Bring the old design back or you will lose readers

yournewwebsitesucks said:
What happened??:confused:


I too am left wondering what happened the site was great now its ????
Mar 8, 2009
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The lauout is terrible.

Can't read any results without the hedaline spoiling it now..takes forever to load..pain in the *** to scroll the picture..where are those nice little galleries? The nicely packaged cyclingews editions are changed with crap flash **** on my screen that takes forever to load.

This new set-up stinks.

Velonews= new home page.
Jun 17, 2009
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Another unhappy (ex)visitor

This looks like a case of a website building genius that has sucked the management into producing a bland and difficult to follow site, topped off with a helping of flash - which I always have turned off anyway!

There is an apparent lack of understanding of marketing principles as they relate to site design, instead you have surrendered to the hype of fixing what ain't broke.

It was a shock to me when the page loaded, and although change takes time to get used to, this is a far worse problem than that. Not for me, thanks. :eek:
Jun 16, 2009
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Future publishing

Problem is Future bought CN to fit in with the rest of its massive pool of magazines and associated websites.

Now CN has just drowned!
Jun 17, 2009
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I have to say that the changes are a great disappiontment to me and my family. We have visited the site multiple times per day over the last 5 years. Not from now. We understand that you may have had some persuasion to change what needed to be done in the 'back office' but the front, that we all enjoyed so much, is now a complete mess. Fix it and they will come back - Capiche?
Jun 17, 2009
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Whatever navigation or layout issues the old site had, at least it loaded fast. The new design just refuses to ever fully load and render any subpage related to articles or news. This is using Firefox 3.0 and a high speed broadband connection.

Now just like 90% of Bikeradar's linked images, the server connection always times out before I ever see an image, and the race results never render a page. This page never rendered after about 10 attempted reloads


This either has a tremendously cumbersome dynamic backend to the site or it's sitting on a server with inadequate connections to the real world.

Essentially it has gone from a speedy and useful resource to a "I am giving up trying to view any actual news content because the dang pages won't load" website.