Absolutely spot on.
The hate/dope brigade is so blinded by their own sense of smug superiority that they cannot accept any opinion that doesn't coincide with their own. If you don't openly bash Lance and accept that everyone is doped then you must be a three week fanboy who has never sat on a bike and who knows nothing.
The arrogance exhibited by the hate brigade towards posters who may not be as well informed as they are is also staggering. This is an open forum on the web! By definition, it will attract all sorts of people. The situation we have now is that any new posters joining up who don't immediately join the Lance bashing crowd are pigeon-holed and dismissed by the hate boys, who generally react in an arrogant, hectoring and bullying manner to anyone they see as 'inferior' in knowledge or understanding. These people, a number of whom are well represented here, should either STFU or go off and find or start another forum exclusively populated by ex-racers, active racers, doping experts and other people who share their own points of view, and who hold the same inflated opinions of their own intelligence. Just because someone has never raced does not deny them the right to express an opinion. You're supposed to 'discuss' on a forum, not just 'talk down' at people who disagree with you or who don't have your own vast experience. You also should not constantly lecture, insult, and brow-beat them, which is what has been constantly going on.
The comment here that the fanboys are the only ones 'defending' the TTT, while the sensible hateboys are the only ones to understand that it was a complete waste of time, is indicative of the type of ludicrous up your own *** thinking that makes many posters here look like complete idiots to those of us who are able to exercise a bit of objectivity.
So yes, I think you superior know-it-alls should stay in here, and leave all of us know-nothing plebs to stew in our own ignorance in the main forum.