Former Russian biathlet Dmitrij Vasiljev went out hard on Norway in general but on Lagreid in parituclar a few days ago:
According to Vasiljev, it is very likely that, thanks to therapeutic exceptions, Norwegians use steroids and anabolic drugs. asked the two-time Olympic champion about
Sturla Holm Lægreid 's performances . "It's hard for me to judge what made him so special that he suddenly could become a star from being mediocre . I have questions that I would like to have answered. The main question is when the rampage with therapeutic exceptions will end. We know that the worst offenders on planet Earth are Norwegian skiers and biathletes.
Norwegian/French trainer Mazet on Twitter:
To accuse Sturla Lægreid or any athletes of doping that I took/take care, it's insulted my work. M. Dmitri Vasiliev, when you are from a country who has the past it has, it s really better to shut up. Next.