The only category of moderate "statistical relevance" still experiencing fatal or serious consequences from Covid are the feable, with a series of adverse preexisting medical conditions, like the old and infirm. For the rest of the healthy, better still healthy and vaccinated population, Covid is by now just mild flu. Been vaccinated thrice, had Covid twice (each time after having been vaccinated, with 2 boosters), the first time mild fever for 24 hours (38 c) and then a week of tiredness that's it. The second time I was practically asymptomatic. And everyone I'm aware who have gotten it reported more or less the same. By now Covid is endemic, like other versions of flu, as many if not the majority who have caught it no longer get tested, because they aren't that sick and need to work, pick the kids up from school, buy food, etc., in short get on with their lives, with no quarantine. And so, by now, the disease has spread diffusely among us. Mind you all this after having been vaccinated, missed work, stayed at home, wore a mask off an on for almost three years and come through, along with the overwhelmingly vast majority of the population, still alive. It is thus time to move on and they really shouldn't make riders get tested, when the race organization allows them to be exposed to a roadside general public in the tens and hundreds of thousands. How is this fair? It's like, we'll hold the race for the crowds as if it were pre-Covid days, but if you, a rider, catches it, we'll throw you out of the race.