Obviously this non-troversy has probably consumed far more of our collective time than is truly warranted, but I went back and read the full translated quote after someone posted a link in another thread. I found one passage that hasn't really been discussed, with the focus mainly on the perceived "blasting" and Lance's twits.
Here's the quote:
My relationship with Lance is zero. Independently of his character, he's a great champion. He's won seven tours and played a big role in this one. But it's different when we speak on a personal level. I have never really admired him that much, or ever will. But as a cyclist he's a great champion.
Maybe I'm reading too much into that single underlined phrase, but that certainly
SEEMS like an acknowledgement of Lance's efforts as a teammate. Not a pure "thanks," but one cannot seriously argue that he did not acknowledge Lance's role in his victory this year. Which brings me back to Lance's original tweets:
Seeing these comments from AC. If I were him I'd drop this drivel and start thanking his team. w/o them, he doesn't win.
hey pistolero, there is no "i" in "team". what did i say in March? Lots to learn. Restated.
Neither of these tweets actually makes any sense in light of Contador's actual statement. He's acknowledged Lance's role in this year's victory, which is the only thing Lance seemed concerned about.
I'd be interested to get the perspective of 95rpm, Mambo#5, Scott SoCal and any other stalwart Lance defender to explain (and frankly defend) Lance's twits in light of the above statement.