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Eki frustrated by AC's comments

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Jul 1, 2009
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En caso Alberto Contador lee los foros de Cyclingnews.com

Aquí usted encuentra un vídeo de Youtube con el himno nacional danés con palabras danés. Escucha lo todos los días antes entrenamiento hasta el año próximo Tour de Francia. Memorizar las palabras. Recuerde lo que es para todos.


For everyone else:

Here you find a video of the danish national anthem with the danish words. Listen to this every day before training until next years Tour de France. Memorize the words. Remind what it is all for - everything.
Apr 24, 2009
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Psalmon said:
Aquí usted encuentra un vídeo de Youtube con el himno nacional danés con palabras danés. Escucha lo todos los días antes entrenamiento hasta el año próximo Tour de Francia. Memorizar las palabras. Recuerde lo que es para todos.


For everyone else:

Here you find a video of the danish national anthem with the danish words. Listen to this every day before training until next years Tour de France. Memorize the words. Remind what it is all for - everything.

I prefer Les Marseillaise. Now that's a national anthem.

Too bad you may never hear it again at the TdF in our lifetimes.
Apr 24, 2009
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ThisFrenchGuy said:
La Marseillaise (just to be uptight).

Maybe in our lifetime but not for long that's sure :eek:

OUCH! I checked more than once. I guess there are a lot of misspells in Google as well. :mad:
Jun 18, 2009
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richwagmn said:
This is really a fight AC didn't need. He was good (and smart) at avoiding the media battle during the tour. I wouldn't want to get into a media battle with LA. His minions are ready...

And yes, it is getting bizzare.

It seems to me that it didn't matter what AC said, this stuff was going to come out anyway. It almost looks like a media hit job by Lance and his band of goons. AC's comments were pretty benign and he hasn't said anything after those initial comments to my knowledge. Meanwhile... Lance, Bruyneel, Leipheimer, Ekimov, etc. are twittering these attacks one after another.

Looks like a hit job to me!
While I think it's all a bit petulant on all sides, like high school kids talking behind each others backs about who did/said what, I can't really blame Contador for defending himself. It seems like he's been attacked now for some time, and at some point you have to not just let the schoolyard bully keep taunting you and fight back. Especially when you have the ability to do so.

saphblue said:
his just in from Hinault: Pfeh, amateurs!

Yes, perfect example!

Ninety5rpm said:
Lance responds to Eki's tweet:

Onward? Lance is sensing all these tweets is a bit overboard?

No. Lance is far down the road and telling Eki to join him. The devastation is at the back and the haters are stuck there saying the same crap over and over and over and over. To 98% of the known universe this crap means nothing.
Cobber said:
It seems to me that it didn't matter what AC said, this stuff was going to come out anyway. It almost looks like a media hit job by Lance and his band of goons. AC's comments were pretty benign and he hasn't said anything after those initial comments to my knowledge. Meanwhile... Lance, Bruyneel, Leipheimer, Ekimov, etc. are twittering these attacks one after another.

Looks like a hit job to me!


"I have never had great admiration for him and I never will"

Those words are not benign. They are genuinely mean and nasty.

Why would anyone say that about anyone else?

Imagine if Lance had said that about Contador!!!

"I have never had great admiration for El Pistelero and I never will"

Oh, the uproar there would be!

It should be noted that I can safely say that Lance would not say that about Contador or anyone else. In at least that respect, he has that much class.
SpeedWay said:
No. Lance is far down the road and telling Eki to join him. The devastation is at the back and the haters are stuck there saying the same crap over and over and over and over. To 98% of the known universe this crap means nothing.
Yeah. Lance is saying this does not deserve as much attention as it's getting, let's move on.
Mar 19, 2009
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This is odd, infact it is entering realms of funnyness now :S I´m just bit confused what they are responding to, if bruyneel + co are responding to this mild comment by contador(and it is pretty mild) then I think they´re losing it, although I am thinking maybe something else has been going on which would make more sense. I want to hear from astanas tour team(klodi especially).

And for the sake of armstrong feelings I´m just glad he has only upset a mild mannered midget, Imgaine if he upset mcewen(or australians in general) or someone like david haye, his head and twitter would have exploded with the reaction he got form them.
palmerq said:
This is odd, infact it is entering realms of funnyness now :S I´m just bit confused what they are responding to, if bruyneel + co are responding to this mild comment by contador(and it is pretty mild) then I think they´re losing it, although I am thinking maybe something else has been going on which would make more sense. I want to hear from astanas tour team(klodi especially).

And for the sake of armstrong feelings I´m just glad he has only upset a mild mannered midget, Imgaine if he upset mcewen(or australians in general) or someone like david haye, his head and twitter would have exploded with the reaction he got form them.
I gather it's not just the comment but his whole attitude, including never (apparently) thanking the team.

I wouldn't have gone to his dinner either.
Jul 11, 2009
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not good for ac

Well, it's sure starting to look like there was a team named Astana with 8 riders and a director and one really fast Spaniard that alienated himself from the team and has no idea how to conduct himself. I said yesterday that it would be interesting to see what some of the other Astana riders would say and the sure look like AC was more of the problem than Lance. Not gonna be good for his career. Lance is just too popular and has accomplished too much respect among his peers - not to mention 7 yellow jerseys. It's the wrong fight to pick. Before this thing is over, we're gonna find out that Lance picked up the whole tap for Astana and never mentioned it to anyone. Am I wrong, or were these guys going down the financial toilet before Lance signed up?
May 15, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:
I gather it's not just the comment but his whole attitude, including never (apparently) thanking the team.

I wouldn't have gone to his dinner either.

Thanking members of the team for undermining and questioning him throughout, setting up and announcing their new team while the tour was still going on and ******ing off to celebrate that rather than the tour win?
Jun 18, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:

"I have never had great admiration for him and I never will"

Those words are not benign. They are genuinely mean and nasty.

Yes.. that's the "out of context" quote. Here is the full qoute (in English)

My relationship with Armstrong is none-but independent from his personality, he's a great champion, has won 7 tours and done a great job in this one, but on a personal level(referring to his personality) I haven't had a great admiration towards his, and never will, but again-as a rider-he's a great champion.

And after all the stunts, twittering, skipping celebrations etc., I do think that statement was pretty benign.
May 15, 2009
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Ninety5rpm said:

"I have never had great admiration for him and I never will"

Those words are not benign. They are genuinely mean and nasty.

Why would anyone say that about anyone else?

Imagine if Lance had said that about Contador!!!

"I have never had great admiration for El Pistelero and I never will"

Oh, the uproar there would be!

It should be noted that I can safely say that Lance would not say that about Contador or anyone else. In at least that respect, he has that much class.

Nah, he prefers snide little digs on twitter.

Jul 7, 2009
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None of your guys light bulbs go on yet? Another director of the team comes out and mentions that Contador hasn't publicly said thanks to his team for helping him win! How much of an a$$ is contador. Lance post race in his seven wins and even now said the team road strong! Contador Not a word!!! Hmm, how many guy do you think want to ride for Contador? I think it's getting less and less!
Ninety5rpm said:

"I have never had great admiration for him and I never will"

Those words are not benign. They are genuinely mean and nasty.

Why would anyone say that about anyone else?

Imagine if Lance had said that about Contador!!!

"I have never had great admiration for El Pistelero and I never will"

Oh, the uproar there would be!

It should be noted that I can safely say that Lance would not say that about Contador or anyone else. In at least that respect, he has that much class.

Quick, someone get the fainting couch! The entire LiveStrong Nation officially has the vapors! :p Oh whatever shall we do??!?!?
mambo#5 said:
just another thread where Publicus, TFF and the rest of LA haters take AC side. Onward....

Lance and His Merry Band of Nut Huggers are taking their team and going home. Mean, mean Alberto Contador. How dare you not love Lance! He won 7 TdFs, which makes him the greatest one testicle man in the history of one testicle men! Admire him dammit!!!!

In all seriousness, there is no side to this stupidness. You'd think at 38 year old man would learn know that no one is required to admire you. Apparently he has a lot to learn....
May 19, 2009
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Publicus said:
Lance and His Merry Band of Nut Huggers are taking their team and going home. Mean, mean Alberto Contador. How dare you not love Lance! He won 7 TdFs, which makes him the greatest one testicle man in the history of one testicle men! Admire him dammit!!!!

In all seriousness, there is no side to this stupidness. You'd think at 38 year old man would learn know that no one is required to admire you. Apparently he has a lot to learn....

I agree with you, there is no side to the stupidness. You think a 27 year old who just won the Tour de France would focus on his achievement and move on. much to learn.
mambo#5 said:
I agree with you, there is no side to the stupidness. You think a 27 year old who just won the Tour de France would focus on his achievement and move on. much to learn.

I thought you just said I was taking AC's side? Is this one of those LiveStrong Passive Aggressive Comments?

Very tricky Mambo, very tricky. :rolleyes:

AC will eventually learn to never answer a question at a press conference again. Naif. :p

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