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Eurosport commentary

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He also commented on other stuff, including women's races, but I also think people hated hims as much as Danish football fans hated listening to Mark Strudal. It had nothing to do with clinic stuff, though, which I assume is what ManicJack is referring to.

Yeah, he was just a truly awful listen.

And seven-ish years ago he commentated on A LOT of races. I have no idea why RhD pretends it was only US races.
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Love Smith just calling out Been for making up ***.
"Hagenes won tthe Munsterland Giro, which is famously a sprint race"
"Actually, he won it solo, I was commentating."

Still can't believe this woman somehow stays on the job after all the *** she pulls. Who remembers that up untill five years ago france didn't have street names?
I wonder where the Tour finished in 2018, a road in Paris?

Every time she is criticised she goes to Twitter and talks about how people are being sexist...

I realise negative comments are inherently unpleasant and that many people are way over the top rude, but it seems an impossible task to tell her how bad she is without overstepping some sort of line.
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It was those I remembered...
He always got referred to as the "US Race Specialist".

You expect me to remember what race every person commented on several years ago?

It's just that there are so few US races and he was on so much so I don't really get how you could think that - but as you thought he was perfectly fine, he probably didn't leave the same impression on you than on me. He even did the Grand Tours a couple of years.
It's just that there are so few US races and he was on so much so I don't really get how you could think that - but as you thought he was perfectly fine, he probably didn't leave the same impression on you than on me. He even did the Grand Tours a couple of years.

Unless he did the Giro, I wouldn't have known. Tour and Vuelta are on TV2.

Yes, but we expect that of everyone. You're not special.

It's weird to expect it of anyone. Do you even remember who did Strade this year?

Of course, unusual situations is a different matter. I remember that at some point during the 2019 Giro, Holm suddenly wasn't commentating anymore. Of course, that turned out to be because of the news of Byskov's death...
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Why? Once the race it's over, you don't need to remember.

And of course when you are swapping back and forth between multiple races, it gets really hard to keep track of who's commentating where.

I find it easy to keep track. I remember quite clearly that it was Jørn Mader and Leif Mortensen commentating on the Giro yesterday, while Alex Pedersen was on moto duty, and Jasper Stadum was doing interviews at the start and finish.
Everything is great about Kanal 5's coverage apart from the fact that I simply have to mute every time Asbjørn Kragh opens his mouth. Thats especially sad cause I miss some parts of my favorite in the studio, Bastian Emil. At least Asbjørn is not commentating on the race, so thats good I guess.

I have even got to a point where I quite like Jesper Worre. He know's his stuff, thats for sure.
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