Roglic revealing many weak points in Dauphine,at the time broken teammates was not one of them. The opposite the Russian was rolling up the hills. Roglic riding very relative and only squirting off w few hundred meters to go, Pogacar going from 25k out and riding solo in the wind and speeds and watts of nobody else. And if Roglic's rehab includes falling off his bike twice in a week, good luck with that. Roglic saying something before the race that was supposed to make sense, I need to get used to my teammates and they need to get used to me. So you can be an optimist but what his teammates got used to was him jumping headfirst on the pavement 20% of the time he is racing, after he jumped off his bike to break bones a couple of months ago. Best predictor for the future is the past and Rolling Roglic is on the ground way too much. Ski jumping, bike racing and his new thing is gymnastics!! Guy is obviously awesome because he absolutely sucks at bike handling and pack sensibilities.