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Jul 10, 2013
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Man, the whole of Sky must've been an assembly line of transfusions on Friday night because today they reminded me of US Postal's peloton domination .

At one point it looked as though Kennaugh could've dropped Contador had he been given the chance.

If this doesn't scream dopiiiing I don't know what else will.
Mar 14, 2009
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Fzotrlool said:

The new clean era of marginal gains.

Porte barely made top 20 in yesterday's TT (and TT supposedly is his strong discipline) and today he was flying up that hill, pulling the pack, chasing Stybar and still managed to get the W.

I think, after the yesterday's embarrassment the SKY boys got an order from the "boss" to dig deep (into the fridge) and get things under control :eek:
The_Juan said:
Man, the whole of Sky must've been an assembly line of transfusions on Friday night because today they reminded me of US Postal's peloton domination .

At one point it looked as though Kennaugh could've dropped Contador had he been given the chance.

If this doesn't scream dopiiiing I don't know what else will.

& it's only February!
May 19, 2011
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Jancouver said:
Porte barely made top 20 in yesterday's TT (and TT supposedly is his strong discipline) and today he was flying up that hill, pulling the pack, chasing Stybar and still managed to get the W.

I think, after the yesterday's embarrassment the SKY boys got an order from the "boss" to dig deep (into the fridge) and get things under control :eek:

Haha Porte for the Giro win!
Jul 10, 2013
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thehog said:
& it's only February!

I swear to God, when Kennaugh was up ahead of the leader's group looking back at Froome/Contador... part of went like "There's no way! This guy's going to pull a Lance-look-back stunt! He's going to take off!!! Do it! Do it Kennaugh! Do it!".

Sadly enough, he contained himself and let The Froominator windmill his way up the mountain as if he were riding on a flat.

What we saw today is basically the forcing of the Contador hand, doping-wise. Now, Alberto, to be on the safe side, is going to have to up the dosage to put up with the Alien's sprints, and possibly all of the Alien's team.
Jul 10, 2013
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Jancouver said:
Porte barely made top 20 in yesterday's TT (and TT supposedly is his strong discipline) and today he was flying up that hill, pulling the pack, chasing Stybar and still managed to get the W.

I think, after the yesterday's embarrassment the SKY boys got an order from the "boss" to dig deep (into the fridge) and get things under control :eek:

Mikel Nieve 3rd.

Feb 22, 2011
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Fzotrlool said:
This is beyond-full Landis. Beyond alien. This is full mega-ultra-hydro-hyper-super-psycho scientific alienlandis.

Fixed on behalf of my developmentally disabled friends, who are insulted by the use of the r word--not because they don't have a sense of humor about it, but because they have no interest in being associated with something as m/f-ing stupid as pro cycling.
Jul 10, 2013
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skippythepinhead said:
Fixed on behalf of my developmentally disabled friends, who are insulted by the use of the r word--not because they don't have a sense of humor about it, but because they have no interest in being associated with something as m/f-ing stupid as pro cycling.

It's as though Sky couldn't find any guy, aside from Wiggins, initially, willing to ride the razor's edge world of PEDs and then along comes this guy from Africa... willing to do just about anything. It's a director's wet dream.

It's so odd that... I don't even know how to explain it. I mean, you have guys like Pantani, Armstrong, Indurain or even Contador (all obvious dopers too) whose pedaling style gives away the many years, decades, of bio mechanical adjustments to maximize the exertion of every muscle fiber while minimizing lactic acid production. And then you have Froome, a guy who looks like he just got off the stationary bike and put on a program and voila.

I like Chris, but I don't know what to make of him. He reminds me a lot of a Raimondas Rumsas without a whole team (and the accompanying juicing system) backing him up.
Jun 15, 2009
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The_Juan said:
Mikel Nieve 3rd.

What is surprising about that? :confused: Nieve was a GT-CG guy long before Sky. So what the heck if he finishes a stage T-3 in Feb? Much more obvious are riders you never heard of dominating pros in San Luis... That is doubtful, but certainly not Nieve.
Mar 14, 2009
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
What is surprising about that? :confused: Nieve was a GT-CG guy long before Sky. So what the heck if he finishes a stage T-3 in Feb? Much more obvious are riders you never heard of dominating pros in San Luis... That is doubtful, but certainly not Nieve.

I agree but I think Rafa Valls has them beat. Out of nowhere this guy is dropping TJ, Valverde, Majka, Pinot, Costa etc like hot potatoes :eek:
Jancouver said:
I agree but I think Rafa Valls has them beat. Out of nowhere this guy is dropping TJ, Valverde, Majka, Pinot, Costa etc like hot potatoes :eek:

Didn't Valls win a fairly hilly Tour stage back in 2010?

Judging by Chris Froome's career trajectory Rafael Valls is going to blow up the entire sport within the next year. In other words, his recent form is perfectly natural.
Jun 15, 2009
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Jancouver said:
I agree but I think Rafa Valls has them beat. Out of nowhere this guy is dropping TJ, Valverde, Majka, Pinot, Costa etc like hot potatoes :eek:

I dont know what u talk about, but I did about the latest San Luis edition

Daniel Diaz (Arg) Funvic-Sao Jose dos Campos 22:37:07 :eek:
2 Rodolfo Torres (Col) Colombia 0:01:05
3 Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team 0:01:34 :eek:
4 Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Bretagne-S?ch? Environnement 0:02:02
5 Rodrigo Contreras (Col) Colombian National Team 0:03:16
6 Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Spa) Team Katusha 3:26 :eek:

... and a lot more top top pros beaten by no names.

That is doubtful. Not Nieve battling it out for CG as he always did.
Jul 10, 2013
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
What is surprising about that? :confused: Nieve was a GT-CG guy long before Sky. So what the heck if he finishes a stage T-3 in Feb? Much more obvious are riders you never heard of dominating pros in San Luis... That is doubtful, but certainly not Nieve.

Nothing. Nieve is a champ. Looking back at Alberto as if he was trying to taunt him (which I'm pretty sure wasn't his intention)... finishing 3RD, 20 seconds behind your boss' main rival.

If he weren't a domestique it would be ok. But he is a domestique and he worked his *** off for Froome on Friday's stage, so please spare me your histrionics.
Jul 10, 2013
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FoxxyBrown1111 said:
I dont know what u talk about, but I did about the latest San Luis edition

Daniel Diaz (Arg) Funvic-Sao Jose dos Campos 22:37:07 :eek:
2 Rodolfo Torres (Col) Colombia 0:01:05
3 Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team 0:01:34 :eek:
4 Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Bretagne-S?ch? Environnement 0:02:02
5 Rodrigo Contreras (Col) Colombian National Team 0:03:16
6 Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Spa) Team Katusha 3:26 :eek:

... and a lot more top top pros beaten by no names.

That is doubtful. Not Nieve battling it out for CG as he always did.

But dude, who is saying otherwise? Who is denying that other rider's performances are suspect, to say the least? Are you even reading what people are saying?

And yes, in my opinion, what we are witnessing is a new changing of the guard as far as doping is concerned: Team directors getting rid of "old and wise" riders who are now scared sh*tless of WADA and adamantly refuse to dope.

In come these young and eager idiots who will sell their soul to the devil for a shot at the top. We've seen it before. And Froome/Contador are just the tip of the iceberg.
Jun 15, 2009
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The_Juan said:
But dude, who is saying otherwise? Who is denying that other rider's performances are suspect, to say the least? Are you even reading what people are saying?

And yes, in my opinion, what we are witnessing is a new changing of the guard as far as doping is concerned: Team directors getting rid of "old and wise" riders who are now scared sh*tless of WADA and adamantly refuse to dope.

In come these young and eager idiots who will sell their soul to the devil for a shot at the top. We've seen it before. And Froome/Contador are just the tip of the iceberg.

You (may) have a point here. If there was a clinic discussion about the farce of San Luis, then it must be hidden in some thread... All I saw was the RR posts, and I couldnt believe the fanboys defending this grotesque Horner-like results...

About Nieve: Ullrich (even though doped himself) finished 3 week tours high in CG as dom, so did Fignon, Lemond, and so on... Nieve just did the trick for a day.
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
I dont know what u talk about, but I did about the latest San Luis edition

Daniel Diaz (Arg) Funvic-Sao Jose dos Campos 22:37:07 :eek:
2 Rodolfo Torres (Col) Colombia 0:01:05
3 Nairo Quintana (Col) Movistar Team 0:01:34 :eek:
4 Eduardo Sepulveda (Arg) Bretagne-S?ch? Environnement 0:02:02
5 Rodrigo Contreras (Col) Colombian National Team 0:03:16
6 Daniel Moreno Fernandez (Spa) Team Katusha 3:26 :eek:

... and a lot more top top pros beaten by no names.

That is doubtful. Not Nieve battling it out for CG as he always did.

It's February.

Let's not get too worked up about anyone's form or lack therof just yet.
Jun 15, 2009
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red_flanders said:
It's February.

Let's not get too worked up about anyone's form or lack therof just yet.

I would agree on that... but funny thing is: The Sky bashing started already... in this February.

So why not pointing out the real dubious performances of early 2015?
Diaz & co all in form, but every top pro out of it?? :eek:

If Bayern Munich is off training for two months they still would beat the hell out of any top-in-form amateurs. So it shall be with top cycling pros going up against obscure Horner-like South Americans.

The Diaz show is just short off Horner on the absurd list.

Nieve, Porte, Froome and Co are not even close...
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
I would agree on that... but funny thing is: The Sky bashing started already... in this February.

So why not pointing out the real dubious performances of early 2015?
Diaz & co all in form, but every top pro out of it?? :eek:

If Bayern Munich is off training for two months they still would beat the hell out of any top-in-form amateurs. So it shall be with top cycling pros going up against obscure Horner-like South Americans.

The Diaz show is just short off Horner on the absurd list.

Nieve, Porte, Froome and Co are not even close...
I think everything's just fine and in accordance with UCI's globalization project.
Jun 15, 2009
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sir fly said:
I think everything's just fine and in accordance with UCI's globalization project.

But that is not their problem. Just have a look at the comments in the RR thread. Fanboys explaining the obvious doping away... Yet again. They never learn, not even after being fooled a tousand times since 1998.

So UCI just takes the gift. I would too...
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
But that is not their problem. Just have a look at the comments in the RR thread. Fanboys explaining the obvious doping away... Yet again. They never learn, not even after being fooled a tousand times since 1998.

So UCI just takes the gift. I would too...
I guess belief and reality don't get along together very well.
Be happy not to be burnt for blasphemy.

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