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George W. Bush Rides a 29er

Jul 17, 2009
As controversial as George Bush’s White House record may be, the former president shares one thing in common with all of us — he loves to ride bikes. Recently, Niner bikes co-founders Chris Sugai and Steve Domahidy caught up with Bush to introduce him to 29in wheels.

read on...



This pretty much rules at all levels non political..

Former President of the United States on a 29er.....word

What a great experience for both the Former Prez and the Boys at Niner and great for the sport

OK I can't resist. Title was going to be GW finds WMD but the mods would freak and move and edit and ignore and report IP..... Though I'd give them Sunday off.

BTW good call Chris setting GWs up on the Jet 9 and not the RIP 9! :)
Jul 23, 2009
Bush recently became interested in trying a 29er through his crew of riding buddies, dubbed ‘Peloton One’.
Peloton One. I love that. Ok, it really only counts if Obama is in the bunch.

Good for GWB, nice to see there are some things he and I can agree on.
Jan 19, 2010
Boeing said:
As controversial as George Bush’s White House record may be, the former president shares one thing in common with all of us — he loves to ride bikes. Recently, Niner bikes co-founders Chris Sugai and Steve Domahidy caught up with Bush to introduce him to 29in wheels.

Count me as someone who will NEVER consider a Niner bike in the future.

GW is a despicable person who is a war criminal and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, violating the Geneva Conventions on torture, destroying the world economy while his ultra-wealthy friends made out like bandits, and who refused to do anything about the threat of climate change to the world.

If Niner Bikes wants to be associated with him, that is their business but it is also my business to refuse to purchase a product from a company who would choose to associate with that person.
May 24, 2010
Squares said:
Count me as someone who will NEVER consider a Niner bike in the future.

GW is a despicable person who is a war criminal and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, violating the Geneva Conventions on torture, destroying the world economy while his ultra-wealthy friends made out like bandits, and who refused to do anything about the threat of climate change to the world.

If Niner Bikes wants to be associated with him, that is their business but it is also my business to refuse to purchase a product from a company who would choose to associate with that person.
Absolutely, Amen! I agree completely. There is no "light" side to that dark man. Evil and inept. Arguably the worst president that ever held office, due partially to the sheer magnitude of his follies, executed at such a crucial time in our history. And the divisive philosophies he helped to grow among the American people. Not a man to be proud of, no matter what he does, now that he has been retired.
Jul 1, 2010
_______________ I am ashamed to be in the same post, as anyone who find this even remotely interesting.
Aug 19, 2010
Squares and Nowhereman, give me a huge break... You are obviously hypocrites and most likely Europeans--which is fine, but you're less able to judge an American president... You're hypocrites because you are judging GWB in an absolute way, then you blame him for his being so myopic in his judgment. I actually agree that GWB made a lot of errors in judgment that have been detrimental to the country. But Obama is on his way to making GWB look like one of our best presidents in years... Republicans and Democrats are all messed up, but I'd rather be amongst the company of GWB, Bush 1 and Reagan than Obama, Clinton and Carter... Yikes...
Jan 19, 2010
jae2460 said:
Squares and Nowhereman, give me a huge break... You are obviously hypocrites and most likely Europeans

When I look up the definition of Hypocrite, I see:
1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

So, Jae2460, care to provide any actual data to back up you claim of hypocrisy?

Did I proclaim to oppose torture and then commit torture?

Without any evidence to back up your claim, you are just another right winger who jumps to the defense of the worst appointed politician to ever hold the highest office in the USA, and who calls people names because they cannot defend the record or refute the claims with any actual facts.

And, I am American, having been born in Utah. Anyone who opposes Bush does not automatically have to be European (said like being from Europe is a slur). After all, Bush finished his term with a 28% approval rating, so approving of him only places you in the company of a minority of Americans and an even smaller minority of people in the world.
Jan 19, 2010
Obeeone said:
who gives a flying f***..... I am ashamed to be in the same post, as anyone who find this even remotely interesting.

No one forced you to take the time to post here...
Aug 16, 2009
jae2460 said:
Squares and Nowhereman, give me a huge break... You are obviously hypocrites and most likely Europeans--which is fine, but you're less able to judge an American president... You're hypocrites because you are judging GWB in an absolute way, then you blame him for his being so myopic in his judgment. I actually agree that GWB made a lot of errors in judgment that have been detrimental to the country. But Obama is on his way to making GWB look like one of our best presidents in years... Republicans and Democrats are all messed up, but I'd rather be amongst the company of GWB, Bush 1 and Reagan than Obama, Clinton and Carter... Yikes...

Really funny to come onto a cycling site and make a political attack on other members your first post.
May 24, 2010
jae2460 said:
Squares and Nowhereman, give me a huge break... You are obviously hypocrites and most likely Europeans--which is fine, but you're less able to judge an American president... You're hypocrites because you are judging GWB in an absolute way, then you blame him for his being so myopic in his judgment. I actually agree that GWB made a lot of errors in judgment that have been detrimental to the country. But Obama is on his way to making GWB look like one of our best presidents in years... Republicans and Democrats are all messed up, but I'd rather be amongst the company of GWB, Bush 1 and Reagan than Obama, Clinton and Carter... Yikes...

Don't forget to wipe and flush after all that @*#? comes out of your mouth. Folks like you are part of his pathetic legacy.
May 23, 2010
Probably the least used Trek mountain bike in the world...
Now he has a niner that will never see a new set of tires..bfd

Squares said:
Count me as someone who will NEVER consider a Niner bike in the future.

GW is a despicable person who is a war criminal and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, violating the Geneva Conventions on torture, destroying the world economy while his ultra-wealthy friends made out like bandits, and who refused to do anything about the threat of climate change to the world.

If Niner Bikes wants to be associated with him, that is their business but it is also my business to refuse to purchase a product from a company who would choose to associate with that person.

Take this bulls**t elsewhere. I come here to read about bikes, not conspiracy theories and falsifications about the supposed genocide against innocent people which has not a shred of evidence to back it up.
The Hitch said:
Take this bulls**t elsewhere. I come here to read about bikes, not conspiracy theories and falsifications about the supposed genocide against innocent people which has not a shred of evidence to back it up.

OK I've heard their opinions and I've heard yours, and I must say yours does not come off sounding very intellegent.
Hugh Januss said:
OK I've heard their opinions and I've heard yours, and I must say yours does not come off sounding very intellegent.
How have you heard my opinion. You have no idea what it is. All i did was critisice the obsurd idea that Bush is a war criminal who killed hundreds of thousands.

War criminals are people like Slobodan Milosevic, Radko Mladic the National socialists, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Henry Kissinger, The Burmese Junta, General Yaya khan, general sukharto, Pinochet, Taylor etc etc etc. etc etc etc.
They engage in genocide against innocent populations.

George Bush sent American troops into a tyranical dictatorship. He did not send SS squads to wipe out civilian populations. I object to any comparison of him to the above mentioned actual war criminals.

There is no case for war crimes charges.
Have a look through the likes of Taylor, Mladic, Milosevic.....and it might help you realise where the definition is applicable

As for the idea that he killed hundreds of thousands of people, it is one which is alien outside of "anti war"rallies and one which does not withstand the collision with logic.
If you wish to come back to me with an argument (rather than a claim that my unknown to you beliefs are unintelligent) please do so.
Oct 29, 2009
The Hitch said:
Take this bulls**t elsewhere. I come here to read about bikes, not conspiracy theories and falsifications about the supposed genocide against innocent people which has not a shred of evidence to back it up.

When your ironic avatar snuffs it you can get a picture of David Irving. Notice that your list of bad guys includes only iffy, foreign swarthy types and not good ol' boy, corn-fed idiots who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Not a shred of evidence...what else didn't happen on the dolt's watch? I really wanna hear your revisionism. Nah, not really.
CycloErgoSum said:
When your ironic avatar snuffs it you can get a picture of David Irving. Notice that your list of bad guys includes only iffy, foreign swarthy types and not good ol' boy, corn-fed idiots who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Not a shred of evidence...what else didn't happen on the dolt's watch? I really wanna hear your revisionism. Nah, not really.

Yes he will die soon. Oh well, everyone has to go. Low blow unsuccesfull.

There is not a shred of evidence that the US went in to, or did muder thousands of innocent people. The overwelming evidence points to the bin laden, zarqawi faction calling itself "al queada in mesopotania" unleashing deadly suicide bombings on the shia population and the shia iran backed militia under moqtada al sadr calling itself the "mahdi army" being responsible for the rest of the deaths.
Though since you act as if you have evidence to the contrary please do share it. Dont be shy.

Since both groups are the sworn enemies of the US, and both groups are responsible for the deaths of many US service men, i will not lay the blame for these deaths on George Bushes door (seem logical enough?). Just like (since you brought irving into this) i will not say that the allies were responsible for the holocoust because they went into conflict with hitler. THis is what Irving and more recently people like Buchanan have argued, and you may notice that i am completely on the opposite side of this school of thought.

So your attempted comparison of me to neo nazis has failed, but you might be interested to know that David Duke has spoken out in support of the Cindy Sheehan, Ramsey Clark group. Go get one of those for your avatar why wont you.
CycloErgoSum said:
When your ironic avatar snuffs it you can get a picture of David Irving. Notice that your list of bad guys includes only iffy, foreign swarthy types and not good ol' boy, corn-fed idiots who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Not a shred of evidence...what else didn't happen on the dolt's watch? I really wanna hear your revisionism. Nah, not really.

Oh and i really dont get the point about me not mentioning the good ol boy corn fed ....

I am not from an america and i reserve a hatred for the tea party and all the bible thumping meat eating, "conservative " crowd. Such a shame that people like you generalise and assume that if someone thought the removal of Batthism in Iraq was worth it, they must immediately be ultra religious Rush Limbaugh americans who cant string a sentence together. So many times Hitchens has had to answer "why did you support the Vietnam war" despite having been one of its most fervent critics, because people like yourself can only split political opinions into right and left.

I did however mention Kissinger, who is a hero among the American right and who was Nixons and Ford secretary of state. I can mention Nixon and Ford, and Alexander Haig, and FDR many others to that list as well if you so like, though their crimes are probably on a lower scale than those behind Srebrenica and Auschwitz no???

I dont care about the race or background of an individual (though you clearly do).
It is simple really. Bush started a war for no good reason, based on no good intellegence, and destablized a country with no resulting benefit for anyone. Now we are stuck there hemoraging money we don't have while Bush's friends in our new private enterprise war machine rake in huge profits.
He is responsible for every death, civilian and military, Iraqi and American and anyone else caught in the crossfire.
Hugh Januss said:
It is simple really. Bush started a war for no good reason, based on no good intellegence, and destablized a country with no resulting benefit for anyone. Now we are stuck there hemoraging money we don't have while Bush's friends in our new private enterprise war machine rake in huge profits.
He is responsible for every death, civilian and military, Iraqi and American and anyone else caught in the crossfire.
yep iraq was really stable under a monopolistic pscychopathic crime family :rolleyes: Never mind that the dictatorship was towards the end losing control of vast areas, leaving clerics in charge, and that Iran Saudi Arabia and Turkey were all getting involved. Oh wait, this wasnt in Fahrenheit 911. Dont worry. revert to the view that Iraq was a stable peaceful prosperous state which never harmed anyone, where children flew kites and ate icecream.

"bush made profits" I doubt Bush made any profits from this. And if it was all an elaborate scheme to make money, why did UK, Poland, Australia, Spain among others back him, and why was it backed by the US Senate, and the US house of Representatives, and by many leftist intellectuals and writers etc etc etc. More conspiracy theories im afraid.

"no benefit to anyone" A huge benefit to the hundreds of thousands who were being perseucted, murdered, thrown in prison, etc under the Baathis dictatorship. THe people ofKurdistan benefited tremendously. They now have their own government and there hasnt been an attack there in years (while under the Baathists they were being gassed). Oh wait, that wasnt in farenheit 911 either. Never mind.

As for there being no good reason, that is simply your opinion. I can think of many very important reasons why removing one of the most brutal regimes in human history, which was incontrol of a choke point in the world economy, was considered, and acted upon. If in your opinion, there is no reason to get rid of such a regime, and you think it provides no benefits, then i really have to question what sick world you would have us live in.

But dont worry. Lets not let facts get in the way of conspiracies about how this was all a big genius scheme to make money.
May 24, 2010
The Hitch said:
yep iraq was really stable under a monopolistic pscychopathic crime family :rolleyes: Never mind that the dictatorship was towards the end losing control of vast areas, leaving clerics in charge, and that Iran Saudi Arabia and Turkey were all getting involved. Oh wait, this wasnt in Fahrenheit 911. Dont worry. revert to the view that Iraq was a stable peaceful prosperous state which never harmed anyone, where children flew kites and ate icecream.

"bush made profits" I doubt Bush made any profits from this. And if it was all an elaborate scheme to make money, why did UK, Poland, Australia, Spain among others back him, and why was it backed by the US Senate, and the US house of Representatives, and by many leftist intellectuals and writers etc etc etc. More conspiracy theories im afraid.

"no benefit to anyone" A huge benefit to the hundreds of thousands who were being perseucted, murdered, thrown in prison, etc under the Baathis dictatorship. THe people ofKurdistan benefited tremendously. They now have their own government and there hasnt been an attack there in years (while under the Baathists they were being gassed). Oh wait, that wasnt in farenheit 911 either. Never mind.

As for there being no good reason, that is simply your opinion. I can think of many very important reasons why removing one of the most brutal regimes in human history, which was incontrol of a choke point in the world economy, was considered, and acted upon. If in your opinion, there is no reason to get rid of such a regime, and you think it provides no benefits, then i really have to question what sick world you would have us live in.

But dont worry. Lets not let facts get in the way of conspiracies about how this was all a big genius scheme to make money.
Man, you've got way too much energy! Flailing away in all directions. Acting as if you are the only person who sees any of this issue clearly. Acting as if you are the keeper of all of the "facts"
You need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and try banging your head into a wall for at least a good ten minutes, or until you lose consciousness, whichever comes first. Then hopefully you will forget this thread ever existed, and you won't contribute any more of your @$#+ to it.
Although, I must say, all your ranting has been perversely entertaining.
The Hitch said:
yep iraq was really stable under a monopolistic pscychopathic crime family :rolleyes: Never mind that the dictatorship was towards the end losing control of vast areas, leaving clerics in charge, and that Iran Saudi Arabia and Turkey were all getting involved. Oh wait, this wasnt in Fahrenheit 911. Dont worry. revert to the view that Iraq was a stable peaceful prosperous state which never harmed anyone, where children flew kites and ate icecream.

"bush made profits" I doubt Bush made any profits from this. And if it was all an elaborate scheme to make money, why did UK, Poland, Australia, Spain among others back him, and why was it backed by the US Senate, and the US house of Representatives, and by many leftist intellectuals and writers etc etc etc. More conspiracy theories im afraid.

"no benefit to anyone" A huge benefit to the hundreds of thousands who were being perseucted, murdered, thrown in prison, etc under the Baathis dictatorship. THe people ofKurdistan benefited tremendously. They now have their own government and there hasnt been an attack there in years (while under the Baathists they were being gassed). Oh wait, that wasnt in farenheit 911 either. Never mind.

As for there being no good reason, that is simply your opinion. I can think of many very important reasons why removing one of the most brutal regimes in human history, which was incontrol of a choke point in the world economy, was considered, and acted upon. If in your opinion, there is no reason to get rid of such a regime, and you think it provides no benefits, then i really have to question what sick world you would have us live in.

But dont worry. Lets not let facts get in the way of conspiracies about how this was all a big genius scheme to make money.

First of all nice misquote, I am left to wonder whether that is an example of your reading comprehension skill or deliberate.:rolleyes:

Bush's friends in our new private enterprise war machine rake in huge profits.

Second of all, if we were in a position either morally or militarily to be the cops of the world Saddam Hussien barely ranks in the top 10 of evil dictatorships and some of them are our "allies". He may have been a crook but at least he wasn't a religious fanatic.

Not even the Iraqi citizens who are left alive are really profiting much from our presence.