nowhereman said:Man, you've got way too much energy! Flailing away in all directions. Acting as if you are the only person who sees any of this issue clearly. Acting as if you are the keeper of all of the "facts"
You need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and try banging your head into a wall for at least a good ten minutes, or until you lose consciousness, whichever comes first. Then hopefully you will forget this thread ever existed, and you won't contribute any more of your @$#+ to it.
Although, I must say, all your ranting has been perversely entertaining.
This is cretinism, and a strange way to concede defeat, but a concession nonetheless. I make an argument, which you seem unable to answer, so you accuse me of arrogance or "being a keeper of all the facts". Nope. I simply put forward an argument. It's what we do in these so called forums. If you disagree with my points, by all means put forward an alternative. That's what debates are about rather than ad hominem.
I used to be against the war too, but like a lot of people, after patiently and calmly listening to and reading the arguments for military intervention, i changed my mind. I know people who have done the opposite as well, but can put forward the arguments for their side, in a civilized manner, and this happens in all debates. If like you i (or anyone else) had simply shouted down the speakers/ writers/ intellectuals as "neocons" "in the pay of the cia" or like you of "ranting" and talking "@$#+ ", i suppose i myself would never have changed my mind either, and if everyone followed your example on this, no one would ever learn, or advance, or change their minds on anything.