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Hot racing coming up in Australia

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Mar 14, 2009
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Re: Re:

Jspear said:
TMP402 said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

It's 2017. The correct term is "little person".

Don't bother. Jancouver is a very negative person.

Hey, while I may be negative of this race or some very suspicious performances, I rarely comment on opinions of other forum members. If you don't agree with my opinion, please refrain from calling names or pointing fingers. Just put me on ignore and you don't have to read or comment on every post I make.
Re: Re:

TMP402 said:
StryderHells said:
TMP402 said:
Swift's characteristic positioning skills strike again. Also striking again was Phil Liggett, who merged two riders to create "Danny Boy van Poppel".

I didn't think Swift was involved in the finish at all or did he attempt to do a leadout for Kump?

I only saw it on my phone but I'd say he was as fast if not faster than the three photo-finishers, he just started from too far behind them.

Are you confusing Kump and Swift? I ask because Kump finished 4th and Swift finished 36th
Re: Re:

42x16ss said:
Der Effe said:
42x16ss said:
StryderHells said:
Jancouver said:
Over the years, I said it million times, but year after year, you can tell it's a mandatory race as the riders are not even interested being in the break ... it a shame they are required to participate as there are tons of smaller teams that would love to race here

Edit: The organizers just realized the race sucks ... because it's too hot and the race has been shortened ... good move by the organizers

I actually think the teams and riders enjoy racing down here but from reading the posts you've made about the TDU over the years this is a useless argument to have with you :D

It was a good move shortening today's stage, 41c with the winds is damn tough conditions.
Don't worry about Jancouver. January is the only month that he posts now, just to remind us all how much he dislikes the TDU. He's been doing it for a few years now.

Somebody has to do it. The only reason this travesty of a race is around is to give the Aussies some free wins :eek:
I'm sure that the likes of Greipel, Ulissi, LL Sanchez, Slagter, Thomas, de Ghendt, Jan Bakelandts, Richie Porte and others might not agree. Sure, it's not Paris Nice or the Dauphine, but does it need to be?
The bottom line is, despite the moaning, the TDU isn't going away any time soon.
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
Jspear said:
TMP402 said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

It's 2017. The correct term is "little person".

Don't bother. Jancouver is a very negative person.

Hey, while I may be negative of this race or some very suspicious performances, I rarely comment on opinions of other forum members. If you don't agree with my opinion, please refrain from calling names or pointing fingers. Just put me on ignore and you don't have to read or comment on every post I make.

So I can't give TMP402 an honest heads up about you, but you can call into question someone else's honesty and integrity on this forum? That's called being a hypocrite.
Re: Re:

sir fly said:
StryderHells said:
Good ride by young Micheal Storer of the UNISA squad to finish inside the top 10, he's got a big engine
Looks like a good prospect.

He's only 19 and did perform well in last years l'Avenir and even that this is an early season race that was still a good performance, I assume he's heading to l'Avenir again this year so will be watching that with interest. Seems to be quite a few young climbing/GC types coming out of Australia at the moment
Mar 14, 2009
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Re: Re:

Jspear said:
Jancouver said:
Jspear said:
TMP402 said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

It's 2017. The correct term is "little person".

Don't bother. Jancouver is a very negative person.

Hey, while I may be negative of this race or some very suspicious performances, I rarely comment on opinions of other forum members. If you don't agree with my opinion, please refrain from calling names or pointing fingers. Just put me on ignore and you don't have to read or comment on every post I make.

So I can't give TMP402 an honest heads up about you, but you can call into question someone else's honesty and integrity on this forum? That's called being a hypocrite.

Again, you are calling me names. Nobody asked you on an opinion of me so do not refer to me by using names ... unless you want to be banned from this forum. Am I calling you or anyone else any names? No I don't, so keep your opinion of other remembers to yourself and comment only on topics related to discussion.

Mods, please explain to this user the basic forum rules. Thanks!
Mar 14, 2009
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Re: Re:

StryderHells said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

You do realise that it's not mandatory to watch the race don't you?

I watch cycling for ... cycling.

Unfortunately, if we want to have a debate on today's Porte's performances, we have to take our conversation over to the clinic forum and I rarely participated in those discussion.
Jancouver, You are calling Richie Porte offensive names which I think is very objectionable and you are complaining about everything

If the race is so beneath you and everyone else who doesn't like it then don't watch...simples

And just because you don't like and support Porte his performance is questionable ? do me a favour ...his performance is just like it has been at TDU in the last few years..
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
Jspear said:
Jancouver said:
Jspear said:
TMP402 said:
It's 2017. The correct term is "little person".

Don't bother. Jancouver is a very negative person.

Hey, while I may be negative of this race or some very suspicious performances, I rarely comment on opinions of other forum members. If you don't agree with my opinion, please refrain from calling names or pointing fingers. Just put me on ignore and you don't have to read or comment on every post I make.

So I can't give TMP402 an honest heads up about you, but you can call into question someone else's honesty and integrity on this forum? That's called being a hypocrite.

Again, you are calling me names. Nobody asked you on an opinion of me so do not refer to me by using names ... unless you want to be banned from this forum. Am I calling you or anyone else any names? No I don't, so keep your opinion of other remembers to yourself and comment only on topics related to discussion.

Mods, please explain to this user the basic forum rules. Thanks!
Seriously, Jancouver? You think him saying you're negative is a ban-able offense? Thicker skin, man. And yes, you can be negative, though there are certainly people far worse and you're not that way all the time.
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
StryderHells said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

You do realise that it's not mandatory to watch the race don't you?

I watch cycling for ... cycling.

Unfortunately, if we want to have a debate on today's Porte's performances, we have to take our conversation over to the clinic forum and I rarely participated in those discussion.

Yeah but if you are not enjoying it then why watch it? I get the whole it's cycling on TV thing so why not watch it but you can always watch replays of races you do like instead of watching a race live that you clearly dislike. Surely that would make things more enjoyable for you :)
Mar 14, 2009
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HelloDolly said:
Jancouver, You are calling Richie Porte offensive names which I think is very objectionable and you are complaining about everything

If the race is so beneath you and everyone else who doesn't like it then don't watch...simples

And just becasue you donlt like and support Porte his performance is questionable ? do me a favour ...hi performance is just like it has ben at TDU inthe last few years..

Big difference! I'm commenting on a cyclist, not a forum member.

As per calling somebody a "midget", it may be offensive to some, but mostly only to the snowflakes that got out of their safe spaces.
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
StryderHells said:
Jancouver said:
So the little midget is sprinting up the hill, out of the saddle for two km
... and I thought I have seen it all
... gimme a break
... what a s**t show.

You do realise that it's not mandatory to watch the race don't you?

I watch cycling for ... cycling.

Unfortunately, if we want to have a debate on today's Porte's performances, we have to take our conversation over to the clinic forum and I rarely participated in those discussion.
Did we really see anything that out of the ordinary from him? He's been doing this kind of thing in stage races for quite some time now.
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
Again, you are calling me names. Nobody asked you on an opinion of me so do not refer to me by using names ... unless you want to be banned from this forum. Am I calling you or anyone else any names? No I don't, so keep your opinion of other remembers to yourself and comment only on topics related to discussion.

Mods, please explain to this user the basic forum rules. Thanks!

Well since you've asked I'll give you an answer. You've slandered Skidmark in the CQ thread.
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
HelloDolly said:
Jancouver, You are calling Richie Porte offensive names which I think is very objectionable and you are complaining about everything

If the race is so beneath you and everyone else who doesn't like it then don't watch...simples

And just becasue you donlt like and support Porte his performance is questionable ? do me a favour ...hi performance is just like it has ben at TDU inthe last few years..

Big difference! I'm commenting on a cyclist, not a forum member.

As per calling somebody a "midget", it may be offensive to some, but mostly only to the snowflakes that got out of their safe spaces.

It is offensive but you saying its not and only to snowflakes yet objecting becasue soemone called you negative is rich !
Seems you ca say what you want but anyone answers back in a similiar vein and its call the mods ... can give it but not take it
Re: Re:

Jancouver said:
HelloDolly said:
Jancouver, You are calling Richie Porte offensive names which I think is very objectionable and you are complaining about everything

If the race is so beneath you and everyone else who doesn't like it then don't watch...simples

And just becasue you donlt like and support Porte his performance is questionable ? do me a favour ...hi performance is just like it has ben at TDU inthe last few years..

Big difference! I'm commenting on a cyclist, not a forum member.

As per calling somebody a "midget", it may be offensive to some, but mostly only to the snowflakes that got out of their safe spaces.

A cyclist and a forum member are both human beings.
Dec 30, 2009
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Re: Re:

Again, you are calling me names. Nobody asked you on an opinion of me so do not refer to me by using names ... unless you want to be banned from this forum. Am I calling you or anyone else any names? No I don't, so keep your opinion of other remembers to yourself and comment only on topics related to discussion.

Mods, please explain to this user the basic forum rules. Thanks!

Basic forum rule is clinic talk in the CLINIC.
Re: Re:

StryderHells said:
yaco said:
Always thought this was Porte's race to lose and the Paracombe climb would change the dimension of the race - A few of us have been posting about Michael Storer - Will end up at Orica.

I wouldn't say its set in stone that he ends up at Orica but also it wouldn't surprise me.

Posted before last years L'Avenir that Orica have interest in Hindley and Storer - They are particularly interested in Storer's TT skills which are a point of difference to their current GC guys - Have a question ? Is Rob Power injured again ? Not racing in Australia and certain he's not in Europe.