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How do I........

Apr 8, 2009
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Not sure if this is a Clinic thread or a General Thread or a Professional road racing thread so please Mods move to the right one........

After reading so many posts (and a couple of PM's) and having the reality that favorite team/s and riders are probally dopers but not proven (and no im not talking about the arrogant t**t that is Lance Armstrong) I have had my love for the sport deflate, almost evaporate to the point I now believe they all do it so whats the point.

Question is how do I get that back or "recover" (I know thats not the right word but I cant think of one atmo) from it. I wont be the first and im sure I wont be the last. Im probally nieave and it isnt as wrong to do as I felt it is or I could be right to feel dejected with it.

bit lost with it all :(
Who are your favourite teams & riders?

PS This might cheers you up

"World time trial champion Fabian Cancellara has a contract through 2011, but would presumably be free to search for a new team if no new sponsor is found.

“First I want to talk to the team. I can wait,” he told the Swiss site Blick.ch. He has been most consistently linked with signing for the US-based BMC Racing Team, sponsored by the Swiss bike manufacturer.

"We want Cancellara – but we can wait,” said BMC team owner Andy Rihs.
Nov 17, 2009
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Just enjoy the racing and don't worry about what they are on.

Regardless of if they are completely clean or completely doped... it doesn't change what happens on the road. Riders still attack. They still crack. They still fight through pain. They still succumb to fatigue.

All of that is still great to watch.


Apr 28, 2010
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sportzchick said:
Not sure if this is a Clinic thread or a General Thread or a Professional road racing thread so please Mods move to the right one........

After reading so many posts (and a couple of PM's) and having the reality that favorite team/s and riders are probally dopers but not proven (and no im not talking about the arrogant t**t that is Lance Armstrong) I have had my love for the sport deflate, almost evaporate to the point I now believe they all do it so whats the point.

Question is how do I get that back or "recover" (I know thats not the right word but I cant think of one atmo) from it. I wont be the first and im sure I wont be the last. Im probally nieave and it isnt as wrong to do as I felt it is or I could be right to feel dejected with it.

bit lost with it all :(

Well, firstly, it does not effect your own ability to ride. So first ensure that you enjoy doing that, don't go on the forum for a few days or weeks and just go out riding, get your enjoyment back out of the riding itself.

Second, if you want to watch professional cycling you can do a few things. First just watch it for the spectacle and don't think too much about doping, most of the commentators won't really mention doping that much, so it isn't too bad.
Another method is thinking, everybody does it and my favourite is still the best, and would be the best even if he didn't do it
The third method is presume everyone is innocent until they are catched in some way, after their suspension give them the benefit of the doubt again.
ANd lastly realize everyone dopes and hope that the sport will improve
Jun 22, 2010
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cheer up buddy just enjoy the aussies.we haven't had a rider get done by drugs,an just look at evans it's like he is giving birth everytime he rides
Apr 8, 2009
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Lmao mowie :D problem is I even started to doubt some of the Aussies :(

Still wanting to ride is the only sane part of it so thats never an issue

and your right if its right and everyone does 'dope' then its a level playing field as such. And I see that even the most strongest of drugs doesnt stop suffering or even crashed that injure riders out. Also I have always believed in innocent untill proven guilty

I shall see what this years TDF brings
Jun 16, 2009
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mowie133 said:
cheer up buddy just enjoy the aussies.we haven't had a rider get done by drugs,an just look at evans it's like he is giving birth everytime he rides

Exactly, I guess being a god he would put a lot of babies on this earth!
Apr 8, 2009
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swuzzlebubble said:
Who are your favourite teams & riders?

PS This might cheers you up

"World time trial champion Fabian Cancellara has a contract through 2011, but would presumably be free to search for a new team if no new sponsor is found.

“First I want to talk to the team. I can wait,” he told the Swiss site Blick.ch. He has been most consistently linked with signing for the US-based BMC Racing Team, sponsored by the Swiss bike manufacturer.

"We want Cancellara – but we can wait,” said BMC team owner Andy Rihs.
that does - although I remember Cancellara lambasting Cadel for being in a breakaway cause it would make the teams catch up.........no one is willing to ride for him so Cadel has every right to ride for himself so that was highly arrogant so I cant see how he would be willing to help him win the tour or visa versa
Jun 22, 2010
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sportzchick said:
Lmao mowie :D problem is I even started to doubt some of the Aussies :(

Still wanting to ride is the only sane part of it so thats never an issue

and your right if its right and everyone does 'dope' then its a level playing field as such. And I see that even the most strongest of drugs doesnt stop suffering or even crashed that injure riders out. Also I have always believed in innocent untill proven guilty

I shall see what this years TDF brings

i'm abit like you man,i just follow the aussies at the tour an get a kick out of what they do,,like simon gerrans he is my rolemodel works his **** off an is the nicest guy, i honestly don't care care who wins i just like seeing evans an rogers taking it to them :D lets hope for loads of aussies wins this tour for the good guys
Jun 16, 2009
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sportzchick said:
that does - although I remember Cancellara lambasting Cadel for being in a breakaway cause it would make the teams catch up.........no one is willing to ride for him so Cadel has every right to ride for himself so that was highly arrogant so I cant see how he would be willing to help him win the tour or visa versa

Cancellara told cadel to leave. It was his ****ing fault and he had no right to do it. Cancellara actually some times trains with cadel in switzerland. I guess if they get him a motor bike he will be happy!:D
Jun 16, 2009
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Can we make this the "Aussies are clean thread and the spanish are all doping scum bags who don't deserve life" thread!:D
That is my thoughts about cycling.

Aussies and general cycling fans should visit this site http://tdf.sbs.com.au/tdf2010/ Some great vids. Haussler said saomething very interesting that Cav during the 2009 tour was saying that he should move to another sport because it was too easy. He is an arrogant arsehole who will definetly go to hell. He is worse than a spaniard.
Jun 22, 2010
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auscyclefan94 said:
Can we make this the "Aussies are clean thread and the spanish are all doping scum bags who don't deserve life" thread!:D
That is my thoughts about cycling.

an kiwis can't forget them :rolleyes::p can't wait till fly v gets to the tour de france,aussie pride all over france
Apr 8, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
Can we make this the "Aussies are clean thread and the spanish are all doping scum bags who don't deserve life" thread!:D
That is my thoughts about cycling.

Aussies and general cycling fans should visit this site http://tdf.sbs.com.au/tdf2010/ Some great vids. Haussler said saomething very interesting that Cav during the 2009 tour was saying that he should move to another sport because it was too easy. He is an arrogant arsehole who will definetly go to hell. He is worse than a spaniard.
To think we are all 100% innocent is a bit niave - besides this is more than just Nationallity vs Nationaltiy.....Vino use to be one of my all time favorites :(

Mowie this willl be great to see them there :D
Jun 16, 2009
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sportzchick said:
To think we are all 100% innocent is a bit niave - besides this is more than just Nationallity vs Nationaltiy.....Vino use to be one of my all time favorites :(

Mowie this willl be great to see them there :D

I was joking bud. I have heard some pretty interesting **** about ogrady. aus fans will not want to hear it I barracked so hard for vino in 2007 and whne he turned positive I was devastated. He was awesome! I struggle to support him now.:(
oh turn it up you lot!

"all aussies are clean"? wiggins?
"they all dope so it's a level playing field"???
hardly... some just dope better than others, which really does detract from the spectacle.

I loved watching the Giro this year. Fantastic race. That went a fair way to restoring my enjoyment of this sport, and that's despite Basso's history taking some of the shine off his win both overall and on Zoncolan...

this year's classics have been spoilt by all the hub-bub over motorised bikes, but prior to that I enjoyed them too. RVV, LBL, FW, Amstel were great to watch, regardless of Vino's history and what followed.

I'm sure there's a good number of riders out there who're clean, but it will take a long time before we have any trust or believe them when they say they are. And that's just the way the sport is for now...
kurtinsc said:
Just enjoy the racing and don't worry about what they are on.

Regardless of if they are completely clean or completely doped... it doesn't change what happens on the road. Riders still attack. They still crack. They still fight through pain. They still succumb to fatigue.

All of that is still great to watch.

It's useless to think about doping during a race. Just enjoy the racing, and if they are caught, then they are caught. Doesn't change much to the excitement of a race to me.

@ACF: If you really believe all Aussies are clean and all Spaniards are doped you are even more naive then I thought. You have so much to learn...
Jun 16, 2009
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
It's useless to think about doping during a race. Just enjoy the racing, and if they are caught, then they are caught. Doesn't change much to the excitement of a race to me.

@ACF: If you really believe all Aussies are clean and all Spaniards are doped you are even more naive then I thought. You have so much to learn...
I won't insult your intelligence this time but if you take me so literally next time I will have to make a lot of fun of you. You have a lot to learn in the humour area!;)
Dec 14, 2009
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To the OP: according to you in another thread, you first started watching the tour in the 90's; height of drug taking. There would have been a time where you were watching without scepticism. The sport has not changed, you have. Drugs are part of the grand narrative of the sport. Like the changes of steel to carbon fibre, etc.

My suggestion is to get over yourself, watch the race, and attempt to enjoy the story without judgement.


I think the giro is a great example of why we all love cycling, and why we will continue to love cycling. For all the doping, and controversey, for those three weeks in italy we were almost able to forget about it.

The tour on the other hand is likely to be so dull doping is all there is to talk about.
Oct 18, 2009
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Barrus said:
Second, if you want to watch professional cycling you can do a few things. First just watch it for the spectacle and don't think too much about doping, most of the commentators won't really mention doping that much, so it isn't too bad.
Another method is thinking, everybody does it and my favourite is still the best, and would be the best even if he didn't do it
The third method is presume everyone is innocent until they are catched in some way, after their suspension give them the benefit of the doubt again.
ANd lastly realize everyone dopes and hope that the sport will improve

:)Thats pretty much it
sportzchick said:
Not sure if this is a Clinic thread or a General Thread or a Professional road racing thread so please Mods move to the right one........

After reading so many posts (and a couple of PM's) and having the reality that favorite team/s and riders are probally dopers but not proven (and no im not talking about the arrogant t**t that is Lance Armstrong) I have had my love for the sport deflate, almost evaporate to the point I now believe they all do it so whats the point.

Question is how do I get that back or "recover" (I know thats not the right word but I cant think of one atmo) from it. I wont be the first and im sure I wont be the last. Im probally nieave and it isnt as wrong to do as I felt it is or I could be right to feel dejected with it.

bit lost with it all :(

First of all: Stay out of the clinic for a bit - that would help. People go to the clinic to rant about doping, which can easily deflate you if you buy all the BS that is suggested in there. Like everything else anywhere in the web (and elsewhere) some is true, some is not - most is speculation...

Second of all: This little story might cheer you up, certainly hope so. Recently I had the quite cool experience of meeting Daniel Lloyd of Cervelo in person. He's been struggling for many years to get to that level and in my book he's a clean rider if there ever was one. Asked about doping today he said something along the lines that he believes the peloton has gone from maybe having 80-90% dopers to 80-90% clean riders. So if someone like him thinks that, that's good enough for me!
Jun 20, 2010
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go watch some cat 3-4 racers in a local crit and watch it for the love of the race and not the drama that goes with multimillion dollar paydays.