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How soon until Vaughters quits cycling?

Jul 10, 2012
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A prediction thread on what date JV resigns from his position in disgrace.

I think it is a question of whether or not he goes sooner like Matt White, or later after the pressure has built up on him.

I don't think it will be immediate but it will probably be before the start of next season.

Your thoughts?
Jul 10, 2012
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Is it not a fair topic of discussion?

White just quit his job, when does the other shoe drop on Vaughters, who not only cheated but runs Slipstream with a team full of cheaters (Vandevelde, Zabriskie, Danielson, Millar, Dekker, etc. etc. etc.) while claiming the team is clean as the driven snow.

Or do you not want the sport to be rid of cheaters?
Oct 25, 2010
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Parker said:
Every day that it doesn't happen is too long. The sooner the likes of Garmin and Sky are hounded out of the sport, the better. Once Katusha and Astana rise to the top then we'll be fine.

LOL! Bring back Cofidis and Festina!
Jul 15, 2010
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Dumb thread. Matt White stepped down because he couldn't take the heat or he felt he was part of the problem. If Vaughters is truly about clean cycling, more power to him. Not everyone who doped is in love with doping.
Sep 29, 2012
babastooey said:
A prediction thread on what date JV resigns from his position in disgrace.

I think it is a question of whether or not he goes sooner like Matt White, or later after the pressure has built up on him.

I don't think it will be immediate but it will probably be before the start of next season.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts:
1. you have not picked up the hero worship vibe JV receives around here
2. He's doing an MBA. When that's done, he has good prospects for disappearing into the real world. That will be a shock for him, but it is an exit strategy he has already hinted at.
Jul 10, 2012
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Dear Wiggo said:
My thoughts:
1. you have not picked up the hero worship vibe JV receives around here
2. He's doing an MBA. When that's done, he has good prospects for disappearing into the real world. That will be a shock for him, but it is an exit strategy he has already hinted at.

I have picked up on the hero worship. I also like to ask the questions which need to be asked even if they are provocative. I'd like to feel that many of the posters here also ask provocative questions that need to be asked of Lance supporters. Please don't tell me that JV has become the new Lance?

JV is not a dumb guy. A smart guy would be planning his exit, and he is. But it leaves things ambiguous as to whether or not he is officially out of the sport.
Dec 29, 2009
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babastooey said:
Ekimov is taking over there. He arguably shouldn't even be allowed to do so. I'm not hopeful.

sarcasm, im sure. except i don't put sky in the same category as garmin. i'd throw them with the bolsheviks. sorry, the name of the game is guilty until proven innocent unless you want to keep looking like a dumbass.
Jul 10, 2012
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Parker said:
Missing sarcasm and getting your facts wrong. You've done a course on internet forums haven't you?

I believe in honesty and openness, so when someone states something I take it at face value. If message boards are rife with people lying to make jokes, then what is the point of message boards?

I didn't want this to be a post about Sky, good Lord, but in theory, if USPS/Discovery can run a doping program under everyone's nose, then the testing means nothing if it doesn't turn out the cheaters. Cycling will be better off once all the cheaters are out.
babastooey said:
I believe in honesty and openness, so when someone states something I take it at face value. If message boards are rife with people lying to make jokes, then what is the point of message boards?

I didn't want this to be a post about Sky, good Lord, but in theory, if USPS/Discovery can run a doping program under everyone's nose, then the testing means nothing if it doesn't turn out the cheaters. Cycling will be better off once all the cheaters are out.

Everybody but the most thick headed moron knew USPS/Disco ran a doping program.

But you knew that right.
Mar 10, 2009
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babastooey said:
A prediction thread on what date JV resigns from his position in disgrace.

I think it is a question of whether or not he goes sooner like Matt White, or later after the pressure has built up on him.

I don't think it will be immediate but it will probably be before the start of next season.

Your thoughts?

Not soon enough. When he wrote that self serving blurb in the times would of been good day.
Jul 10, 2012
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My point is that past testing determined nothing, because it is not catching cheaters. Investigations after the fact were required.

Therefore, current testing is not doing much. Therefore, only non-cheaters and certainly non-USPS connected people who influence what their riders do should be running teams. How are we to trust that ex-cheaters won't cheat again? "Give me another chance, I promise I won't cheat or influence my riders to cheat, please pretty please with a cherry on top" -- better to just be rid of them all.

I don't mean to single out only JV as Ekimov as well as Demol and Yates are in the same boat. But JV certainly has the cult of personality on this board. Not quite Lance cult sized..
Jun 18, 2009
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babastooey said:
A prediction thread on what date JV resigns from his position in disgrace.

I think it is a question of whether or not he goes sooner like Matt White, or later after the pressure has built up on him.

I don't think it will be immediate but it will probably be before the start of next season.

Your thoughts?

4th of never.
Apr 14, 2010
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I for one certainly hope he doesn't quit. There are so few people in cycling of any level of intellect, so the sport can hardly afford to lose one.

There would simply be no-one in cycling except those who maintain the silence if admitting any doping meant you should quit having anything further to do with the sport. Yes, the managers, organisers, doctors and other facilitators (including Lance) should be shunned from anything to do with the sport, but writing off pawns/foot soldiers because they were part of a very dirty past doens't seem to do much for cycling. Ensuring the system that allowed it is shut down and a new system/organisation/governing body which has transparency, and is a at arms length to professional cycling is built up to replace it seems far more important than hounding JV out of cycling. And I don't even like the guy - I hate sideburns.
Oct 11, 2010
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Parker said:
Every day that it doesn't happen is too long. The sooner the likes of Garmin and Sky are hounded out of the sport, the better. Once Katusha and Astana rise to the top then we'll be fine.

How are Garmin and Sky any better than Katusha and Astana?
Jun 13, 2010
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babastooey said:
Is it not a fair topic of discussion?

White just quit his job, when does the other shoe drop on Vaughters, who not only cheated but runs Slipstream with a team full of cheaters (Vandevelde, Zabriskie, Danielson, Millar, Dekker, etc. etc. etc.) while claiming the team is clean as the driven snow.

Or do you not want the sport to be rid of cheaters?

If we rid the sport of all dopers, then 80% of the pro-P would be gone, thus leaving all the non-dopers, and without dope, 80% of them would have to drop out of any GT, thus leaving the remaining 20% truly suspect, thereby keeping Pareto Principle (also known as the 80–20 rule) solidly intact . . . so I am ok with this. Feel free to rip apart my logic.
Screw JV.

The irony and hyposcrisy of him personally going down and firing White several years ago for referring a rider to an outside Dr which he claimed he didn't know wasn't allowed.

Yet, JV was a doper himself?!?! Yeah, well I'm Mr. Team Manager now, although I doped myself right there with LA...you have some nerve buddy to refer a rider to an outside DR for a Vo2 Max test...I know, no reason the team shouldn't have resources available for riders they can see to do this. Odd answer unless.....it was more than just a test, and JV really knows there was doping going on?!?!

Just seems they couldn't have handled that better.

What else about that situation haven't we heard?
Feb 29, 2012
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zigmeister said:
Screw JV.

The irony and hyposcrisy of him personally going down and firing White several years ago for referring a rider to an outside Dr which he claimed he didn't know wasn't allowed.

Yet, JV was a doper himself?!?! Yeah, well I'm Mr. Team Manager now, although I doped myself right there with LA...you have some nerve buddy to refer a rider to an outside DR for a Vo2 Max test...I know, no reason the team shouldn't have resources available for riders they can see to do this. Odd answer unless.....it was more than just a test, and JV really knows there was doping going on?!?!

Just seems they couldn't have handled that better.

What else about that situation haven't we heard?

Have you read Tyler's book? From the very beginning JV questioned the doping at USPS. He quit riding very early because of how he felt about the doping. There was a long standing team rule they could only use team approved doctors, and White knew that De Moral had been part of the USPS doping and referred the rider there anyways; so JV fired him.

White made a mistake and paid for it with his job. JV could have tried to be more forgiving but then it makes the team look like it's ok to break their rules, which is the slippery slope that leads you to what sky had with the doctor they hired after having a "no doping in your past" rule. JV didnt want to take that hit, even if he knew it was only one test. It was a lot better to have the rider drive 400k to see an approved doc than blemish the teams anti doping stance.
Jul 28, 2009
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I just don't get people going all holier than thou over JV. How could it be a surprise to anyone in the clinic that he doped. Thought it was common knowledge myself. The op is just ignorant or some mate of MW muddying the waters.