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How to co-exist with a LA fanboy??

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ImmaculateKadence said:
True. Fair point.

Appeal to authority. You're basing that belief on Asheden's statement. How can we be sure Asheden isn't exaggerating the level of difficulty?

Could you give me a source for this? Not being a smart ***. Perhaps I missed something.

They also had millions of rea$on$ to do so. Or perhaps Lance left them jaded and bitter.

Lance on his forms for the 1999 tour after each test, for two weeks, said that he had nothing to declare as regards a TUE. He also told the press for two weeks the same. Failed the test for the prologue and suddenly he was taking cortisone.

Emma et al made millions from their disclosures!!!:D

So they all made up this stuff...why did Lance not sue them if what they say is lies?
Aug 13, 2009
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ImmaculateKadence said:
Appeal to authority. You're basing that belief on Asheden's statement. How can we be sure Asheden isn't exaggerating the level of difficulty?

I am not basing it on Ashenden, I am basing it on the UCI published process. The samples only have an anonymous number on it, no names. It is impossible to find out who the samples belonged to.

ImmaculateKadence said:
Could you give me a source for this? Not being a smart ***. Perhaps I missed something.

For weeks Armstrong was asked by reporters if he had a TUE, he said no. When he was found positive with the NEW cortisone test they had to come up with an excuse. The USPS team doctor wrote out a back dated TUE to cover it up. Emma O'Reilly was in the room.

ImmaculateKadence said:
They also had millions of rea$on$ to do so. Or perhaps Lance left them jaded and bitter.

Now I know you are joking. Frankie was fired from his DS job for coming clean. Anderson had to move to New Zealand to escape the relentless abuse by Armstrong's followers. Please provide any evidence that these people made millions.
Race Radio said:
I am not basing it on Ashenden, I am basing it on the UCI published process. The samples only have an anonymous number on it, no names. It is impossible to find out who the samples belonged to.

For weeks Armstrong was asked by reporters if he had a TUE, he said no. When he was found positive with the NEW cortisone test they had to come up with an excuse. The USPS team doctor wrote out a back dated TUE to cover it up. Emma O'Reilly was in the room.

Now I know you are joking. Frankie was fired from his DS job for coming clean. Anderson had to move to New Zealand to escape the relentless abuse by Armstrong's followers. Please provide any evidence that these people made millions.

And just as a furtherance, Emma O'Reilly regrets ever teling the truth because of the hassle it has brought her. She lives a completely quiet life far removed from any media contact whatsoever as a physiotherapist. She has also had to deal with the Lance PR machine saying she was a sl**. Something completely refusted by Frankie, Jonathon and others. The reason she told the truth....Marco Pantani dying, se felt something needed to be said.
Mar 17, 2009
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Race Radio said:
I am not basing it on Ashenden, I am basing it on the UCI published process. The samples only have an anonymous number on it, no names. It is impossible to find out who the samples belonged to.

Clearly it is possible because we are talking about it and LA has been implicated. The numbers and names are linked. Who is the holder of that information?

Race Radio said:
Now I know you are joking. Frankie was fired from his DS job for coming clean. Anderson had to move to New Zealand to escape the relentless abuse by Armstrong's followers. Please provide any evidence that these people made millions.

This is pure speculation on your part, yet you state it as fact.
Murray said:
Clearly it is possible because we are talking about it and LA has been implicated. The numbers and names are linked. Who is the holder of that information?

Since you don't know who holds the info, it is obvious that you don't know anything about the sequence of events that revealed that Armstrong tested positive. For most people--even people of only moderate intelligence--not knowing anything about a subject is a good sign to STFU.
Aug 13, 2009
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Murray said:
Clearly it is possible because we are talking about it and LA has been implicated. The numbers and names are linked. Who is the holder of that information?

You really should read the Ashenden interview and the history of the samples as this has been well covered.

When a rider gives a sample they fill out a form. The rider keeps a copy with a random number on it. A copy is given to the UCI, and a sticker with the random number is placed over the sample.

The tests on the 98 and 99 samples were performed and the results sat for a year as there was no way to find out who the positives belonged to as all they had was a list of random numbers.

A reporter asked Lance multiple times if he had a TUE for any cancer therapy drugs during the 1999 Tour, Armstrong said no and to prove it he gave permission to the UCI to release his forms to the reporter as these forms would list any TUE's he had. With the forms the reporter was able to match up the positives.

Murray said:
This is pure speculation on your part, yet you state it as fact.
Frankie lost his job at Toyota United when he testified in the SCA case. Ask anyone connected with the team, with the exception of Sean Tucker, and they will confirm this.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Murray said:
Clearly it is possible because we are talking about it and LA has been implicated. The numbers and names are linked. Who is the holder of that information?

This is pure speculation on your part, yet you state it as fact.

The UCI holds that information - it was LANCE who allowed the UCI to give the French journalist his forms with his numbers on it.
Dr. Maserati said:
The UCI holds that information - it was LANCE who allowed the UCI to give the French journalist his forms with his numbers on it.

Why that is almost as dumb as putting up blood values on your website that indicate that you have been blood doping and then taking them down after people comment on that possibility.:D
May 25, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Since you don't know who holds the info, it is obvious that you don't know anything about the sequence of events that revealed that Armstrong tested positive. For most people--even people of only moderate intelligence--not knowing anything about a subject is a good sign to STFU.

Lol:eek: pwned!
Oct 29, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Since you don't know who holds the info, it is obvious that you don't know anything about the sequence of events that revealed that Armstrong tested positive. For most people--even people of only moderate intelligence--not knowing anything about a subject is a good sign to STFU.

Wow...you could have simply answered the question but opted to sink to that level.

What a pr!ck...

You regurgitate Asheden's interview, appeal to the riduculous by talking about elephants and nazi frogmen, then insult somebody asking a simple question. Perhaps you're the one who knows little of what they are talking about. At least Race Radio and the others handled the discussion with some maturity.

Moving on...
ImmaculateKadence said:
Wow...you could have simply answered the question but opted to sink to that level.

What a pr!ck...

You regurgitate Asheden's interview, appeal to the riduculous by talking about elephants and nazi frogmen, then insult somebody asking a simple question. Perhaps you're the one who knows little of what they are talking about. At least Race Radio and the others handled the discussion with some maturity.

At least I am not an intellectually dishonest douchebag who keeps saying Armstrong's samples could have been spiked but continually in post after post refuses to explain how the lab could have done that when the lab's personel had no knowledge of which sample belonged to which athlete. People keep pointing out that the lab did not know which samples to spike, yet you keep on repeating the big lie as if people will eventually believe it if you repeat it often enough.

You need to pay more attention. I realize that it might be hard for you. It usually is for people of mean or lower intelligence who cannot think for themselves and rely upon propaganda to form their beliefs, but do at least try. I never mentioned Ashenden.

The poster I replied to deserves every bit of the abuse he got. He implied that the lab knew who the samples belonged to but then goes on to reveal that he does not even know who keeps such information. Obviously he does not have a clue about how the testing was done and how it was eventually revealed that the positive samples belonged to Armstrong. At least he can claim ignorance. The only defense you are left with is stupidity.
ImmaculateKadence said:
Wow...you could have simply answered the question but opted to sink to that level.

What a pr!ck...

You regurgitate Asheden's interview, appeal to the riduculous by talking about elephants and nazi frogmen, then insult somebody asking a simple question. Perhaps you're the one who knows little of what they are talking about. At least Race Radio and the others handled the discussion with some maturity.

Moving on...

Yeah, some people get all pi$$y just because somebody in the course of saying he doesn't believe an expert opinion that has been referenced multiple times, proceeds to provide clear proof that he never even read the article in question.
Mar 17, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Since you don't know who holds the info, it is obvious that you don't know anything about the sequence of events that revealed that Armstrong tested positive. For most people--even people of only moderate intelligence--not knowing anything about a subject is a good sign to STFU.

First, thank you to Digger and Dr. Maserati for a reasonable answer to an honest question.

To BroDeal. I don't know why you responded the way you did. If I don't know something, I ask people who do know. That's the way to learn things.
Mar 17, 2009
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Race Radio said:
You really should read the Ashenden interview and the history of the samples as this has been well covered.

Actually, I did read the Ashenden a couple of months ago. Apologies for not re-reading before posting.

So, if someone at the UCI had wanted to, they could have leaked that information to someone at the lab. Therefore it is within the realm of possibility that the lab knew which samples were his.

I am not saying that it occurred only that it is plausible without resorting to Nazi frogmen or aliens. Although it is unlikely, I don't think tampering is as far out there as Ashenden makes it sound.
ImmaculateKadence said:
Hasn't changed. Why?

Samples must have been spiked.
Witnesses have all lied, to make money.
Doping products dumped at the side of the road were planted there.
Blood values - he had diarrhoea (for a week)
He didn't lie about having not having a TUE apparently (although he actually did have one)
He worked with ferrari to get his fat percentages checked.
His team mates testing positive (they must have been jealous of his success, and realised they couldn't do it clean)
His dramatic improvement was due to weight loss (two pounds)
He refuses to criticise dopers because he is such a nice person
His bullying of clean riders (just a coincidence)
Rivals all having doped - well if they were clean, they would have finished about five or six hours down - as we know that EPO can improve performance by 15 to 20 percent. Lance would be having his dinner and they'd still be mid stage.
His DS saying that cyclings problem is that the authorities agreed too readily to blood testing (Lance must be afraid of needles)
His manager on tape accepting that the hospital room took place must be another hospital room incident must have bene drunk)
Stephanie McIllvain on tape talking in private (with no money available for the disclosure) how she heard what was said in hte hospital room, she must have also got the incident mixed up.
The MSN conversation between two former team mates - they were talking about their fantasy cycling team.

There you go...sorted.
Aug 13, 2009
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Murray said:
Actually, I did read the Ashenden a couple of months ago. Apologies for not re-reading before posting.

So, if someone at the UCI had wanted to, they could have leaked that information to someone at the lab. Therefore it is within the realm of possibility that the lab knew which samples were his.

I am not saying that it occurred only that it is plausible without resorting to Nazi frogmen or aliens. Although it is unlikely, I don't think tampering is as far out there as Ashenden makes it sound.

I see, so now the French and the UCI are working together in this great conspiracy to take down Armstrong. That makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:
Murray said:
Actually, I did read the Ashenden a couple of months ago. Apologies for not re-reading before posting.

So, if someone at the UCI had wanted to, they could have leaked that information to someone at the lab. Therefore it is within the realm of possibility that the lab knew which samples were his.

I am not saying that it occurred only that it is plausible without resorting to Nazi frogmen or aliens. Although it is unlikely, I don't think tampering is as far out there as Ashenden makes it sound.

They also leaked Bo Hamburger's details then, because his samples also contained EPO. What did Bo do to deserve that? Strange.....
To IK, as someone who works in education, I genuinely can't understand how intellectually, you can disregard so much evidence. One or two of these things, maybe...but all put together, it defies all logic...The thing you cling to is the lack of a positive A and B, but the presence of EPO makes sh** of this. Also, after 1999, they knew that EPO was risky, and moved to blood doping. Jan Ullrich et al should show you the worthlessness of testing.
Although when he had the chance of doing extra testing with Catlin, he dumped him before it started. Strange for someone with nothing ot hide.


Nov 22, 2009
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Escarabajo said:
OK. We can still be friends. I would just avoid the topic with you.

Try not to hang around the Clinic much because you don't want to hunt unnecessary fights.

Good luck.:)

I stand by my believer passport. There's just no getting through. I, like all of you, probably, deal with Lance fans in real life as well as on fora. It stinks to have to condescend, but sometimes it's best just to pat them on the head, give them a doughnut and tell them to stick closer to church oriented social activities.

(Any FZ fans here?
Oct 29, 2009
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Escarabajo said:
OK. We can still be friends. I would just avoid the topic with you.

Try not to hang around the Clinic much because you don't want to hunt unnecessary fights.

Good luck.:)

Thanks. I typically try to avoid Lance discussions, but sometimes I can't help myself :eek: Maybe one day I'll learn.
Digger said:
They also leaked Bo Hamburger's details then, because his samples also contained EPO. What did Bo do to deserve that? Strange.....
There was a Colombian involved too. Nobody even cared because it was a low profile rider. I don't remember the number but there were quite a few including the Spanish Manuel Beltran. It would have been basically impossible to pick Armstrong samples. You would actually had to know the other riders codes from the UCI and know how much to spike each one. And remember that you would have to do this gradually because there was a perfect doping pattern in Armstrong samples.